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Female | 50

What does cholelithiasis with gall bladder mass signify?

My mother under went ultrasound scan of abdomen and Pelvis, Here are the findings Cholelithiasis with Gall Bladder Mass: The presence of multiple gallstones and a mass almost completely filling the gall bladder lumen requires further evaluation with a CECT abdomen. Possible Metastatic Lymph Node: The lesion near the porta hepatis could be a metastatic lymph node, warranting further clinical and lab correlation. Need to know what does that mean

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 4th June '24

Your mum may have gallstones and a growth in her gallbladder according to the results of the ultrasound. Gallstones can cause pain in the upper abdomen or back, nausea, and vomiting. The mass in the gallbladder needs further investigation so another scan should be done. Also, the possible lymph node near the liver area might need more testing to know what it is. Your mum needs to see her doctor again and talk about what to do next as well as the treatment options for these things.

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Consult Dr. Samrat Jankar

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Male | 18

Why is my right ear red and hot?

Hello I am 18 years old I have a problem in my right ear, whenever temperature rises or, I put my ear on pillow during sleeping my ear becomes extreme red and I feel very hot in my ear ,before 2 years I have a fungal infection on my ear,and since that time I have taken many iteraconazole capsules and luliconazole cream, my fungal infection gone but my ear redness is still there, I feel very uncomfortable due to this redness and hot ear please help me

1 Answer

Answered on 4th June '24

You might have an inflammation in your right ear. This could be due to the previous fungal infection. The redness and heat you feel could be the result of your body reacting to the irritation. I advise that you see an ENT specialist so that they can check your ear and give you the right treatment. 

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Female | 27

Is 40-week pregnant with blood discharge feeling cramping?

Am 40 weeks pg,on saturday I saw discharge with a drop of blood then later had strong braxton hicks until around 1am which disappeared until yesterday 4pm, I've seen brownish little discharge from time to time since then with little cramping, am I okay

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 4th June '24

Maybe you’re having some symptoms that suggest your body might be getting prepared for delivery. The blood drop could occur because your cervix is beginning to open. A brownish discharge along with cramps are normal as well since this means that your body is readying itself for birth. Make sure you rest, drink plenty of water, and watch the cramps. If you start feeling worried or cramping gets worse don’t hesitate to contact a gynecologist.

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Consult Dr. Himali Patel

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Female | 19

Why did I miss period after negative pregnancy test?

I have two times of period last march and then for april until now i missed my periods, i also take some pregnancy test and it says negative, what happened why i missed my period?

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 4th June '24

It’s normal to miss a period even if the pregnancy test says negative. Being nervous or having hormonal issues can make people miss their periods. Have you been under pressure lately or gained or lost some weight? If you have, that might be why you didn’t get your period. I would suggest that you keep an eye on your symptoms and go see a gynecologist if this continues to happen to you.

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Male | 32

Answered on 4th June '24

It could be because you’re stressed, anxious, tired, or having blood circulation problems. Smoking, being overweight, or taking some medications could also cause this. To deal with it, try to relax more often, sleep well every night, stay fit and healthy, and don’t smoke. If none of these works for you, talk to your urologist about what could help.

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Female | 21

Why Am I Vomiting with Missed Period?

Iam 21 years old..from two to three days i sufer from vomiting sensation and discomfort...i missed my period last three days before

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Answered on 4th June '24

If you are ill and have skipped your period then it could be gastritis. Your stomach becomes inflamed which can make you feel sick as well as giving discomfort. You should eat small boring meals while drinking ginger tea slowly if you want relief. Keep yourself hydrated too. In case the signs persist, seeking further advice from a gynecologist is recommended. 

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Consult Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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Male | 16

Why won't my bumps at the base of my head heal after a year?

I have some bumps from the buttom of head Since 1+year . These are not recovering and not reducing.

1 Answer

Answered on 4th June '24

These bumps could be a result of a skin condition called folliculitis which occurs when hair follicles are inflamed. To help reduce them, apply warm compresses on the affected area and avoid wearing tight clothing around your head. If they persist, it is important to go see a dermatologist for further assessment and treatment.

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Male | 21

Chest and Left Hand Pain Improve since 4 Days

Chest and left hand pain in 4 days

1 Answer

Answered on 4th June '24

This might be because of a heart problem. Symptoms such as discomfort in the chest, pain that goes to the left arm, shortness of breath, and sweating are worrying. It is important to see a cardiologist right away. These signs could mean that someone is having a heart attack which needs to be treated immediately to avoid serious complications.

