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Female | 25

هل الأسبارتام آمن للاستهلاك؟

مرحبا يوم جيد. أود أن أسأل ما إذا كان الأسبارتام آمنًا؟

Answered on 11th Sept '24

الأسبارتام هو مُحلي يعتبر عادةً خاليًا من المخاطر بالنسبة لمعظم الناس طالما تم تناوله بكميات معتدلة. قد يتفاعل عدد قليل من الأشخاص مع الأسبارتام ويعانون من أعراض مثل الصداع أو الدوخة أو مشاكل في الجهاز الهضمي، لكن هذه الأحداث نادرة. إذا واجهت أي أعراض غير طبيعية بعد تناول المنتجات التي تحتوي على الأسبارتام، فقلل من تناولك أو انتقل إلى البدائل.

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Questions & Answers on "Diet and Nutrition" (78)

I'm a 45-year-old male and have noticed that my metabolism has slowed down. What dietary changes can I make to boost my metabolism and maintain a healthy weight?

Male | 45

Metabolism that becomes slow with age is a common process. The elderly people who might show signs of this need to observe slow metabolism using devices for weight gain, are tired and have been finding it hard to lose weight are the most affected individuals. Incorporation of a diet that is well-balanced with a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can be great for the metabolism. You should limit the intake of sugary foods and drinks and keep portion sizes under control. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I've been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). What dietary strategies can help manage my symptoms and support my overall health?

Female | 28

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome also known as PCOS is a condition that is characterized by irregular periods, acne, and weight gain. The collective of wrongfully harmonized hormone levels that cause many health problems like diabetes or heart disease is the reason for it. Proper nutritional patterns which include the food groups of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats can serve as an effective way by which a person can keep the symptoms of this problem under control. Eliminating sugar can be effective in preventing the affliction and speeding up the process of treating the condition. However, regular physical exercises are crucial in the process of PCOS and they also play the main role in maintaining the health of your body. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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Hi good day . I would like to ask if aspartame is safe?

Female | 25

Aspartame is a sweetener that is usually considered risk-free for most people as long as it is taken in moderate amounts. A few people may react to aspartame and have symptoms like headaches, dizziness, or digestive issues, but these occurrences are rare. If you experience any abnormal symptoms after eating products with aspartame, reduce your intake or switch to alternatives.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I'm a 28-year-old male with a very busy lifestyle, and I often skip meals. What are some quick and healthy meal options that I can prepare in advance to ensure I'm eating properly throughout the day?

Male | 28

Avoiding irregular eating habits is important to one's health. Not eating the specific types of foods a person skips or making the process irregular may lead to feeling low energy, drooping, and concentrating inconveniently. Simplifying fast and healthy meals, you could prepare overnight oats with fruits, veggie wraps with hummus, or yogurt with nuts. They are convenient all-encompassing options to have ahead of time and are the best protein shakes for muscle building.

Answered on 17th July '24

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Hi good day. I would to ask if aspartame is really safe? Thank you

Female | 25

Aspartame is a sweetener used in foods and drinks. It is safe for people ten. Some may have mild symptoms from aspartame like headaches or digestive issues. If you have these and think they are from aspartame try to avoid it to see if you feel better. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I have a family history of heart disease, and I'm concerned about my cholesterol levels. What foods should I incorporate or avoid to maintain a heart-healthy diet?

Male | 34

The changes in your diet should be aimed at the inclusion of the following: incorporating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish and poultry. To lower cholesterol intake food containing trans fats, saturated fats, and added sugars should be avoided. These can increase your cholesterol level and heart disease risk.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I need gestational diebetic diet plan...

Female | 31

Gestational diabe­tes occurs when your body struggles to proce­ss sugar during pregnancy. You might feel unusually thirsty, e­xhausted, or need fre­quent bathroom breaks. These­ signs happen because your ce­lls can't use sugar efficiently. Eating nutritious foods like­ vegetables, fruits, whole­ grains, and lean proteins helps re­gulate blood glucose leve­ls. Additionally, routinely monitoring your blood sugar provides valuable data for manage­ment.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I recently had my gallbladder removed and have been experiencing digestive issues. What kind of diet should I follow to manage these symptoms?

Male | 37

Even after gallbladder surgery, diarrhea, bloating, or gas is a common problem. This happens because the gallbladder is one of the key players in the digestion of fats and without it, the body struggles with the digestion of fatty foods. Eating a low-fat diet is one way to lessen these symptoms. Try consuming more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Avoid greasy, fried, and spicy foods as they can cause discomfort. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can also help. Your body might need some time to get used to the new condition, so have patience and monitor how it reacts to different foods.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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Tsh value -27.5 mg and Sugar leval 449 . Need diet plan and foods to regulate.

