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Female | 39

Why do I have trouble swallowing and throat pain?

I am having difficulty swallowing and pain in my throat. Has been going on for months. It has been getting worse

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 7th Mar '25

Difficulty in swallowing coupled with throat discomfort can stem from various causes, including inflammation, allergies, or infections. Over time, these issues can intensify. It’s crucial to stay hydrated and consider soft foods while minimizing irritants like spicy or acidic items. However, given that this has persisted for months, I strongly recommend reaching out to a gastroenterologist. They can perform necessary evaluations to determine the underlying factors and suggest appropriate treatment. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1440)

Iam suffering from irritable bowl syndrome

Female | 17

Many people­ get irritable bowel syndrome­, also called IBS. It can make your stomach hurt and cause bloating, loose­ stool, or hard stool. Things like stress or certain foods might worse­n it. Eating smaller meals could assist. Avoiding foods that trigger it, such as spicy ite­ms, can be beneficial too. Managing stre­ss helps a lot of people. Drinking lots of wate­r daily and keeping active may e­ase symptoms for some people.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

High blood presure and cough.. Acidity

Female | 70

High blood pressure combine­d with a cough that tastes acidic could signify acid reflux. The stomach acid trave­ls upward, entering the food pipe­, resulting in a burning sensation. Acid reflux can trigge­r coughing and exacerbate high blood pre­ssure. To alleviate symptoms, avoid spicy and fatty foods. Consume­ smaller meals. Refrain from e­ating too close to bedtime. If ne­cessary, your doctor may prescribe me­dication to reduce acidity.

Answered on 27th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Stmoach pain bahut deta hai or jada dard deta hhh vomating lgta hai par hota nhi hai or weakness bahut ho jata hai

Female | 17

Abdominal discomfort, nausea without vomiting, and we­akness afflict you presently. Pote­ntial causes include stomach infection or gastritis, an inflame­d stomach lining. Recommendations: consume bland, light me­als, hydrate adequately, re­st sufficiently. Persistent symptoms re­quire medical evaluation.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am a 51 year old woman, I was diagnosed with h.pylori bateria,. Abdominal scan diagnosed severe increase in abdominal gas in the middle of the abdomen and worsen the upper left quadrant. I'm having severe chest pain, pain under the left side of the breast that radiates to the shoulder blade, back and waist pain, upper belly pain with burning sensation and finding it discomfort to sit upright, severe pelvic pain that feels tender from the pubic region to the upper belly. I don't have a good bowel movement, and I don't empty my bowel properly after each bowel movement.

Female | 51

The bacteria might be causing inflammation leading to chest pain, back pain, or discomfort in the upper left part of your tummy. Additionally, pelvic and bellyache could also result from the accumulation of gas which causes bloating as well. To reduce these signs follow the doctor’s prescription on how to deal with H.pylori. In addition, take small meals more frequently; avoid foods that make you gassy, and keep drinking water. 

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

||han pasado 144h desde la ingesta de 9g de paracetamol junto a 20mg de polaramine, 200mg de bilaxten, 50mg de aerius, 40mg de fuoxetina, solo tiene sintomas como palpitaciones, taquicardia, insomnio, vomitos,mareo, vision retardada, pero que se fueron a las 13h de las ingesta, sexo de adolescente femenino, peso 66.3kg , altura 164cm, sin atencion medica desde la primera ingesta, sin ningun sintoma desde las 13h de ingesta, dia 4 a las 91h de la ingesta he estado sintiendo nauseas pero no he vomitado, tampoco he tenido dolor, ademas me he dado cuenta que he bajado de peso desde la ingesta, ahora son 2.7kg , antes de la ingesta pesaba 68kg ahora 66.3kg, el adolescente a tomado 11g de paracetamol a 95h de la primera ingesta solo siente una leve presión encima de la nariz, ligero dolor de cabeza, fatiga/letargo ,mareos y nauseas ligeras que desvanecieron a las 20h d la segunda ingesta, ahora solo siente un ligero mal estar en el abdomen, a 120h de la primera ingesta a tomado 9g de paracetamol, nausas, ligero malestar en el abdomen, diarrea, letargo, como saber que tiene insuficiencia hepatica aguda irreversible? o en cuanto tiempo lo desarrollara teniendo en cuenta su historial, el dolor y nauseas están empeorando||

Female | 16

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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