Male | 22
எனது கடுமையான கீழ் வயிறு மற்றும் குடலிறக்க வலி தொடர்புடையதா?
நான் 22 வயது ஆண் எனக்கு 8 அல்லது அதற்கு மேல் 2 குடலிறக்க குடலிறக்கம் உள்ளது Iv L2/3 இல் ஒரு வலது பக்க கீழ் முதுகில் பிளட்ஜிங் டிஸ்க் லேசான பரந்த அடிப்படையிலான பின்பக்க வட்டு வீக்கத்தையும் பெற்றது. L3/4 மற்றும் L4/5. லேசான இருதரப்பு L4/5 மற்றும் L5/S1 நரம்பியல் வெளியேறும் துளை சுருங்குதல். அது இப்போது சுமார் 3 ஆண்டுகளாக இருந்தது இன்று என் கீழ் வயிறு மிகவும் மென்மையாக இருக்கிறது, நான் வளைந்து நடந்தால் அல்லது ஏதாவது வலிக்கிறது அல்லது என் குடலிறக்கம் இருபுறமும் உள்ள என் இடுப்பு வலிக்கு மிகவும் வலிக்கிறது.

அறுவைசிகிச்சை காஸ்ட்ரோஎன்டாலஜிஸ்ட்
Answered on 26th Aug '24
உங்களுக்கு குடலிறக்கக் குடலிறக்கம் மற்றும் முதுகுப் பிரச்சினைகள் உள்ளன, இது உங்கள் அடிவயிறு மற்றும் இடுப்புப் பகுதியில் வலி மற்றும் அசௌகரியத்தை அதிகரிக்கும். இந்த நிலைமைகள் நீங்கள் நகரும் போது மென்மை மற்றும் மோசமான வலியை விளக்கலாம். இந்த சிக்கல்கள் மோசமடைவதைத் தடுக்க அவற்றைத் தீர்ப்பது முக்கியம். ஆலோசனை ஏஇரைப்பை குடல் மருத்துவர்உங்கள் குடலிறக்கம் மற்றும் முதுகுப் பிரச்சினைகள் உங்கள் நிலை மற்றும் ஒட்டுமொத்த நல்வாழ்வை மேம்படுத்த உதவும்.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)
My mother is 44 years old. She got operation in 2023 of gall bladder stone. Now she always has back pain and stomach pain. I'm worry about it. She also got 3 operations earlier. I'm always tensed. Please tell me what to do so that she never get any other deases.
Female | 44
The backaches and stomach aches could be a result of many things such as bad sitting positions, and gastrointestinal problems among others not limited to tension. She must keep an eye on these aspects considering her surgical history and even consult a gastroenterologist concerning them. Additionally, to keep off other illnesses she should eat healthy foods, involve herself in physical exercises frequently, regulate stress as well as go for check-ups more often than not.
Answered on 10th June '24
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Gallstone related pain in stomach
Male | 43
Consult with a gastroenterologist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate line of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am DEV from Delhi my age is 21 year old. I have stomache its kind a pain at touch never goes away from 2 months i got ct scan usg xray every report is normal i have gas problem i am so much in depression for my health kindly help me
Male | 21
Dealing with stomach troubles for two months can be tough, but the good news is that your tests are all clear! However, your ongoing pain and gas might still be caused by gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or even anxiety. Gas buildup can make things uncomfortable, so it's a good idea to watch your diet—avoid gassy foods like beans, fizzy drinks, and dairy for now. Exercise can also help relieve gas discomfort. Don't forget to manage stress, as anxiety can worsen stomach issues. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation. If these changes don't help, it's best to revisit your gastroenterologist.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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My mother us 69 years old qnd she has diagnosed malignant rectal polyp. Next what we want to do?
Female | 69
Your mother has a dangerous growth in her rectum. This is known as a malignant rectal polyp. Bleeding from the rectum may occur. Bowel habits could also change significantly. She may experience abdominal pain. The causes can be genetic factors or her diet. Treating it involves surgical removal of the polyp. Alternatively, radiation therapy kills cancerous cells. Consult her healthcare team to determine the best treatment path.
