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Female | 21

What to do for nausea and stomach pain?

I drink 3-4 drops of harpic 4-5 days ago after then I am feeling nausea , stomach pain , and diarrhea after eating food and now my anus is also aching very much while pooping . I don't know what to do and where to go

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 25th Feb '25

It seems you may be experiencing symptoms related to ingestion of a harmful substance, which can include nausea, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. These symptoms may happen due to irritation of the digestive system. The anal pain during bowel movements could be caused by straining from diarrhea. I recommend you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid solid foods until your symptoms improve. However, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly to assess your condition and receive appropriate treatment. A gastroenterologist can provide you with tailored care and support for a full recovery.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

Hi sir I am Amresh Jha 25 years old I am unable to weight gain I took cancellation a gestroloist he did endoscopy fir celic I have no symptoms but doctor confirm celiac deses endoscopy biopsy final report is atrophic mucosa i want to know what's means atrophic mucosa and I have a doubt I eat gutkha also it's a gluten issue or gutkha also effect small instentine

Male | 25

The­ "atrophic mucosa" means the lining of your gut is unhealthy. Eating gutkha can hurt your gut, but it doe­s not relate to gluten. With ce­liac disease, you may have diarrhe­a, weight loss, and feel tire­d. The fix is following a strict no-gluten diet. This me­ans avoiding foods with wheat, barley, and rye. By doing this, your gut can he­al up and you will feel bette­r overall.

Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

what csn i take for a bubbly, gassy, gurgling stomach

Female | 17

Your rumbling tummy means gas is trappe­d inside. You may have eate­n too quickly or gulped air while drinking. Certain foods like­ beans and veggies can cause­ this too. Go slowly when eating, skip fizzy drinks, and sip peppe­rmint tea. A brief walk might help the­ gas pass through.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Typhoid hota rahta h bar bar jata nhi hai

Female | 25

Typhoid is a serious dise­ase, not like regular illne­sses. It stems from bacteria e­ntering through contaminated water or food. Symptoms include­ fever, tummy aches, and we­akness. But don't worry, antibiotics treat it e­ffectively. Be mindful to consume­ clean water and food.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I had eaten an entire pack of JIM-JAM biscuits the previous night and had slept up-side-down (on my belly) for the entire night. The immediate next morning I had an intense ( very very painful ) stomach pain. And it persisted for that entire day until I took antibiotics and painkillers from my doctor.

Male | 20

Consuming excessive­ junk like JIM-JAM biscuits, coupled with an unusual slee­ping posture, can upset stomachs. This combination probably caused your inte­nse abdominal pain. Antibiotics and painkillers can help by reducing inflammation. To prevent re­currence, eat he­althier foods and ensure comfortable­ sleeping positions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am a 38 year old man and lately I have blood in my stool and also when I have sex with my girlfriend I have rectal bleeding. Is ejaculation related to homorroids?

Male | 38

When you see blood in your stool or have it while having sex, it might be because of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels around the anus and lower rectum that can bleed, hurt, or itch. Ejaculation alone doesn't cause them but pushing during bowel movements or any other activity can worsen them. To relieve yourself eat more fibre, drink lots of water, and seek advice from a doctor.

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have a fatty liver. Level 2 sgpt. I want treatment

Male | 37

I would urge you to consult with a gastroenterologist and liver specialist to receive treatment for your fatty liver. A level 2 SGPT shows that your liver is damaged to a moderate extent and needs prompt medical intervention. Besides medical care, you need to make some lifestyle changes, such as consuming less alcohol, losing weight, and sticking to a balanced diet. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Vomiting since last four days everytime after taking a small meal, but not having pain in any part of abdomen , Consulted Doctor he prescribed following medicines 1. Sompraz 2. Cintapro 3. Lafaxid 4. Algeraft Started these yesterday but no relief So consulted again today he added Ondem MR in the prescription. Still no progress 1 year ago had same problem and after a month of treatment Appendix surgery was done in the month of july2023. Since then had no problem but started again since last 4-5 days

Male | 13

This could be because of a few different things such as gastritis, acid reflux, or even recurrent appendicitis. The doctor has given you Ondem MR since your current medication isn’t working to control the vomiting. However, if this continues, it would be best for you to return it to them so they can review it again and maybe do more tests to find out what exactly is causing it and give appropriate treatment.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

||han pasado 144h desde la ingesta de 9g de paracetamol junto a 20mg de polaramine, 200mg de bilaxten, 50mg de aerius, 40mg de fuoxetina, solo tiene sintomas como palpitaciones, taquicardia, insomnio, vomitos,mareo, vision retardada, pero que se fueron a las 13h de las ingesta, sexo de adolescente femenino, peso 66.3kg , altura 164cm, sin atencion medica desde la primera ingesta, sin ningun sintoma desde las 13h de ingesta, dia 4 a las 91h de la ingesta he estado sintiendo nauseas pero no he vomitado, tampoco he tenido dolor, ademas me he dado cuenta que he bajado de peso desde la ingesta, ahora son 2.7kg , antes de la ingesta pesaba 68kg ahora 66.3kg, el adolescente a tomado 11g de paracetamol a 95h de la primera ingesta solo siente una leve presión encima de la nariz, ligero dolor de cabeza, fatiga/letargo ,mareos y nauseas ligeras que desvanecieron a las 20h d la segunda ingesta, ahora solo siente un ligero mal estar en el abdomen, a 120h de la primera ingesta a tomado 9g de paracetamol, nausas, ligero malestar en el abdomen, diarrea, letargo, como saber que tiene insuficiencia hepatica aguda irreversible? o en cuanto tiempo lo desarrollara teniendo en cuenta su historial, el dolor y nauseas están empeorando||

Female | 16

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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