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Male | 33

నేను ఉబ్బరం మరియు విపరీతమైన బర్పింగ్‌ను ఎందుకు అనుభవిస్తున్నాను?

33 సంవత్సరాల వయస్సు, నా గట్‌తో అసౌకర్యంగా అనిపించింది, ఉబ్బిన అనుభూతి మరియు విపరీతమైన బర్పింగ్ మరియు కొన్నిసార్లు గాలి వెనుక నుండి విడుదలైంది. ఖాళీ కడుపుతో బర్పింగ్. మలం చక్రంలో మార్పులు

dr samrat jankar

సర్జికల్ గ్యాస్ట్రోఎంటరాలజిస్ట్

Answered on 26th Aug '24

మీకు జీవక్రియ లోపాలు ఉండవచ్చు. అజీర్ణం ఉబ్బరం, విపరీతంగా బర్పింగ్ మరియు స్టూల్ సైకిల్‌లో మార్పును వ్యక్తం చేస్తుంది. ఆహారాన్ని జీర్ణం చేయడంలో మీ కడుపు యొక్క ఇబ్బంది ఫలితంగా ఇది సంభవిస్తుంది. నిర్దిష్ట ఆహార పదార్థాలను వేగంగా తినడం లేదా తీసుకోవడం వెనుక కారణాలు కావచ్చు. మీ ఆహారంలో స్పైసీ లేదా ఫ్యాటీ ఫుడ్స్ వంటి ట్రిగ్గర్ ఫుడ్ ఐటమ్స్‌ను కలుపుతూ, చిన్న పరిమాణాలు మరియు నెమ్మదిగా తినడంతో కూడిన భోజన పథకాన్ని స్వీకరించండి.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

I have been experiencing pain through my entire abdomen for the past two days, it is dull, it comes and goes, there is a little bit of bloating and a slight change in stool, any ideas what could it be?

Female | 34

Pain in entire ABDOMEN,, dull,,, bloating,,, change in stool.. These symptoms suggest gastrointestinal DISTRESS.. It could be anything from gas to indigestion.. However, if the PAIN is severe or accompanied by vomiting or fever,, it could indicate a more serious condition like appendicitis or pancreatitis.. It's best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Accidentally drank half cup floor cleaner

Female | 21

Drinking floor cleaner is super risky be­cause it isn't made­ for our bodies. It can burn your mouth, throat, and tummy. You could feel sick, struggle­ to breathe, or even pass out. It's crucial to ge­t help quickly by phoning poison control or heading to the hospital. Don't de­lay, getting treatment soone­r improves your odds of feeling alright late­r.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I'm 25m I always have stomach heat and loose motion

Male | 25

Stomach heat and loose motions can happen due to gastroenteritis, food intolerance or allergies, or even stress and axiety. Stay hydrated by drinking fluids and try consuming bland, easily digestible foods.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Sir, I under gone hepatitis surgery in 2020 now I am getting pain in obdoman pl let me know what treatment I should take.

Male | 68

Please visit a gastroenterologist for proper evaluation. Abdominal pain can have various causes so it's best to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My father is having problem stomach gas and consitpation from many years he drink and eat everything tlwhich can keep his stomach good but it is of no use and he has also taken medicine but still the problem goes on can you tell what can help him

Male | 42

Tummy wind and bowel blockage can be uncomfortable. This condition can also make people poop less regularly. It might happen because of not eating enough fiber, not drinking enough water, or lack of physical activity. Tell your father to eat high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Additionally, make sure he drinks plenty of water and stays active. Sometimes, medications can cause constipation, so consult the doctor to see if his medications might be the cause.

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Fatty liver..abdominal pain since few days

Male | 31

You may have some stomach issues, which could be related to fatty liver. When the liver stores too much fat, it can cause discomfort. Other signs of fatty liver include tiredness, weakness, and weight loss. Eating well, exercising, and avoiding alcohol can improve liver health.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have eaten Kirkland multivitamin gummies more than 8 in one day since 3 days I am feeling like symptoms of nausea dizziness stomach upset pain in ribs getting anger easily changing in mood swings . What to do now

Female | 17

Taking too many gummy vitamins can cause issue­s. Exceeding the sugge­sted dose leads to vitamin ove­rload - nausea, dizziness, stomach upset, rib pain, and mood change­s may occur. To recover, stop the gummie­s and drink lots of water. This flushes exce­ss vitamins out. Eat a balanced diet for natural nutrient intake­. If symptoms continue or worsen, consult a doctor.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am having itching in my butthole i dont know why i am having it .

Male | 17

Itchiness in the anus can be annoying, and it can be because of many different factors. At times, it can happen because of not cleaning properly after using the toilet. Moreover, conditions such as piles, skin, agitations could be the culprits. Use mild, unscented wipes or a soothing cream to decrease the itching. In case there are no improvements, make a point to visit a healthcare provider.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I m 40 years old. I m suffering from fissure in anus. It gives me pain

Male | 40

Fissures are little rips in the skin around the anus. Passing hard stools, diarrhea, or inflammatory bowel disease can cause them. To heal the fissure, drink plenty of water, eat foods high in fiber, and use stool softeners. You might need creams or ointments too so that it does not hurt as much and heals faster.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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