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Female | 19

Могу ли я избежать беременности с СПКЯ, используя левоноргестрел?

Здравствуйте, мне 19 лет, у меня синдром поликистозных яичников, менструации не было уже 4 месяца. 6 дней назад у меня был незащищенный секс, а 24 часа спустя (5 дней назад) я принял Навела левоноргестрел 1,5 мг, после приема через день (4 дня назад) у меня снова был незащищенный секс, и я приняла вторую дозу после второго секса (3 дня назад), и у меня были побочные эффекты, такие как вздутие живота, рвота, настроение качается, и мои ягодицы или нижняя часть живота немного больше размера сегодня у меня снова был незащищенный секс, и присутствовала преякулят, я уже приняла две дозы на этой неделе и не знаю, что мне делать, я беспокоюсь, есть ли вероятность того, что я забеременею? Учитывая все детали, у меня есть ПКС и нет менструации уже 4 месяца? Какова вероятность беременности Какие решения мне следует предпринять, чтобы избежать беременности во всех отношениях? Потому что я волнуюсь, что принимать левоноргестрел в третий раз будет опасно и поможет ли это в любом случае? Можете ли вы мне помочь? Спасибо

Доктор Нисарг Патель

Социальный акушер и гинеколог

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Ваша история синдрома поликистозных яичников и нерегулярных менструаций может вызвать некоторые сомнения относительно ваших шансов забеременеть, однако, если у вас был незащищенный секс, шансы забеременеть все еще возможны. Это здорово, что вы приняли таблетку, принимаемую на следующее утро, но тот факт, что вы принимаете ее несколько раз так близко друг к другу, может привести к побочным эффектам и, возможно, она будет не такой эффективной. Идеальный способ избежать беременности – использовать обычные методы контроля рождаемости, такие как таблетки или презервативы. Обсуждаем сгинекологнеобходим для поиска наилучшего решения вашей ситуации. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)

I missed my period recently bt I didn’t had any sexual activities. Am I gonna be okay? When Can I possibly get my period again? Is there anything that I can do to get it Again?

Female | 18

It is quite normal to have a slip in the monthly cycle even if you didn’t get involved in any sexual activity. Stress, drastic weight changes, or changes in your daily schedule can affect your period. If the missed period is the only symptom you are experiencing, everything is probably okay. Your periods should return in a few weeks without any intervention. You need to take it easy and eat a balanced diet; also do some physical exercises and ensure to get enough sleep.

Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi, is tube tight recommendable ? I already have two kids , now my husband & I don't want to have a kid anymore . Is there any method apart from tube tight if tube tight is not successful ?

Female | 39

In case couples choose to have no further children, then, "tubal ligation" which is commonly known as tube tying, is the most suitable approach to use. This process is successful and risk-free. However, when tubal ligation cannot occur maybe probably or fails, then, your partner can opt for vasectomy. Vasectomy is a brief surgical procedure that blocks the sperm from reaching into the semen hence no chances of causing pregnancy to a woman. After either of these two techniques has been done, none of them can be turned back to its normal state, so make up your mind about them wisely.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Aoa mjy 2 3 mah s periods nai ho or dr kh ri hay k pait m pani tahali hay m kia kro jo yh htm ho jay m bht preshan ho mdcn s b frk nai pr ra

Female | 22

Not having pe­riods for 2-3 months and feeling bloated may se­em concerning. This situation could result from hormonal fluctuations, stre­ssful circumstances, thyroid-related issue­s, or other underlying causes. Se­eking medical assessme­nt is crucial to identify the root factor. Meanwhile­, adopting stress-reducing practices, maintaining a nutritious die­tary regimen, and ensuring ade­quate hydration may help your menstrual cycle­ regulation. 

Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I noticed that I was pregnant so I took the first abortion pills and still have the pregnancy symptoms and am feeling something inside my Belle

Female | 29

You should contact your gynecologist for a medical examination at your earliest convenience. Self-administration of the abortion pills could be incomplete and create several complications. The sensation that you have in your belly may be a result of an incomplete termination or some other medical disease. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

which tablet should take to get periods. if not pregnant.

Female | 27

I would not recommend taking any pill to bring on periods without first consulting with a gynecologist. Irregular periods may signal other health complications, and without proper assessment taking medication can only make things worse. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Tpha positive case in due to baby birth

Female | 25

A TPHA positive re­sult at birth signifies potential syphilis infection in the­ mother. This bacterial infection ofte­n lacks noticeable symptoms, though rashes, fe­vers, and swollen lymph nodes may occur. If untre­ated, syphilis risks harming the baby, leading to se­vere complications. Howeve­r, antibiotic treatment can effe­ctively cure both mother and child. Se­eking prompt medical attention is crucial for prope­r diagnosis and care.

Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

something is wrong with my vagina

Female | 16

If you have any kind of discomfort or abnormal symptoms in your vaginal areas, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

i have been having white vaginal discharge for past 2-3 days and my period is due for this week ali though i have pcos. i had sex while using a condom and then it was also withdrawn about 3 weeks back . i am really really worried about pregnancy because i read that this could be a sign although i experience this kind of discharge before every menstruation

Female | 21

The reason for this is that before a period begins, a discharge of this nature is usually a result of hormonal changes. If you have been using protection during intercourse, then do not worry too much it is not always a sign of being pregnant. But if you are still worried, take a pregnancy test just to be sure everything is okay. 

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

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