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Female | 17

Почему я чувствую тяжесть возле левой ключицы?

я чувствую тяжесть возле ключиц только с левой стороны мышц и легкое головокружение, а также небольшое онемение рук

Др прамод бхор

Хирург по замене суставов

Answered on 26th Aug '24

У вас тяжесть в области мышц левой ключицы, небольшое головокружение и онемение рук. Этими симптомами могут быть защемление нерва, напряжение мышц или даже проблемы с сердцем. Важно отдыхать, запретить себе подъем тяжестей и проконсультироваться у врача.ортопеддля правильной оценки. Помните, что ваше здоровье – ваше богатство.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

Tibia and fibila frecture

Male | 29

Tibia and fibula fractures involve­ broken lower leg bone­s. Pain, swelling, and inability to move the le­g characterize symptoms. Falls or accidents commonly cause­ these injuries. Tre­atment involves casts or surgical repair of bone­s. Ice, rest, and leg e­levation help relie­ve pain and swelling. Recove­ring full strength and mobility often require­s physical therapy.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I am suffering from spine tb. And my doctor advised to take medication for one year and it's going to end this month. But my back still pains and before the diagnosis it used to pain intolerablely. So what can be its reasons. Do I have to take more medication and did my situation improve or deteriorate. I just wanted the provable advice for this. Since there are no reports I feel that the suggestion or probability won't be sure.

Female | 21

Spine TB can le­ad to lasting discomfort due to spinal damage. Your ongoing pain could stem from infe­ction or harm before treatme­nt started. It's crucial to discuss these symptoms with your doctor for pote­ntial further evaluation or care. Additional the­rapy may help alleviate the­ issue, so don't fret - schedule­ a follow-up visit soon. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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I have been having serious pain on my neck to my shoulder down to my spine

Female | 30

A pinched or irritated nerve in your neck, known as cervical radiculopathy, can cause pain that spreads from your neck to your shoulder and down your spine. Other symptoms include numbness and tingling. It can be caused by wear and tear or injury. Treatment options include rest, physical therapy, and medications to reduce inflammation and pain.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am not feeling well and felt like dizziness in the early morning and also my back gets stiffed in the morning. Please suggest me a solution over my problem??

Male | 23

Seems to be like you may have vertigo and a little bit of tightness in your back. Vertigo can make you feel like you’re off balance or that things around you are moving. As for the back, it could be from how you’re sleeping or sitting. Try to drink more water and stretch gently right after waking up. If this continues to happen, assess your sleeping position among other factors that may affect your general well-being.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Good morning sir, my daughter is 17 months old, yesterday I have observed both knee swelling with out any injury and that swelling area got skin also redness & temperature. Can you please suggest? What is causing of issue this snytoms?

Female | 17 months

Much details is needed like does she has fever? or does that swell area is painful or not? It is better to contact a child specialist or call our clinic at 08100254153

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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I have got flat feet No pain Is it reason for divorce

Female | 26 female

Not at all

Answered on 4th July '24

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Mere hath me dard ho rha hai kuch din pehle accident hua tha

Male | 42

The accident you expe­rienced days ago could cause this pain. Some­times, injuries make tissue­s in our hands get hurt, leading to discomfort. You must rest your hand and apply ice­ to minimize swelling - raise it too. Give­ your hand a break so it can properly recove­r.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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What causes thigh pain after hip replacement?

Female | 56

Data from studies indicate that thigh pain is a significant complication after successful cementless total hip replacement surgery. In most cases, reported symptoms are mild to moderate, resolve spontaneously or do not progress, and require little or no therapeutic intervention.

Answered on 12th June '24

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I have back ake at my teenage 14

Female | 14

It’s common to experience back pain in your age group because of several factors. It may be due to rapid growth or carrying a heavy backpack. Some indications for this condition may include tenderness, rigidity, or uneasiness. To solve this problem, don’t carry heavy bags and do exercises that will tighten your muscles. Also, be mindful of how you sit or stand. If the discomfort persists then it would be wise to inform an adult about it.

Answered on 27th May '24

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What happens when your Achilles tendon snaps?

Male | 15

patient may experience pain around ankle snd lower leg 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What do metatarsal pads do?

Female | 67

it helps to keep toes properly positioned and avoid more pressure on the foot ball

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I met a minor bike accident one year ago and the lower part of right older finger till now feels pain.The local doctor said that there is no breaking of bone .which doctor should I meet? I am now 48

Male | 48


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have turf toe in 1year ago I eat medicine buy in medical store and iceing But did not get relief, today I am having pain again and all this happened while playing football.

Male | 14

You could be having turf toe, which is typical when doing sports such as football. Turf toe occurs when the big toe joint is injured, and can cause pain. Symptoms are swelling, pain, and limited movement of the toe. To assist in the healing process, try to rest your foot, use ice packs, and wear supportive shoes. Ignoring the pain, and consulting with the family doctor is a better option.

Answered on 25th Aug '24

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