Answered on 17th July '24
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I am 30 years old I have heartburn, acid reflux and gas in my stomach and I can see mucus on stool (poop) please help me
Male | 30
The symptoms you're describing, like heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, and mucus in your stool, could be due to a stomach infection or eating foods that don't agree with your body. Spicy and fatty foods can worsen these symptoms. It's a good idea to eat slowly, avoid foods that trigger your symptoms, and stay hydrated with water. If the symptoms continue, it's important to see a gastroenterologist for further evaluation.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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i have very much pain in my back i vomit many times and this is continue since last 10 or more days
Male | 45
I would recommend you to see a gastroenterologist immediately, given the seriousness highlighted by you. These might reflect symptoms that could be indicative of a serious disease, therefore a physician consultation is essential.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have watery diarrhoea after antibiotics from last 3 days and also I’m taking novidat and flagyl but it didn’t work what should I do I’m feeling weakness
Female | 29
This happens because antibiotics disturb good gut bacteria. You took Novidat and Flagyl, but since they did not work, stay hydrated. Eat bland food like rice, bananas, toast. If symptoms persist, contact a gastroenterologist urgently.
Answered on 24th July '24
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I was diagnosed with Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis (active with incomplete intestinal metaplasia) is it serious ? And what should I do now also I have H.pylori +++
Female | 28
Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis with incomplete intestinal metaplasia and an H. pylori infection is a serious condition. It can lead to complications like ulcers or even an increased risk of stomach cancer if not treated properly. It's important to consult a gastroenterologist, who can guide you on the right treatment plan, including medications to eradicate H. pylori and manage your gastritis.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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I'm 17 year old . I'm smoking and doing masterbation from last three years. Drink alcohol eight times and also eating junk food. Now I'm very week . My blood pressure is low at 70/100 . My digestive system also disturbed very badly.
Male | 17
Smoking, excessive masturbation, alcohol consumption, and junk food intake can be a great hindrance for your body before you live your life at its full potential. Weakness, low blood pressure, and digestive problems are manifested by these bad habits most of the time. Limit these addictions, eat healthier foods, and keep hydrated. Also, take a rest and let your body heal itself.
Answered on 16th July '24
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Eat hard dose medicines without eating food
Female | 45
Strong medicines taken without eating can cause stomach upset. You may experience the following symptoms: feel nauseous, have stomach pain, or even throw up. The reason is that the medicines can be harmful to an empty stomach. One way to solve this problem is to always eat something before taking your medicine. A small snack is enough to get you through this.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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Couldn't eat anything coz of gastritis and I'm only taking avocado juice for almost a month. I feel fatigue and have headaches with dizziness.
Female | 29
Gastritis can make eating hard, and having avocado juice isn't giving your body all it needs. Symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and dizziness can happen when you lack essential nutrients. To feel better, try eating small, gentle meals. Foods such as oatmeal, bananas, or toast can be friendly to your stomach. Rest and stay hydrated as well.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Hi, I am a healthy 54 year old male. I have been doing some routine annual lab tests near my home, where they do comprehensive labs for check-up. I have been doing it for several years, and everything is basically normal. However, I just received a lab result, CA 19-9, which is elevated (44), normal is below 34. I actually had this lab test CA 19-9 way back in 7/2022, when the level was 12 (normal). Then I had it in annual testing on 9/2023, and it was 25 (but within normal limits). In the past 6-12 months, I have had normal lactate and amylase levels too. Also, all my other blood test from yesterday were normal, including liver function test (and normal bilirubin), normal CBC, normal CEA level, normal amylase, normal sedimentation rate, normal TSH, normal blood chemistry. Of note, I also had a normal DNA stool test (cologuard) 3 years ago. I also had normal FIT stool test 2 months ago, and also last year (twice it was normal). I have no symptoms and no weight loss, and no signs of jaundice. I am not overweight either, and I do not smoke nor drink alcohol. And no one in my family has had cancer before. As I mentioned, this was incidental, but I would like to know your opinion if this is ominous, and next steps. I have schedule a full body MRI scan for next week too. Thank you.
