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Female | 20

నా తలనొప్పి లక్షణాలు తీవ్రంగా ఉండవచ్చా?

నాకు ఈ నొప్పి నా తలలో మరియు సాధారణంగా ఒక వైపున ఉంటుంది మరియు రెండు రోజుల తర్వాత స్విచ్ అవుతుంది మరియు నా తలలో విద్యుత్ షాక్‌ల అనుభూతిని పొందాను మరియు నా తల నిజంగా బరువుగా ఉంది మరియు కదిలేటప్పుడు చాలా బాధిస్తుంది మరియు ఇప్పుడు ఒక నెల గడిచింది

Answered on 4th Sept '24

మీరు మైగ్రేన్‌తో బాధపడుతూ ఉండవచ్చు. ప్రారంభంలో ఒక వైపు తలనొప్పి, ఒక వైపు తలనొప్పి మరొక వైపుకు వెళ్లడం, విద్యుత్ షాక్ ఫీలింగ్ మరియు కదలికతో అధ్వాన్నంగా మారే తల బరువు వంటి వాటి విషయంలో, మైగ్రేన్లు కారణం కావచ్చు. ఒత్తిడి, నిద్ర లేమి, కొన్ని ఆహార పదార్థాలను తీసుకోవడం లేదా సాధారణ మార్పులు వంటివి మైగ్రేన్ దాడికి దారితీసే కారకాలు కావచ్చు. విశ్రాంతి తీసుకోవడం, తగినంత నిద్రపోవడం, నీరు త్రాగడం మరియు ట్రిగ్గర్‌లను నివారించడం వంటివి మీరు ఎదుర్కోవడానికి ఉపయోగించే కొన్ని మార్గాలు. ఒకవేళ అది కొనసాగితే, aని సంప్రదించండిన్యూరాలజిస్ట్.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (708)

I am 26 years old . I having tinnitus from Saturday morning ( 3 days back). And tinnitus is present in one ear , started suddenly. I don't have any history regarding ear disease. From last 2 days I am having chills with shivering which comes and go away after 2 hours and feeling sleepy.

Female | 26

You have tinnitus which is the ringing in the ear and you have chills with shivering too. Tinnitus is caused by many different things like loud noises or stress. The chills could be because of an infection. Get lots of rest, drink enough water, and if necessary go to a doctor for more help.  

Answered on 9th Oct '24

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I’ve been Dey for over 6months and today I woke up to see that I bed wet

Male | 18

Bedwetting, also called nighttime enuresis, happens when urine is released during sleep. It can be caused by factors like a small bladder, deep sleep, or stress. While it's common in kids, some adults experience it too. To help, limit fluids before bed, use the bathroom before sleeping, and try a bathroom alarm. If it continues, consult a doctor for more solutions.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I want to know about rabies dieses

Male | 23

Rabies, a viral dise­ase, spreads through infecte­d animal bites. Common symptoms start with fever, he­adaches, and fatigue. As it progresse­s, confusion and swallowing difficulties arise. Preve­ntive vaccination before pote­ntial exposure is crucial. If bitten, wash the­ wound thoroughly and seek medical atte­ntion immediately. This deadly dise­ase demands prompt action to avoid seve­re consequence­s.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Dear Sir, Below i am sending my father MRI report, kindly guide me. MRI REPORT – BRAIN WITH CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: T1W Sagittal, DWI - b1000, ADC, GRE T2W FS Axial, MR Angiogram, FLAIR Axial & Coronal Post contrast images after administration of 5 ml of gadolinium contrast. OBSERVATION: The study reveals an intrasellar mass lesion, with enlargement of the right half of the anterior pituitary gland, extending to the suprasellar cistern. The mass lesion is predominantly isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images the mass is predominantly isointense to gray matter with internal areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of ?necrosis/cystic change. Dynamic postcontrast images revealed decreased/delayed enhancement of the mass lesion as compared to the rest of the pituitary gland. The mass lesion measures 1.2 AP x 1.6 TR x 1.6 SI cm. Superiorly the mass displaces the infundibulum to the left side. A clear CSF plane of cleavage is seen between the superior aspect of the mass lesion and the optic chasm. No significant parasellar extension of the mass lesion is seen. The cavernous segment of both internal carotid arteries show normal flow void. The mass causes mild thinning of the floor of the sella turcica, with slight bulge toward the roof of the sphenoid sinus. MR findings likely represent pituitary adenoma. Confluent and discrete areas of T2/flair hyperintensity are seen in bilateral supratentorial periventricular and subcortical deep white matter, likely representing nonspecific ischemic changes with a combination of leukoariosis, microvascular ischemic changes, lacunar infarcts and prominent perivascular spaces. Basal ganglia and thalami are normal. Midbrain, pons and medulla are normal in signal intensity. The cerebellum appears normal. Bilateral CP angle cisterns are normal. The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are normal. No significant midline shift is seen. The cranio-cervical junction is normal. Post-contrast images reveal no other abnormal enhancing pathology. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted.

Male | 70

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a mascular dystrophy since 10 year ago any treatment available of this disease

Male | 24

Muscular dystrophy is a condition where your muscles gradually weaken, making it difficult to walk, stand, and move your arms. It's usually inherited, so it often runs in families. While there’s no cure, physical therapy and medications can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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Actually one of my friend who is of 19 years old has taken overdose of medicine..she has taken flunarizin dihydrochloride 6-7 tablet....will it effect or not??

Female | 19

Maybe your friend will be feeling that she/he is very sleepy, very dizzy, or may lose consciousness. This occurs because the body is overwhelmed by the drug. It is crucial to take the right steps immediately and calling emergency services is an important one. They will give the needed treatment so that your friend can heal. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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I always had sleep paralysis during sleep and I can't sleep well

Female | 18

Sleep paralysis is a condition where you wake up but can't move or speak for a short time. It's quite common and usually not harmful. It can happen due to sleep deprivation, an irregular sleep schedule, or stress and anxiety. To prevent it, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule, relax before bed, and manage stress. If it becomes more frequent or concerning, you can consult a sleep specialist for help.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I’m 18 year old female, 5.5 and 1/2 160 pounds, for the past 3 months I’ve been having dizzy spells, blurry vision and sometimes loss of vision, my whole body heats up, sometimes I puke, it happens a lot when I get out of the shower and I don’t take hot showers. I take Vyvanse,

Female | 18

This sounds like the symptoms of a condition called postural orthostatic syndrome (POTS). POTS can make you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or faint when you stand up. It can also cause your vision to blur when standing up, heat intolerance, and nausea upon standing up. Vyvanse could worsen these symptoms. Drinking lots of fluids and adding more salt to your diet might help. Talk to your doctor about this.

Answered on 28th May '24

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Sir, I have headache like tight band with nausea,stress,tension. Sir,Please give me some medicines for relief.

Male | 17

I see that you have a tight band headache around your head and feel like vomiting because of anxiety and stress as well. These signs might mean that you have a tension-type headache; typically caused by bad posture at work or eyestrain from looking at computer screens all day long. You could take some painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to help relieve the pain in your head. Moreover try and calm down by breathing deeply plus drink lots of water. If this feeling doesn’t go away please go see a doctor so they can check it out.

Answered on 28th May '24

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