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Male | 21

Why do I have backache and health issues?

Iam 21 years old male backache for 2 months and some health issues that I don't understand what should I do?

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Back injury's roots can be different, due to incorrect body posture, overworked muscles, or stress. Any other signs you may have, including numbness or tingling in your legs, are equally important to listen to. Attempting to correct your posture, and undertake light stretching exercises, and hot or cold packs may also be beneficial for pain relief. When the pain does not diminish, it is advisable to consult an orthopedist for a second opinion and treatment.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

Perineal exercise I have lower abdomen pain

Female | 21

If you are experiencing lower abdomen pain while doing perineal exercises, it may be because you are overexerting yourself or performing the exercises incorrectly. Consult a physical therapist to assess your technique and ensure that you are performing the exercises safely.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi Sir/Madam good morning, my mother has done mastectomy of left side but unfortunately her left hand get fractured, is surgery is possible of left hand after mastectomy

Female | 62

Yes its generally possible to undergo surgery on the left hand after a mastectomy. The decision to proceed with surgery will depend on your mother's condition and the recommendations of her dcotors.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Average age for knee replacement?

55+ is an average age. But patients with systematic form of arthrtits or post traumatic etc might need Knee replacement at an earlier age

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I started having muscle pain/ache in my outer right hip area a day after I changed my everyday footwear a week ago. Pain is dull and bearable but irritating. It usually starts when walking and tends to go away slowly when sitting in a relaxed sitting position. Sometimes it also starts when sleeping. I'm not taking any medication of any kind. I'm underweight due to my lifestyle and eating habits.

Male | 24

It seems that you have muscle pain on the outside right hip region. This pain could have been caused by changing shoes. Muscles can ache if they are tense or strained. In addition, if you are too thin, your muscles may easily get tired. Put on supportive footwear, stretch gently and take a good diet so that your muscles can heal. Also, make sure to rest and avoid activities that worsen the ache.

Answered on 6th June '24

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For over a year now I have had something that sicks out at the bottom of my ribcage on the left. It fells like the end of a rib sticking out and hurts when being pushed on. I did lose quite a lot of weight a year and a half ago and it's ever since then that I have noticed it. It is visibly sticking out when I am just standing normally.

Female | 20

You might have costochondritis. This is when the cartilage in your ribs gets inflamed, which usually causes pain and tenderness. It may be related to weight loss and sometimes comes on after an illness. To help relieve the pain, you can do some gentle stretching, use heat packs, or take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen.

Answered on 8th June '24

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Lower backpain and curved lumbar pain in both legs also

Male | 17

To address lower back pain and leg discomfort, first, consult an orthopedic for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. They may suggest pain relief measures, physical therapy, and exercises to improve mobility. Pay attention to posture, use heat or cold therapy, and consider lifestyle changes like weight management. Only in certain severe cases surgery may be an option.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I don't have any disease, I also did blood test but nothing wrong in the report but I have very little swelling in my left ankle which goes away in the morning or when I rest but comes back and also when I press my legs mid upper bone it makes a small dent ,I think it's fluid retention or high salt intake or due to heat or long sitting and standing, please suggest me because I am having anxiety due to this.

Female | 27

It's good to hear that your blood tests are normal, but the swelling in your ankle and the dent in your leg might still need attention. This could be due to fluid retention, high salt intake, or prolonged sitting and standing. I recommend visiting a general physician or a vascular specialist to rule out any underlying conditions. It's important to address your anxiety as well, and they can guide both.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I am facing joints pain issue doctor suggested to take tablet wyslone 5mg. Is it ok to use during breastfeeding

Female | 27

Joint pain is difficult to manage. It re­sults from arthritis or injuries. Wyslone 5mg tablets provide­ relief. Howeve­r, caution is necessary during breastfe­eding. The medication may pass into bre­ast milk, potentially affecting the infant. Consult your doctor about alte­rnative options safer for breastfe­eding before taking Wyslone­.

Answered on 17th July '24

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I have congenital problem of hypoplasia of both lower limbs to deformity of axle foot with locomotor disability of 65 %. Need recovery treatment by completely

Female | 22

Your legs did not develop properly at birth, which has caused your feet to form abnormally and made it difficult for you to move. Treatments like therapy, braces, or surgery could help improve your condition. These treatments may help you walk better and feel more comfortable. Because your limbs do not fully form, your feet are bent, and movement and balance are difficult. However, with the right therapy, braces, or surgery, your mobility and balance might improve based on your specific case. While this issue has made movement challenging, it does not mean you are helpless.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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I’m 50 yrs old and have been suffering with planters fasciitis for years. It started after working at Home Depot. I seen an orthopedic back in 2002 ish, got an injection and was fine. I then left HD and came back yrs later. Now it’s back and I believe I’m also dealing with Achilles tendonitis. My mother who drove a bus for 30 yrs has also dealt with this for a very long time. She can barely walk and I’ve started limping. I don’t want this to slow me down but the doctors here in Wichita Falls are not much help and my mother hasn’t been able to get any relief in California or now in Arizona. My question is is there anything we can do. I have 6 kids, 3 of which are still in school. I can’t just slow down. And I hate seeing how miserably mother is. We are both taking Duloxitine, which helps sometimes. Besides surgery is there anything we can do?

Female | 50

Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis can be quite bothersome, but there are several ways to ease the pain. Try stretching exercises for your calves and feet, wear supportive shoes, use orthotic inserts, apply ice to reduce inflammation, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. It's also important to avoid activities that make the pain worse. 

Answered on 6th Sept '24

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