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Female | 23

Почему у меня белая метка возле отверстия влагалища?

Мне 23 года, женщина, у меня белая отметина на коже входа во влагалище, зуда нет, боли нет.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Это может быть распространенное заболевание, известное как пятна Фордайса. Это небольшие, совершенно безобидные пятна, которые могут появиться в области половых органов. Они обычно безболезненны и не вызывают зуда. Пятна Фордайса — это всего лишь сальные железы, и они не являются поводом для беспокойства. Если вы волнуетесь, всегда полезно поговорить сгинеколог. Просто держите его под наблюдением, и если что-то изменится или у вас появятся новые симптомы, пройдите обследование.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

My wife is at 39th week 3 days and baby weight is 3.7 kgs and doctor ask to come for admission after 2 days. She is afraid of Having Large Baby.

Female | 33

Feeling anxious is unde­rstandable, yet you're doing we­ll! A baby weighing 3.7 kilograms at 39 weeks isn't worrisome­. Larger babies might make de­livery slightly challenging. Howeve­r, your doctor closely monitors the situation. The sugge­sted admission aims to ensure a smooth birthing proce­ss. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi, i am a 22 year old female experiencing cramps and nausea after finishing a period. is this normal. the pain has been going for 5 days already, what can i do

Female | 22

Cramps and nausea post-period normal but not for long Pain for 5 days indicates underlying issue Consult doctor for diagnosis and treatment....

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Does primolut nor tablet course miscarriage ?

Female | 35

Primolut Nor Tablet cannot cause a miscarriage.. It is primarily used for menstrual irregularities and endometriosis.. However, it may cause some side effects like NAUSEA, headache, and irregular bleeding. Consult your doctor before taking any medication. 
Remember to always take caution with medication..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Rishikesh Pai

Dr. Rishikesh Pai

Doctor I have missed my periods today is my periods date I have 4 months baby

Female | 21

Missing periods while breastfeeding is common Nothing to woRRy about that and wait for a few days. Then if you want you can consult an gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

I am 31yrs old female. My last period was on 3rd Feb which last till 7th Feb. I got married on 22nd Feb and also had unprotected intercourse on regular basis. But I haven't got any pregnancy symptoms till now.

Female | 31

It's normal not to have any pregnancy signs initially. Symptoms typically appear a few weeks after conception, such as a missed period, fatigue, and nausea. Missing your period this month might indicate pregnancy, but not everyone experiences early symptoms. The most reliable way to confirm is by taking a pregnancy test. A brief wait and a quick test will give you a clear answer.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Mastrubate on uppeelips of vagina not in vagina Can this cause any nerve damage? And can the hymen be broken only by masturbating on the upper lips? Only use finger.leaving me masturbating It's been almost 2 years .so now i'm married So, will masturbation have any effect on my married life??Will my body be repaired in 2 years? And masturbation does not cause infertility issues. ???

Female | 22

Masturbating on the outer part of the vagina, the upper lips do not cause nerve damage or break the hymen. Masturbation is a normal and safe activity that does not interfere with your marriage or fertility. The body naturally heals itself, so any leftovers from old habits should not be a concern for you now. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

In pregnancy unripe papaya is safe ??? On which week unripe papaya is safe

Female | 19

Papaya has enzymes that can lead to contractions in the uterus, which can cause risks for pregnant women. Although ripe papaya is usually safe when eaten in small amounts, green papaya should be avoided. Having unripe papaya can thus lead to contractions and may eventually lead to some complications. It's best to opt for the fruits known to be safe during pregnancy instead of risking your health with other fruits.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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