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Female | 3

Can my daughter's broken hand be healed if the bone is set?

Sir meri beti ka hath tuta tha lekin wo haddi jut gaya aur hath band he rah gaya

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

The patient's bone may have healed misalignment, which forced her immobilized hand. I would recommend that you take her to an orthopedist who would evaluate her case and accordingly, administer the necessary treatment. 

87 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

I am 21 years old. I have been having a sharp pain in my left shoulder blade for up to four months now

Male | 21

You may have a muscle­ strain in your left shoulder blade. This happe­ns when you use that muscle a lot or have­ poor posture. You may feel sharp pain, e­specially when moving your arm. Try gently stre­tching and putting ice on the area. Do not do things that make­ the pain worse. If it kee­ps bothering you, you might need to se­e a physiotherapist for help.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Doctor, My joints and bones are paining and my leg is swelling that's why I have muscle weakness and so less immunity. I'm working and my job is sitting in the chair the whole day, please tell me what to do?

Female | 22

Muscles would be weakened consequently and immunity to illnesses would be lowered. Set a timer for an hour on your phone and get up to walk or stand each time it goes off. Move them and pump your muscles for better circulation. One of the tips to deal with swelling is to raise your legs while sitting. Besides that have healthy food and drink a lot of water.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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I am 18 years ol girl I have back pain and pain in arms

Female | 18

You're having a hard time with back pain and arm pain. These are signs that may be brought on by factors such as bad posture, heavy bags, or sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long. Don't forget to take a break now and then, stretch, and do some light exercises like yoga which can help alleviate the ache. Additionally, you could use a hot water bottle or take a warm bath for relief. 

Answered on 10th June '24

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Is there orthopedic doctor available or what the fees or is there xray machine

Female | 37

No, it's a physiotherapy clinic. No xray facility available too

Answered on 20th June '24

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I think I broke my ankle/ foot in my rugby game today

Female | 15

A possible foot or ankle­ injury during rugby is concerning. Broken bones ofte­n cause pain, swelling, bruises, and trouble­ moving the affected are­a. If suspecting a break, rest it and apply ice­, avoiding weight on that limb. Seeking prompt me­dical care for an X-ray and proper treatme­nt proves crucial for proper healing. 

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I have an ingrown toenail on the big toes of my left and right leg, and two on the small toes of the left leg. Four in total. I have three questions regarding the same: 1) Will all four toes be operated on the same day? 2) Will it be done under General Anaesthesia? 3) Can I resume a Work from Home job two days after the surgery?I appreciate your time and response. Thank you.

Male | 24

Each toe should be taken care of in separate appointments to prevent complications. The surgery is usually performed with local anesthesia and not general anesthesia. Depending on your pain and comfort levels, you can go back to working from home after 48 hours. Make sure that you follow your doctor's aftercare instructions for a quick recovery.

Answered on 10th June '24

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wrist pain alternating between both wrists, lower back pain, knee pains resembling bruising above the knees and sometimes bruise like pain in the thighs and sharp hip pain all the way to the foot (like a pulled string feeling) - most are often after overuse (phone, walking, sleeping wrong). They don’t always happen at once but sometimes all together. Other discomforts involve stabbing pain inside the foot from under when walking for too long, finger joint pains usually worse the second day after overuse and shoulder and elbow pains after sleeping slightly wrong or overuse. Occasional Tingling/numbness in fingers (I can’t feel my fingers for a few seconds sometimes) and most often stiffness in finger joints occur in the mornings. Occasionally, affected areas exhibit slight redness and warmth. Recently I’ve found that stretching the pained areas helps a lot. General tiredness persists. These symptoms have persisted for nearly a year, fluctuating in severity. There haven't been any major accidents. Tests * anti ds dna is negative * HLA-B27 is negative * Ana is positive — * RF factor negative. * Knee X-Ray shows some cartilage thinning * MRI done: report says Signal loss due to degeneration was observed in the L4-5 disc * vitamin d3 at 28

Female | 24

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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Hip me pin h pichle 25 days se

Male | 34

Seek medical help if you have been having hip pain for more than 25 days. Orthopedist will be the specialist to go in this situation. There could be the need for imaging tests to determine the source of the pain and the best treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the difference between fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica?

Female | 66

Both fibromyalgia and polymyalgia are more common in women than men. Fibromyalgia can occur at any age, but polymyalgia rarely occurs before age 50. The average age of onset is 70. And whereas fibromyalgia is chronic, often lasting a lifetime, polymyalgia usually resolves itself within two years.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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