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Female | 18

Почему меня тошнит от нижних кухонных шкафов?

Я [18F] Итак, у меня такое странное состояние, я не знаю, как его назвать. Я переехал в новый дом, где люди раньше любили Но в углах нижних кухонных шкафов грязь, Отчего меня блевать каждый раз, когда я их вижу, Я решил не делать этого. использую их, но всякий раз, когда я иду на кухню, они меня беспокоят. Я пытался их почистить, но у меня начались сухие вздутия, ничего не могу поделать. Рост: 163 см. Вес: 75 кг. Никаких лекарств. Нет истории болезни.

1 Answer

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Возможно, вы испытываете сильное отвращение к грязи и копоти, что может вызвать беспокойство или даже фобическую реакцию. Это может быть форма обсессивно-компульсивного расстройства (ОКР) или специфическая фобия. Важно проконсультироваться спсихиатркоторый сможет оценить ваши симптомы и помочь вам эффективно справиться с этим заболеванием.

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Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)

Hi I'm 20 years old female and I have insomnia and GAD since childhood and even I have backache since 5 years continuesly . I have used pain relief medicine for couple of days but haven't got any relief . What should I do now?

Female | 20

Lack of sleep can worsen anxiety and anxiety can make sleeplessness more terrible. The backache could be a manifestation of stress or a physical one. The treatment of these issues may include a healthcare professional who can explore different options such as therapy, relaxation techniques, or physical therapy. Overall, these problems must be addressed to better your health.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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My self Muthukumar, I'm facing issue with concentration issue. Unable to concentrate on work.

Male | 34

Losing focus is common and can happen due to pressure, lack of sleep, or distractions around you. If you often feel tired or easily distracted, try getting enough sleep, reducing distractions, and breaking your work into smaller tasks to improve focus.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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How to Cure my Social Anxiety ?

Male | 21

This is when you feel very afraid or nervous in social situations. You might get sweaty, have a tremble, or find it difficult to talk to people. Social anxiety can be caused by a combination of genetics and things that have happened to you. Getting therapy and counseling will teach you how to control your emotions and become more self-assured. Exercise as well as relaxation techniques can also work wonders. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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Mene librium 10 ki 6 tablet li hai abhi

महिला | 30

If you take 6 Librium 10 tablets at once, it is dangerous. Librium is a drug used for treating anxiety which can make you feel sleepy or confused as well as lead to shallow breathing when taken in large amounts. To avoid any negative effects, make sure to take only the dose prescribed by your doctor and contact them immediately if you believe that you have overdosed on this medicine so that they can advise accordingly.

Answered on 25th June '24

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Doctor I had headache in past so I took paracetamol Now I study but during study I have overthinking so much how I can remove it & how can I focus on studies without any distraction with discipline & consistency

Female | 16

If you are enduring the pain of a headache and overthinking while studying, it is vital to attend to the root issue. I advise you to refer to a neurologist to exclude possible medical problems of headache origin. As well, you can try to get support from the mental health professionals, like psychiatrists, who can show you how to manage your tendency to overthink and develop the necessary discipline and consistency in studies.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can i take propranolol before parachuiting

Male | 24

I would think twice before using propranolol before parachuting. The reason for my concern is that propranolol can slow down heart rate as well as blood pressure levels. Quick blood flow is necessary for sufficient oxygen transportation in the body since parachuting involves falling from a high altitude. Taking propranolol might lead to feeling faint or light-headed. This could be highly unsafe while engaging in such an activity. Therefore, refraining from using this drug before going skydiving would be best.

Answered on 6th June '24

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My daughter who is 4 and half years was still unable to have speech command following is there but whenever she stand in attention position her legs used to shakes and she raises her hands while walking like she is balancing

Female | 4

 Do contact a clinical psychologist for detailed psychological evaluation , she needs tobe examined to rule out of development issues 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can i take propranolol before parachuting

Male | 24

If you take propranolol before skydiving, that might not be safe. Before such a high-energy activity the drug may slow down your pulse and lower blood pressure, which is risky. During acute stress situations such as this one it is necessary for the heart to beat fast so as to supply enough oxygen into the muscles thus enabling them carry out their functions effectively.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I forget very easily which disturbing even my normal duties when am given also very very shy even taking to someone is problem I like being alone because of shy any solution for those?

Male | 30

If you're struggling with forgetfulness and shyness, there are some general strategies you can try. To improve memory, break information into smaller chunks, use visual aids, and establish routines. Overcoming shyness involves starting with small steps, practicing self-acceptance, seeking support, gradual exposure to social situations. You may consult a psychologist or a therapist as well for overcoming social anxiety and improving self-confidence

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have ocd and I take 50 mg of sertraline in the morning and 0.5 mg of clonazepam at night but now I am having difficulty in sleeping so can I take 1 mg of clonazepam at night,please suggest me.

Male | 30

The perfect dose of clonazepam for insomnia may not be higher, e.g. 1 mg. The same applies to changing the dosage, they should talk to the psychiatrist first. Difficulty sleeping can sometimes be one side effect of clonazepam due to a medication like sertraline and the doctor will help get the right solution for the patient. Panic, fear, or other reasons may also be the sources of your sleep problems. 

Answered on 14th June '24

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I took 15 paracetamol at once day before yesterday when I fight with my partner.. What should I do now?

Female | Dilna

Taking too much paracetamol can be harmful to your liver as a result. Paracetamol OVSD can have symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and stomach pains. You need to act promptly. Call the hospital immediately. Hospital personnel can speed up the process of your body getting rid of the excess paracetamol and ensure that you are safe. 

Answered on 24th July '24

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Anxiety attacks and hyperventilation

Female | 25

When you get anxious, your body can start breathing too quickly, a condition known as hyperventilation. These symptoms can make you feel out of control, and shaky, and your heart might race fast. It occurs as a result of the brain's misinterpretation of the need for more air when the actual need is not. A technique called paper bag breathing, as well as breathing slowly, can help. Among such are uplifting leisure exercises such as mindfulness and deep breathing to mitigate your anxiety.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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What drs would prescribe tramadol 50mg 2/ day and klonopin 2/day long term in Nc?

Female | 60

Tramadol helps mode­rate pain. Klonopin helps anxiety. Doctors pre­scribe these me­dicines when other tre­atments fail. You may need the­m long term if you have chronic pain or anxiety. Howe­ver, these me­dicines can become addictive­. So, take them precise­ly as your doctor instructs. Be certain to discuss any worries with your doctor.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Hello sir I am Dr Praveena.... preparing for pg entrance....since a week I feel shortness of breath...also have many issues at home affecting my mental this a kind of anxiety attack....

Female | 26

Hello Dr. Praveena..It may or may not be an anxiety issue or it might be a cocktail of several issues as well. As there is very less information, reaching a conclusion is difficult. You can book an appointment with me and we can discuss this in detail. Whatever it is, there are various ways to get treated so don't worry!
I provide online as well as in-person sessions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am studing but it is not entering my head I am facing it for last 1 month What to do?

Male | 21

If you are feeling tired all the time, running a fever, and experiencing general bodily malaise (like muscle aches), there is a chance that what you have could be caused by some kind of virus such as influenza. The important thing for now is making sure to drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and take over-the-counter medicines for symptomatic relief. However, should none of these measures work then I would advise seeking further guidance from your doctor or another healthcare professional.

Answered on 28th May '24

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