Female | 35
У меня проблемы с желудком после еды, дискомфорт и боль в животе.
Хирургический гастроэнтеролог
Answered on 23rd May '24
Дискомфорт и боли в желудке после еды могут быть вызваны перееданием, расстройством желудка, газообразованием, пищевой непереносимостью, гастритом или другими желудочно-кишечными проблемами.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1112)
I’ve been experiencing pain on the left side of my stomach just below my ribs and my back also. It gets worse when I don’t eat
Female | 21
Pain on the left side of the stomach below the ribs, which worsens when not eating, could be caused by various factors. It could be gastrointestinal issues, like gastritis, or pancreatitis, among others. It could also be related to kidney problems, muscle strains, or other conditions.But you need to get a proper examination done to determine the cause .
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Left side upper abdomen pain
Male | 28
The primary causes of left-side upper abdomen pain include gastritis, pancreatitis, and muscle strain. However, a gastroenterologist should be consulted to ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I’ve been having diarrhea for a week without vomiting or a fever. Should I be concerned?
Female | 22
If a person has ongoing diarrhea for a week without stomach upset or fever it can be a symptom of several conditions, like food poisoning, IBS, or IBD. Candidates should visit a gastroenterologist to diagnose the root of the problem and to get the proper treatment as prescribed by them.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I've done sex few days ago then after physical after 2 3 days my lower abdomen paining and making gas issues after meal I feel vomit but Today after meal I can't feel this but I have pain in my lower abdomen why this things done with me???
Female | 20
You have discomfort in the lower abdomen. After sex, you might be dealing with a mild infection or inflammation. It might be the reason for pain and gas problems. Throwing up after meals may also indicate digestive system troubles. If the pain continues, visit a gastroenterologist for further examination.
Answered on 4th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Is a hemorrhoid a firm/hard vein like lump close to anal area?
Female | 46
Yes, it could be hemorrhoid. However, it's important to note that not all lumps in this area are hemorrhoids. If you are experiencing any discomfort or notice any changes in the appearance of this area, it's best to visit a gastroenterologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I found one worm in my stool
Female | 22
Discovering a worm in your stool might be due to a parasitic infection. Parasites can enter your body through contaminated food, water, or surfaces. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, maintain good hygiene, and practice food and water safety.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I done blood test and anti-hbs is positive what does it mean?
Male | 24
If your blood test shows that anti-HBs is positive, it means that you have antibodies against the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). This result indicates that you are either immune to hepatitis B or have been successfully vaccinated against the virus.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your guidance regarding some health concerns that I have been experiencing, which have significantly impacted my quality of life. For some time now, I have been dealing with a condition that has led to people around me closing their nose, sniffing, coughing and having runny nose when around me. My parent could not perceive this odour so does the doctors and GP when I went there. This situation has resulted in feelings of isolation and anxiety, making it difficult for me to navigate social interactions, particularly in my university environment. I have been diagnosed with psychosis and given medication and everything is still happening around me. I'm also experiencing severe bloating, gas, and digestive issues like diarrhea/constipation. I’ve read that these symptoms can be linked to gut imbalances like bacterial overgrowth, and I want to explore if that’s the case with me I have previously attempted to reach out for help, but I have faced dismissive attitudes regarding my concerns, which has left me feeling frustrated and unsupported. I suspect my symptoms may be linked to a condition such as trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or a gut-related issue like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). However, I have yet to receive a clear diagnosis or effective management plan. Given my experiences and the impact they have had on my mental health and daily life, I would greatly appreciate your insight. I am particularly interested in any tests or referrals that may be appropriate for diagnosing my condition, as well as recommendations for managing the associated symptoms. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and any advice you may be able to provide.
Male | 20
The symptoms you mentioned might be associated with a condition such as trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or a gut issue known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). TMAU refers to the main odor complications, while SIBO leads to bloating, gassy, and gut issues like diarrhea or constipation. It's imperative to obtain the actual diagnosis by carrying out tests such as breath tests or blood tests. The treatment may involve changing the diet, probiotics, antibiotics, or other medications that will help to control your symptoms.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am aged 22 ..l have been having stomach pains and cramps with a yellow discharge..after days after l took benzathine for my tensils .what might be the cause ?and what should l take to stop the problem?
