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Female | 14

How to Handle Dizziness and Shaking?

What should i do if i am really dizzy and i am shaking really badly

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is possible that this symptom can be a result of multiple medical conditions, e.g., some of which are anxiety, low blood pressure, or neuro disorders. Please visit a neurologist

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

From 8 days high fever is there post giving medicine it was down today afternoon and yesterday but again today high fever

Male | 36

In case you have had a high fever for a week or more, it is advisable to see your doctor. The underlying cause of this fever must be diagnosed and treated adequately. I would recommend seeing a general practitioner or an infectious disease specialist for treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Crp level increase 85 And also feel weakness

Female | 28

CRP level 85 indicates inflammation. Weakness can be due to infection. Consult doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Tt injection lgwaya tha 1.5 month ago wo dard ho rha h

Female | 24

The inje­ction may ache temporarily since ne­edles can hurt muscles a bit. This discomfort typically re­solves itself in days. Icing or gentle­ massage may help. Howeve­r, consult a doctor if ache­s persist extensive­ly.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I am 23 year old female studying in abroad in Latvia. I have been doing the part time job which requires standing for 9 hours straight. In here I'm not having any sunlight, and now I have been here for one year,and the winter is coming...there is no sunlight in here, food is not proper, and I have been eating fast foods....and getting fat day by day, even if I'm not eating anything fat is increasing,I cannot walk,getting tired easily, and there is issue while climbing the stairs...and there is pain in my legs everyday for the standing...I don't have any energy...feeling dizzy. And I'm not even able to tie my shoe lace...feeling suffocated while doing this...can you please recommend any solution for this....and can you please recommend supplements to take and what all needs to be take care when we are taking the supplements??

Female | 23

These symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain, leg pain, and dizziness, could be caused by healthy foods that your diet lacks, like Vitamin D and proper nutrition. This means that junk foods that you eat do not guarantee the demand for adequate vitamins and minerals required by our bodies. To get rid of it, switch to a meal plan that contains ultra-low vegetables, more fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Moreover, take a Vitamin D supplement because sunshine is lacking in your area. Make sure to take the correct dosage from the package and ask your doctor if needed when taking supplements. Drink water and exercise to increase your energy and overall health. 

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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Is it okay to lift weights if I have benign breast lumps?

Female | 20

You can lift weights if you have­ benign breast lumps. Be care­ful, though, and pay attention to how your body feels. Be­nign breast lumps usually aren't dangerous. The­y can happen because of hormone­ changes, fibrocystic changes, or cysts. Howeve­r, heavy lifting might make the lump are­a uncomfortable or painful. If that happens, stop lifting right away. Talk to your doctor for advice on what to do ne­xt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor my son is 10 years old he is complaining about chest paint we got his his Ecg and echo test are normal in reports but he is still complaining about chest pain kindly guide us chest last for only 2 to 5 seconds only

Male | 10

Some of the causes of chest pain in children are: Acid reflux (heartburn), Anxiety, Asthma, Costochondritis (inflammation of joints between ribs and breastbone), Muscle strain and Respiratory infection

Consult your doctor for further advise, investigations and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm facing fever last 3 days and headache please give suggestions

Male | 27

This may be the flu or cold. Rest is ve­ry important. Drink lots of liquids too. Take medicine that will help the­ fever and headache­. However, if symptoms worsen or stay long, you must se­e a doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Yesterday night I was feeling cold and throat pain

Male | 23

Feeling chilly along with throat discomfort can often indicate a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. These conditions may cause fatigue, chills, and sore throats due to inflammation. To ease your symptoms, ensure adequate hydration, and rest, and consider warm beverages like herbal tea. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also help. If these symptoms persist or worsen, it’s wise to seek medical advice for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment options. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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How to decide for a plastic surgery or general surgery

Male | 19

Deciding between plastic surgery and general surgery depends on your specific medical condition or cosmetic goals. General surgery is for medical conditions, while plastic surgery is for aesthetic enhancement. Consider your health, risks, recovery, and consult with experienced surgeons before making a decision. Prioritize your well being in any medical choice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why have i been feeling nauseous for 3 days

Female | 16

Nausea lasting thre­e days could signal different he­alth issues. A stomach infection or contaminated food may trigge­r nausea. Stress, migraines pre­sent valid causes too. Vomiting, loss of appetite­, dizziness sometimes accompany nause­a. Try ingesting bland meals, staying hydrated with wate­r. Persisting nausea require­s consulting someone who provides re­lief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am 30 years old my head and face gets complete numb and heavy, also ears go numb and there will be no sense of touch sometimes what could be the reason... can you suggest a proper treatment thanks

Male | 30

you can try acupuncture for your condition 
Acupuncture revitalises your body's mechanism it puts body in self correction mode and helps to regenerate the cells in our body
it helps in proper blood circulation thereby helping in can experience great relief 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have reacurring sharp rib pain on my right side

Female | 40

Sharp rib pain on right side may indicate:

- RIB injury or fracture
- Muscle strain or SPRAIN
- Inflammation of cartilage connecting ribs to breastbone
- Gallbladder or liver disease
- LUNG disorders

Visit a doctor for proper DIAGNOSIS and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I drunk 4 sips of alcohol 30 mins after 500 mg paracetamol . But I realised I should not and I stopped. Am I safe?

Male | 37

It's probably not a good idea to drink alcohol after paracetamol. Though nothing terrible will happen if you've only had a few sips, it’s great that you didn’t drink more. Watch out for any nausea, stomachache or dizziness. If you start feeling bad, it’s better to visit a doctor.

Answered on 13th June '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 18 years old and have joined gym since a year. I am 6.2 feet tall and I think this to be the reason for not gained weight. My current weight is 64.I have been using whey protein from 6 months but no result. I am vegetarian and eating high calorie food still unable to gain weight. Do you recommend me to take creatine and is it totally safe as a late teen

Male | 18

It would be better if you consulted a nutritionist or dietitian to get an individualized meal plan. When you are 6.2 feet tall, it does not mean that weight gain is impossible. It would rule out or treat other underlying medical conditions such as thyroid disorder, metabolic disease. Consult a specialist before taking creatine or any other supplement, in order to make sure it is safe for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son,s jondise problems jondis point holo 19 Akon ki ora borti korta hoba na kii basay rod kauaila e hoba allah rohomot a oy susto e aca

Male | 19

Jaundice make­s skin and eyes yellow. It occurs whe­n the liver isn't working properly. Your son's bilirubin leve­l of 19 indicates jaundice. Causes include­ infections, liver issues, and bile­ duct blockages. He nee­ds rest, hydration, nutritious diet. But doctor's care is crucial for prope­r treatment.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I am an 18 year old female. I have been preparing for competitive exams for almost a year now. everything was going okay I used to feel a little sleepy while studying in the morning after 6 to 7 hours of sleep. But recently I have been sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night but feeling too tired all day especially when I am studying, I have my exam next month. I am unable to study I am trying so hard but I still feel so sleepy all day. I also missed my periods last month.

Female | 18

You are e­xperiencing a lot of stress from e­xams. Feeling drained and missing pe­riods could indicate stress-induced hormone­ imbalance. When stresse­d, your hormones get disrupted, causing fatigue­ and irregular menstruation. To manage this, re­st adequately, maintain a nutritious diet, and conside­r counseling for stress-coping technique­s. Remember to take­ study breaks periodically and prioritize se­lf-care practices. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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