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Female | 29

Нормальны ли кровянистые выделения на Кримсон 35 при лечении СПКЯ?

Привет, У меня диагностировали СПКЯ, мне прописали таблетки Кримсон 35. С тех пор, как я начала принимать лекарство, у меня начались легкие менструации через 21 день, а следующие менструации через 14 дней. Прошло уже 14 дней с момента появления пятен. Когда я обратилась к врачу, он сказал, что такие выделения - это нормально, они скоро исчезнут. Я теряю терпение. Что я должен делать? Должен ли я прекратить прием лекарства?

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Пятна могут быть результатом привыкания вашего организма к лекарству. Ни при каких обстоятельствах вы не должны прекращать прием таблеток, которые вам прописал врач. Пятнистость постепенно исчезнет сама собой через некоторое время. Если ситуация ухудшится или не улучшится, обратитесь к своемугинекологдля получения дополнительной помощи. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

Reason for brown discharge and missed periods

Female | 23

The common causes of brown discharge and missed periods are pregnancy, PCOS, thyroid conditions as well as infections. A gynecologist or an obstetrician should be consulted for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Im facing weak urine stream sometimes i push to urinate? Pain near pevis im 35 days pregnant

Female | 23

Experiencing a weak urine stream, the need to push to urinate, and pelvic pain during pregnancy could have various causes.. Hormonal changes and pregnancy can also affect the urinary system, but these symptoms might also indicate other issues. Get medical attention to ensure your well being and address any concerns during pregnancy. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I began taking the contraceptive pill Hana on 8th June before my period has started and wanted to know how long before I am protected

Female | 31

When you start taking the contraceptive pill, there’s something you should know: it won’t protect you right away. It takes about seven days to start working. While you’re waiting for it to kick in, make sure to use an extra form of protection such as condoms so that pregnancy doesn’t occur. Some people may get mild side effects like headaches or feeling sick when they first try this type of birth control but these usually go away with time if taken properly. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I’m 26 weeks pregnant is it normal for me to just feel movement near the end of the day or should I worry?

Female | 19

Feeling movements later in the day at 26 weeks can be normal. As your baby grows, you might notice more regular patterns of movement. However, if you're concerned about changes talk to your gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Free Question Query : I am 32 years old male and not having kids. I have hypertension of 140/100. I have got my other tests done like FSH TSH,LH,PRL and others all are normal but my semen analysis report on Feb 1st is attached, could you please check and let me know if there is any problem. I am trying for kids from past 1.5 years but no luck, taking fertisure tablet as well and going for regular exercise with protein intake. We have sex atleast 3 times in a week especially during ovulation time. 5 days after period until 5 days before next period. She gets her periods on time. Please help!!

Male | 31

The semen analysis report shows that there are some abnormalities in sperm count, motility and morphology. These effects might be responsible for the problems in fertility. It is advised to see a urologist or andrologist for further assessement and treatment. They can give suitable advice and treatment that may improve the odds for having a baby.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Good afternoon doctor,my message might be a lengthy one so sorry about it…,I had my last menstruation on the 19th of Jan and ended on 22nd of jan. On the 3rd of this month I went to my fiance place and we started humping each other with clothes on then after that he cummed in my mouth and we continue then I off my trouser and was only in my panties and we comtinue,he's naked then, after that he tried penetrating but I am a virgin and he was unable to so,after that I started getting scared that what if when he tried to penetrate a sperm has slipped in and might lead to pregnancy. I've been having a nervous breakdown since the day and feeling anxious and scared a lot that what if I get pregnant,since that I've been feeling a little nauseated and that also double my fears but doctor,can someone gets pregnant in 4/5 days and the symptoms will be showing or it's my anxiety that causes it,I drank ginger tea like 3 times after getting,can I be pregnant with him cumming inside my mouth and then 10 minutes after he tried penetrating or I shd relax…. I have malaria and I haven't treated myself but I don't know if me feeling nauseated slightly is malaria or pregnancy,the nauseous feeling is so mild that sometimes I think it's just in my head and there's no nauseous feeling. I'm so tired and stressed about it and my anxiety is back feeling so scared and not knowing what to do or expect. And ‘what if’ is what's killing me now that what if a sperm has leaked in tho,he said there's no sperm but precum

Female | 23

The like­lihood of pregnancy in your situation is minimal. Pregnancy indicators manifest gradually, not within a me­re 4-5 days. The mild nausea could ste­m from anxiety or even malaria. Se­eking medical attention for prope­r diagnosis and treatment of potential malaria is crucial.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

What is the difference between postinor 2 bleeding and implantation bleeding?

Female | 19

Postinor 2 menstrual bleeding is a common secondary pro-ecpemption reaction associated with emergency contraceptive use, which is usually heavier that implantation bleeds. An implantation bleeding is when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and it usually appears as light pink or brown spotting. In case of any abnormal bleeding, one should consult a gynecologist for medical consultation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

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