Female | 55

Your TSH leve­l is high at 27.5 mg. Sugar level's also ele­vated - 449. These numbe­rs suggest thyroid issues might exist. Uncontrolle­d blood sugar too. High TSH causes fatigue, and weight gain. Ele­vated sugars lead to exce­ssive thirst and frequent urination. Die­t changes can help regulate­ both conditions. Focus on veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Limit sugary foods and drinks. Wate­r, herbal teas are be­tter options. Regular physical activity aids manageme­nt too. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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My 8-year-old son is a very picky eater and refuses to eat vegetables. How can I ensure he's getting all the necessary nutrients?

Female | 36

Frequently, kids are selective eaters, but they need to satisfy the proper nutrition to grow up healthy and strong. If your son avoids vegetables, you can attempt to mix them with his favorite meals such as smoothies or pasta sauce. The choice of some fruits, grains, and various types of proteins like meat, eggs, and beans as opposed to only one product will be given to kids. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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I've heard a lot about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. What are some good dietary sources of omega-3s, and how much should I be consuming daily?

Female | 28

Dietary food sources of omega 3 fatty acids are : Flaxseeds, chia seeds, egg yolks, salmon (Indian rawas) , mackerel (Bangda). But as a therapeutic diet expert, I would always recommend taking omega 3 fish oil supplement. Daily requirement is 1g which means you will have to take 3 capsules to get your requirement fulfilled. For people who have lot of inflammation, diabetes, arthritis, thyroid or any infection in the body, the requirement can increase upto 2000 (6 capsules) to 3000 mg (9 capsules) of omega 3 to reach 50% of the optimal range. My everytime and best brand : Nutrilite Salmon Omega 3 capsules. ✅

Answered on 4th Aug '24

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Patient is recovering from chemo. Need guidance on recovery diet

Male | 62

Diet during chemotherapy should include high protein (source of protein is different for vegetarians & non-vegetarians). Fluid intake should be around 2.5-3 liters per day.
The overall diet should be a balanced one which include all types of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains, cereals.
Meals can be divided into small portions consumed every 2-3 hrs.
Avoid roadside prepared, fried, spicy and old foods.
Meals should be prepared fresh and be consumed on the same day.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm recovering from surgery and want to support my healing process with proper nutrition. What foods should I focus on to aid in recovery?

Male | 36

For your body to heal faster, you should eat more protein, such as chicken, fish, eggs, and beans. Protein is what helps to build and repair the tissues in your body. Eating vegetables and fruits will provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals that help you get better. Moreover, drink enough water to avoid dehydration. These are the food sources that will provide your body the nutrients it needs to heal and recover.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I heard that drinking lemon water in the morning can help with digestion and weight loss. Is there any truth to this, and are there any other simple dietary changes that can have a big impact on my health?

Male | 25

Lemon water is a good source of Vitamin C due to its citric acid content. This vitamin helps the body absorb iron more easily. Drinking lemon water can aid in weight loss by promoting hydration and reducing calorie intake. To shed extra pounds, try eating more fruits and vegetables, cutting back on sweetened beverages, and replacing refined grains with whole grains. These changes can improve your health, aid digestion, and help maintain a healthy weight.

Answered on 17th July '24

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I'm looking to adopt a plant-based diet but don't know where to start. Can you provide a basic meal plan or some key tips for transitioning smoothly?

Female | 36

Vegetarian diet is the best diet to follow after the age of 30.This is bcoz it is easy to digest n you produce less toxic products in your body. You need less maintenance calories as well. Since you have not mentioned your present weight, giving a diet plan is not feasible. Pls call 08100254153 for online consultation or any other queries

Answered on 18th July '24

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Chiken pox treatment and diet

Male | 25

Chickenpox, a supe­r contagious viral illness, leads to yucky, itchy red spots appe­aring everywhere­. It easily spreads through snee­zes or contact with fluid-filled blisters. Symptoms are­ feeling hot and icky, complete­ exhaustion, and not wanting any food. To ease te­rrible itching, slather on soothing calamine lotion. Drink tons of liquids and nibble­ soft foods since throat soreness make­s swallowing difficult. Rest up and resist scratching those spots to pre­vent ugly scars.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I'm feeling dizzy after eat

Male | 22

Dizziness after eating is a condition that can be caused by various factors. Sometimes it happens that your blood sugar levels fluctuate too fast right after you eat. In some cases, though, this might be low blood pressure. Besides rapid eating, some foods can cause dizziness. Try eating slowly, skipping meals if you can, and drinking enough water. If this is the case, you should see a doctor.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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Mera name aqib hai age 25 sal hai. Hight 5.10. weight 52 hai bukh be sai lagti hai lakin jo be khao body me nhi lgta weight gain nhi hota.. Digestion proper nhi hoi hotii beshab akser lose motin typ he ata hai... Me weight gain krna chahta hu kindly help me

Male | 25

You are facing an issue with putting on muscle mass, although you follow a good diet. It is worth mentioning that this could also be a consequence of poor digestion. Having symptoms such as a tendency to have loose stools often could be a sign of digestive problems. Seeing a doctor's advice is a must. Including more easily Digestible foods such as bananas, rice, and toast will be helpful. Besides, taking in enough water can be effective in digestion.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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