Female | 22
These could be symptoms of a bacterial infection in your stomach. Sometimes, the use of antibiotics such as benzathine can deplete the good bacteria in the stomach, which may result in those symptoms. To eliminate the problem, you should consider ingesting only plain, easily digestible foods such as rice and toast. In addition, make sure you drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. If the symptoms don't go away, it's a good idea to visit a gastroenterologist for more tests and treatment.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 19 yrs old and today I got tiny lump in my butt hole and yesterday I get chicken rice and got lose motion today and this lump and its discomfort and pain little ..any serious issue are it's normal
Female | 19
These signs might be caused by an illness known as an anal fissure, which is influenced by constipation or diarrhea. Spicy or greasy dishes can make it even worse. You can soak in warm water and keep the area clean. Moreover, it will also be beneficial for you to drink lots of water and consume high-fiber foods to avoid getting constipated. In case the condition continues or becomes severe, visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 13th June '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am a 59 years old, weigh 120 and 5'6". I am having an issue when I eat something one night everything is fine but I eat leftovers the next night and I get bloating, gas, diarrhea and stomach ache. This does not happen all the time but often enough I have try keeping a food diary but that not working very well because I eat something and nothing happens but next time I eat the same thing I get bloating, gas, diarrhea and stomach ache. I tried the FODMAP diet but some of the food they recommend have caused the issues. So I asked Dr. if they could arrange a test for food intolerant test. I was there is not one.
Male | 59
According to your symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea and stomach pain after consuming the leftovers you most likely have cases of food poison or intolerance. Generally, it is better to seek advice from a specialist and undergo testing in order to determine the root of your symptoms. In the meantime, follow simple diet
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Sir my mother is suffering from loose motions since 6 months she is going to laterine approx 50 times in a day.
Female | 60
Going to the bathroom fifty times a day is not normal. This may signify a health issue that requires immediate care. It could be the case that loose motions for a long time may be as a result of infections, food intolerances, or inflammation in the gut. It is crucial to consult a gastroenterologist immediately to find out the exact reason and to start the right treatment.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Gestroic and acidity can couse of high blood pressure ??
Male | 39
You won't find high blood pressure caused by stomach and acidity disorders. However, if you're often in a state of worry because of such a situation, it may have a slight impact on your blood pressure. Experiencing symptoms such as stomach ache, puffy belly, and heartburn can make you feel uncomfortable. You should eat less, avoid spicy foods, and learn to relax through techniques such as deep breathing or yoga, which will help you manage stress.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Find polyb in gall bladder size is 38 mm
Male | 33
polyps more than 10mm may need to be surgically removed. You may also want to see a gastroenterologist for further evaluations and management options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have small problem on health bleeding on motion everyday
Male | 28
Experiencing bleeding during bowel movements on a daily basis is not good, you must consult a professional for an evaluation. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease, or more serious conditions like colorectal cancer causes rectal bleeding. Consult with a gastroenterologist for check, up
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
What could be causing my abdominal pain and burning sensation, with a mild enlargement in size of my liver and spleen? I'm concerned about the possibility of a serious condition like colon cancer. Can you provide any guidance or information?
Male | 19
Mild enlargement of the liver and spleen, without any focal lesions, can have various causes and may not necessarily indicate a serious disease like colon cancer. Conditions like fatty liver disease, viral infections, inflammation, etc. can be associated with the swelling of these organs.
A proper diagnosis can only be made by a healthcare professional like a gastroenterologist after considering your complete medical history.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Constipation Left side pain
Female | 45
In many cases, the buildup of stool in the colon can lead to lower left abdominal pain caused by constipation. Constipation and left side pain can be prevented by increasing fiber intake, proper hydration, regular exercise. If the pain continues or if it is intense, one should seek help from a medical practitioner to clarify this further.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Right lower chest and upper oblique discomfort or little bit of while lying or after eating
Male | 19
The symptoms you have pointed out can be due to a number of diseases related to either the digestive system or the respiratory system. Such conditions ought to be diagnosed by a gastroenterologist or a pulmonologist. Do not avoi any recurring chest discomfort and consult with doctor
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Good morning sir Im indian... Working in oman. Last 2 weeks back i go hospital.. Doctor checked told me h pylori bacteria... Given medicines....how i cure.... Pls help me
Male | 35
You might have an H. pylori infection. This bacteria can cause stomach pain, make your belly feel uncomfortable, and even cause a heavy head or cold sweats after meals. It can also lead to stomach ulcers. The good news is that it can be treated with a combination of antibiotics and acid-relief medication. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions and complete the full course of treatment to fully eliminate the bacteria. y.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Chest pains Feel like about to throw up Diarrhoea
Male | 18
Going through tough times with chest pains, nausea, diarrhea – no fun at all. Symptoms like these come from stomach flu, food poisoning, heartburn. Important: drink fluids, rest, eat bland foods. If symptoms persist or worsen, reach out to a gastroenterologist for advice.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
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Colonoscopy cost in government hospitals?
What is the cost of colonoscopy in Mumbai?
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What is the outcome for patients with bile duct obstruction treatment after gallbladder removal?
Is a blocked bile duct an emergency?
Is the procedure for removing gallbladder while pregnant safe?
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