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Male | 25

هل من الآمن خلط الترامادول مع الفلوكستين؟

مرحبا دكتور أنا حاليًا أتناول فلوكستين 40 ملغ منذ العامين الماضيين بالأمس تعرضت لحادث بسيط ويدي تؤلمني كثيرًا لقد وصف لي الطبيب 50 ملغ من الترامادول لكنني قرأت على جوجل أنه لا يمكن تناول الترامادول والفلوكستين معًا الرجاء المساعدة ماذا تفعل؟؟

1 Answer
الدكتور برامود بور

جراح استبدال المفاصل

Answered on 29th Aug '24

على الرغم من أن كلاً من فلوكستين وترامادول مرتبطان بالمستويات الكيميائية في الدماغ، إلا أنه لا يزال من غير الآمن خلطهما. وبعبارة أخرى، فإن استهلاكها في وقت واحد يمكن أن يزيد من احتمالية الإصابة بمتلازمة السيروتونين، وهو مرض خطير يظهر أعراض مثل الارتباك والتعرق وسرعة ضربات القلب. أفضل مسار للعمل هو أن يقوم طبيبك بتقديم النصح لك بشأن خيارات بديلة لتخفيف الألم تكون آمنة بالنسبة لك. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

Can trauma trigger or worsen rheumatoid arthritis?

Female | 38

Trauma can potentially trigger or exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis. By increasing inflammation or immune system response.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, this is regarding a complicated problem Please let me know if a surgery is required for this or not Because different doctors said different stuff Can we cure this from physical therapy and rest?

Female | 46

Some conditions can be resolved through rest and physical therapy. Be sure to tell your doctor what you’re experiencing, such as pain or difficulty moving. Knowing the cause of the problem can help determine whether or not an operation is required. You must follow the advice of your physician regarding the most appropriate treatment for yourself.

Answered on 7th June '24

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Whenever i fastened belt and sit for office work, my eyes and face blush up & looks like such any gas is moved to my head. Hence my eyes, head feel pain & my throat dried up that i'm unable to speak. Please advise

Male | 30

Your symptoms, like re­d eyes, head pain, and dry throat during office­ work, might result from increased pre­ssure. Poor posture or restricte­d blood flow could contribute. Improve your posture, take­ breaks, and hydrate properly. If issue­s persist, consult a doctor.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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Why is my kneck so sore and tight?

Male | 26

Neck pain can have a variety of causes, including poor posture, stress and injury. It is important to see a doctor, an orthopedist in particular, to understand the issue and have it treated properly. Distributing the sitting time and practicing neck exercises can be another means of relieving symptoms as well.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have got burn in my ankle and i got wound.How Can i heal this fast.

Male | 25

Burns occur when skin contacts hot items like­ fire or boiling water. The are­a might be red, swollen, and painful. To he­al faster, gently clean the­ wound, apply burn cream, and bandage it. Kee­p it clean and dry for a few days. If it doesn't improve­ or you notice pus or more pain, see­ a healthcare provider. But for now, ke­ep it clean and protecte­d. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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I am 30 yrs old girl suffering from knee pain from last few days unable to fold my leg it is kind of piercing pain .

Female | 30

The pain can be because of many reasons. Better to see you clinically once and diagnose 

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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This is Mohana, 36yrs old. I have severe lower back bone(bottom spinal cord) pain. I cannot even sit and get up, its paining a lot. I have gastric problem.My left leg knee is producing crackling sound and creating difficulty in climbing stairs

Female | 36


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a wound on my knee. Two days ago i fall in the road

Female | 22

I think you got a scratch on your knee when you fell. It's okay to have pain, redness, and swelling around your wound. This is because the fall has injured your skin. The solution is to gently clean the wound using soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover it with an adhesive bandage. Always change the dressing daily until it heals. Opening up is necessary if the pain worsens or you notice any infections with symptoms like pus, light redness, or warmth. 

Answered on 24th May '24

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Mere hath me dard ho rha hai kuch din pehle accident hua tha

Male | 42

The accident you expe­rienced days ago could cause this pain. Some­times, injuries make tissue­s in our hands get hurt, leading to discomfort. You must rest your hand and apply ice­ to minimize swelling - raise it too. Give­ your hand a break so it can properly recove­r.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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