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Female | 33

What are the itchy water-filled spots on my hands?

Hello my name is miss kelly ann miller please can you tell me what I have i live in london united kindom but I have been living in romania for 1 year about a week ago i have gathered a rash mostly on my hands which look like small spots with water in them and is very itchy at times can you tell me what it is

1 Answer

Answered on 4th June '24

You may have a condition called eczema. Eczema can cause red, itchy patches with small water-filled blisters, especially on the hands. Switching to a new living environment can sometimes lead to skin reactions. Use a mild moisturizer, avoid harsh soaps, and wear gloves for hand protection. If the rash does not improve, it is important to consult a dermatologist for further assistance.

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Female | 19

Why am I experiencing irregular periods and abdominal pain?

I'm 19 yrs old.. previously patient of hyperthyroidism from past 2 yrs.. Now having multiple symptoms like.. sudden lower abdomen pain any of the day, periods happening twice a month , gap between 2 cycle lasts only 10-12 days, bleeding also for 7-8 days... Belly fat increased, tired all day, sometimes severe itching in labia's

1 Answer
Dr. Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 3rd June '24

The symptoms you have mentioned are caused by hyperthyroidism. These imbalances can affect your period too and result in what you explained. You need to talk to a doctor about these signs so that they can suggest treatment plans and also ensure that your levels of thyroid are being properly taken care of.

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Female | 27

What medicine helps with dizziness, muscle strain, headache?

I feel dizziness n muscle strain Little bit headache what medicine is good

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Answered on 3rd June '24

It seems like you’re not doing very well. Dizziness, muscle tension, and a small headache can result from several things. It may be that you’re dehydrated or stressed out. To alleviate this, try taking a break, drinking some water, and doing light exercises. In case your condition doesn’t improve or becomes worse, it would be best to consult a neurologist for proper medical advice.

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Male | Kasam venu gopal

Why Am I Only Sweating on One Side?

Sir my name is venu gopal and I am 26 years old sir I am sweating only one side of my face and hands what is the reason sir

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd June '24

Sweating excessively on one side of your face and one hand may be due to Frey’s syndrome, which is a condition that develops as a result of damaged nerves from surgery or injury. The key sign is sweating when you eat or see food. You can try antiperspirants or medication, and if necessary, have botox injections. Don’t forget to drink water and avoid spicy foods too often.

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Male | 16

Am I suffering from IBS due to bloating?

I have been suffering from blaoting and constipation from past 1 to 2 years. When I bloats white sticky substance comes out . I don't know whether I am suffering from ibs or what. The reason was that I was not drinking water from 7 to 8 months. Pls help me doctor

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 3rd June '24

You might have bloating and constipation, which are common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The white sticky stuff might be mucus, a condition that comes with IBS. Failure to drink enough water can worsen these signs. It is advisable to take more water, eat foods with high fiber content, and avoid triggers such as spicy or fatty foods. Moreover, stress management is crucial alongside regular exercise. Should they persist seek further diagnosis and advice from a gastroenterologist.

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Consult Dr. Samrat Jankar

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Female | 18

Why am I experiencing severe headaches, throat swelling, and vomiting?

For the past 3 weeks now maybe longer I’ve been experiencing severe headaches. I ended up going to hospital for a head CT but they never did one and just put it down to stress which I know it’s not the case there’s definitely something wrong. I returned to work yesterday and was completely fine until I woke up this morning with a severe headache again and in pain all over. My throat has swelled up and I’ve been vomiting all day. I’ve taken codeine that has eased the pain a bit. I just don’t know what to do or what could be causing this. My GP has been no help either and I can’t continue risking taking anymore time off work

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd June '24

Having severe headaches, throwing up, swelling of the throat, and general body weakness is odd. It could be an indication of a serious problem that needs immediate attention. You should see a doctor who will carry out proper examinations and tests to establish the root cause. If possible, think about getting a second opinion without any delay.

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Consult Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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Female | 22

Can Taking i-Pill Twice Monthly Harm Me?

Does taking an ipill twice a month causes a problem?

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd June '24

It is not advisable to take emergency contraceptive pills frequently within a month such as iPill. When taken many times, these pills can lead to hormonal imbalances in the body. Symptoms of this may be irregular menstrual cycles, nausea and headaches. Regular birth control methods should be used to avoid having to use emergency contraception. If one frequently requires for this kind of contraception, it would be wise to consult with a gynecologist on better birth control.

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