Male | 54
An increase in the level of CA 199 causes an alarm. You will get the most thorough examination if you consult a specialist. However, because CA 199 levels can be associated with certain gastrointestinal conditions, you may want to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as well.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I was diagnosed with intestine obsertruction on 04 May 24, Subsequently, I was treated with antibiotics and painkillers. Urine catheter was inserted on 05/05/24 and removed on 10/05/24. However, I am having irritation (burning) while urination and bleeding on first urination in the morning. I am in constant pain.
Male | 28
You might have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs may occur after using a urinary catheter and can make you feel like peeing is painful or that it causes bleeding. This discomfort would not kill you; however, take enough water then consult with a urologist. More antibiotics might be recommended to deal with the problem and ease the symptoms.
Answered on 12th June '24
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i am a 23 years old male and for about 3 days now i have been feeling some kind of heaviness on the left side of my tummy,even though the heavy feeling doesn’t hurt and comes and goes it feels really uncomfortable. what should i do?
Male | 23
If you're feeling heaviness on the left side of your tummy, it could be due to gas, constipation, or even stress. Eating too fast can also cause this discomfort. Try eating slowly, drinking water, and moving around. If the discomfort persists or worsens, it's best to consult a gastroenterologist for further advice.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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Loose stool difficult to pass have to forcely empty stomach but it does not work even I am having loose stool. This is having 2-3 months
Male | 21
There are a number of conditions which loose stool may be a symptom, such as infections; food intolerance and inflammatory bowel disease. Difficulty in defecation and excessive straining to evacuate the bowels may indicate constipation. A visit to a gastroenterologist is therefore vital for acurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have piles and I was using anovate cream but now it's getting painful and even I can see blood while popping wat can I apply alternate
Female | 28
Piles, which are also known as hemorrhoids, are one of the common issues that happens due to straining with stools and sitting for long periods. If your symptoms don't improve when you are using Anovate, get yourself over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams which are indicated to contain hydrocortisone as one of the ingredients to help you with pain sensation and inflammation. Also, add more fiber to your diet to improve your stools by consuming less weight. Don't forget to drink lots of water and don't push too hard when you try to relieve constipation. If the signs and symptoms continue or get even worse, it is better to see a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 15th July '24
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Me ibs patient already taken librax leopraid cap dextop can i take trisil with it b coz i hav a severe constipation
Female | 40
Combining medications can have risks and interactions. If you're an ibs patient already taking Librax and Leopraid, it's crucial to consult a physician or gastroenterologist your doctor who prescribed you the medications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My nme is kunti my age from 42 yesars tow day start from vomting
Female | 42
If you suddenly feel nauseous, there are several reasons for this. It could be that what you ate doesn’t sit well with your stomach, you have a stomach bug or it’s due to stress. Take small sips of water often not to become dehydrated and try eating plain things such as crackers or toast. See a gastroenterologist immediately if vomiting continues.
Answered on 12th June '24
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Chest pain with gas acidity, not proper motion in a day, vomiting after eating the food how to resolve this problem
Male | 20
Your symptoms like chest discomfort, gas, acid reflux, constipation, and post-meal vomiting indicate stomach issues. Reduce portion sizes. Avoid spicy, greasy food. Stay hydrated. Antacids might help soothe your stomach. However, if these don't improve your condition, you should consult a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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I am a female, fell during loose motion & my head hit the floor, have taken some stomach medicine before that incident
Female | 40
It's important to get evaluated by a neurologist or an emergency physician if you hit your head after falling. Even seemingly mild head injuries can sometimes have serious consequences, so it's best to seek medical attention promptly. They can assess for any potential concussion or head injury and provide appropriate guidance based on your symptoms and medical history.
Answered on 3rd July '24
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