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Female | 46

Gastroskopi sonrası sedasyon olmadan şarap içmek güvenli midir?

Merhaba çok saçma bir sorum var. Sedasyonsuz gastroskopi oldum. Arkadaşınızla 1 kadeh şarap içmek güvenli midir? Uyuşturucu boğaz spreyinin etkisi geçmiş.

Dr samrat jankar

Cerrahi Gastroenterolog

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Gastroskopi sonrasında vücudunuza çok fazla kuvvet uygulamayın. Uyuşturucu spreyin etkisi çoktan geçtiği için bir kadeh şarap boğazınızı acıtabilir. Hafif bir rahatsızlık hissedebilir veya biraz asit hissedebilirsiniz. O şarabın tadını çıkarmadan önce bir veya iki gün beklemek daha iyidir. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

Hi, I am a healthy 54 year old male. I have been doing some routine annual lab tests near my home, where they do comprehensive labs for check-up. I have been doing it for several years, and everything is basically normal. However, I just received a lab result, CA 19-9, which is elevated (44), normal is below 34. I actually had this lab test CA 19-9 way back in 7/2022, when the level was 12 (normal). Then I had it in annual testing on 9/2023, and it was 25 (but within normal limits). In the past 6-12 months, I have had normal lactate and amylase levels too. Also, all my other blood test from yesterday were normal, including liver function test (and normal bilirubin), normal CBC, normal CEA level, normal amylase, normal sedimentation rate, normal TSH, normal blood chemistry. Of note, I also had a normal DNA stool test (cologuard) 3 years ago. I also had normal FIT stool test 2 months ago, and also last year (twice it was normal). I have no symptoms and no weight loss, and no signs of jaundice. I am not overweight either, and I do not smoke nor drink alcohol. And no one in my family has had cancer before. As I mentioned, this was incidental, but I would like to know your opinion if this is ominous, and next steps. I have schedule a full body MRI scan for next week too. Thank you.

Male | 54

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Stomach cancer operation successful but not be able to eat anything.

Male | 70

after A stomach cancer operation , it can be difficult to eat . This is because the stomach may need time to heal .. The patient may only be able to eat small amounts of food AT FIRST . It is Important to follow the doctor's advice on what to eat and how much. EATING FOODS high IN protein can help WITH healing ... The patient may need to eat more often but in smaller amounts. It is important to be patient and not rush the healing process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Need better meds for stomach cramps and bloating also intestine churning

Male | 42

Stomach cramps, bloating, and the feeling of your intestines churning can be caused by several things, such as eating too quickly, too much fatty foods, or stress. To help with this, you can try taking antacids or gas relief tablets which are available over-the-counter. Drinking some peppermint or ginger tea may also be beneficial for you. Avoiding the consumption of carbonated drinks and the habit of chewing gum can help.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello, I am a 34 year male, noticed some itching and bulging near anus opening from last week. seems like initial stage of piles. but the pain is unbearable now during excretion. Please suggest should i go for ayurveda, homeopathy or MBBS doc.

Male | 34

You might have­ hemorrhoids. This condition causes itching and bulging around the anus are­a. Feeling pain when using the­ toilet is common. An MBBS doctor can help you with this issue. The­y will guide you on suitable treatme­nts. Different options exist, like­ medicines, lifestyle­ changes, or procedures. The­ treatment depe­nds on how severe your condition is. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have gastric ulcers which I have treated for more than three years

Male | 30

Chronic gastric ulcers require proper diagnosis and management to prevent complications. Treatment options may include medications to reduce stomach acid production, antibiotics if required, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

While taking potassium citrate magnesium citrate and vitamin b6 the loose motion is going so it is good to take

Male | 20

Loose motions, diarrhe­a as doctors call it, can be troublesome. Ce­rtain medicines like potassium citrate­, magnesium citrate, and vitamin B6 may cause it. The­se can upset your stomach sometime­s. To help, stay hydrated, eat mild foods. Pe­rhaps ask your pharmacist about adjusting the B6 dose or trying a different form. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi Doctor I have seen a roundworm in my stool today. I think its a ascaris worm. What should I do ?

Male | 20

t is important to seek medical advice from a doctor. They can properly diagnose the situation and provide appropriate treatment options. In the meantime, you can maintain good hygiene practices, avoid raw or undercooked foods.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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