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Female | 24

لماذا أعاني فجأة من فقدان الشهية والتعب؟

عمري 24 سنة، أنثى، وزني حوالي 49 كجم، طولي 5'2 بوصة. في الأيام الثلاثة الماضية أعاني من فقدان الشهية الشديد، عانيت من سيلان في الأنف ثم انسداد في الأنف، وبعد ذلك بصقت مخاطًا في حلقي، ولهذا السبب أشعر دائمًا أنني سأتقيأ، ولا أشعر على الإطلاق بأكل أي شيء مما يجعلني أكثر تعبًا وإرهاقًا بنهاية اليوم. ما الذي يجب أن أفعله لزيادة شهيتي أو حتى أحصل على بعض الاهتمام أكل شيئا.

الدكتور سمرات جانكار

أخصائي أمراض الجهاز الهضمي الجراحي

Answered on 6th Sept '24

نزلات البرد يمكن أن تجعلك تفقد شهيتك. تشمل أعراض البرد النموذجية سيلان أو انسداد الأنف، والمخاط في الحلق، والغثيان. لتحسين شهيتك، اشرب الكثير من السوائل، وحافظ على رطوبة جسمك، وتناول الأطعمة الخفيفة وسهلة الهضم مثل الحساء والفواكه والزبادي. امنح نفسك وقتًا للتعافي والراحة. إذا لم تتحسن الأعراض أو ازدادت سوءًا، فاتصل بطبيبك للحصول على مزيد من النصائح.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

Do we have treatment of Chronic Hpylori and duodinities. Please let us know.

Female | 37

Yes, there are treatments available for Chronic H. pylori infection and duodenitis. The treatment involves a combination of antibiotics and acid reducing medications to eradicate the bacteria and let the area heal. Consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Most cases can be effectively managed and resolved with proper treatment and adherence to medical advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Feeling like vomiting,leg pain,fever,cough and fatigue and constipation

Male | 35

You see­m troubled! Nausea, leg pain, fe­ver, cough, exhaustion, and constipation - an array of symptoms. Might be a stomach bug or viral infe­ction. First, rest up. Drink lots of fluids. Eat light foods. If symptoms persist or worsen, se­ek medical advice promptly.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

On 11th of June I remove my cholesterol test and it was high around 231 and my weight was 83 but today on 15th when I check my weight is 81 so two kg reduce and going gym as well and last 5 days no oil no masala..eating avocado fruit and healthy dieting today I am going with my family for dinner so I can eat something from restaurant?

Male | 27

The level of bad cholesterol in the blood is capable of giving you a high risk of heart problems. Reaching a state of healthy weight and the right food choices one can use as supplementary units can help reduce hypercholesterolemia. Because you've been doing so well, you may eat out, but make sure you choose wisely. Prefer alternatives like roasted chicken or fish with greens instead of those stewed or cheesy dishes. 

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am a teenage female. Late last night my stomach started to hurt and throughout the night it got progressively worse. The pain is in the upper right abdomen and it radiates towards the top middle too. I’ve taken Advil but it won’t go away. What should I do?

Female | 15

You might have an issue with your gallbladder on the information I have got. It is in the upper right side of the stomach. The area on your right hip with either an inflamed or stone gallbladder might give you severe pain that will sometimes get worse and affect the upper portions of your body. Pain-healing medications like Advil will not be very effective for this type of situation. Consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and examination to get a cure for your condition.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

From yesterday night hiccups on and off

Male | 74

Hiccups are little jumps in your body when the muscles around your chest and stomach twitch. They can arise from eating too quickly, excitement, and anxiety. Typically, they pass away on their own after a brief period. You may attempt drinking water more slowly or breathing deeply, to calm them down. If they continue for a long time and are a nuisance to you, let someone know to make sure everything is okay.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

What happens when you eat food after a fly was on it

Female | 42

If you consume a fly that has landed on a food item, then you may become unwell. Flies are the source of growth factors (germs) that can cause you to get sick. In the aftermath of eating contaminated food, you may encounter stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea. For recovery, you should drink adequate water, take some time off, and not eat more of the same food.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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