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Female | 24

Why is my gestation age different from LMP?

Why is my LMP gestation is 38 weeks 4 days and gestation age by BPD /FL is 34 weeks

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

The Last Menstrual Period (LMP) calculates gestation from the start of your last period, while gestational age by Biparietal Diameter (BPD) or Femur Length (FL) measures the baby's size. The difference in weeks might be due to variations in fetal growth rates. Your obstetrician can provide more insight and guidance based on these measurements. It's always best to consult them for a clearer understanding of your pregnancy progress.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I had an unprotected vaginal sex on November 25th 2023 and my last periods started on 5th of November 2023. I have regular periods and today is my due date. Is there any chances for pregnancy?

Female | 21

YES, there's A CHANCE of PREGNANCY as SPERM can survive for 5 DAYS.. It's recommended to take a pregnancy test if you MISS your PERIOD... 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m 42 and I haven’t had a period in 3 months and the 3 before were lighter shorter but very crampy . 12 months ago I was having heavier, longer and more painful periods. I had an ultrasound, an internal ultrasound and a Pap test which all showed everything is normal. Recently I saw an OB GYN. I asked if I could be perimenopausal. She asked if I get hot flashes and when I said no she basically brushed off the question. I don’t get hot flashes and know that not always a symptom. I do have more facial hair, mood swings, sleep problems, night sweats and obviously irregular periods. She did a biopsy of my uterine lining. She did not ask if there was any possibility that I could be pregnant first. I am most likely not as my boyfriend has retrograde ejaculation and does not ejaculate when he orgasm. Her solution was to put in an IUD which I have not had done as of yet the appointment to do so is coming up. I understand that IUDs can lessen painful heavy periods that can occur before menopause. But as I am not having periods or any signs of a period would there be any benefit to this? I have heard many horror stories of IUDs and I’m just trying to make a good decision.

Female | 42

According to your symptoms, you are most likely having perimenopause. Women are told that menopause is only certain and official after 12 consecutive months without menstruating. It is suggested that you have a discussion with a gynecologist in regard to your symptoms and worries. They can make the decision for you whether an IUD will be suitable for you

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 19 year old female and I had unprotected sex on 27 April for the first time and within 45 min I took the unwanted 72 periods are delayed about 3 days....when will my periods come ???

Female | 19

Sometimes taking emergency contraceptive pills like Unwanted 72 can make your period come late, this is normal. Anxiety and stress also play a role in postponing periods. Give your period a week or more, it should show up. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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After 45days of no periods, I had my USG that suggested PCOD with both ovaries bulky then I started on Deviry, after consulting a doctor. 2days prior to the start of medication I was involved in a protected sex for once. Now it's been 4days since last dose of Deviry, but still no periods. Is there any possibility that I might get pregnant? Please do reply

Female | 30

After taking deviry tablet to get periods you have to give at least 12to 15days for withdrawal bleed. As you had protected sex just once chances of pregnancy is less.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm missing my period for two days should I take pregency test

Female | 30

Missing your period for two days is not necessarily an indication of pregnancy. But if you are sexually active and have missed your period, taking a pregnancy test is a good idea. Otherwise consult with a gynecologist or obstetrician for further evaluation and guidance on how to proceed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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