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Male | 35

Help! Sunstroke, Stomach Infection, Lip Blinking - Recommendations?

Hai doctor I got sun stork and stomach infection. And my upper lip blinking. Please suggest a good recommendation

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

You can suffer from sunstroke plus stomachache and upper lip twitching. Consulting a medical professional, especially a gastroenterologist and a dermatologist becomes very necessary. 

42 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

i am 31 year old i diagnosed with acute calcolus cholecystitis , my gall bladder stone size is 18 mm , my doctor already did key hole method to remove the stone but due to inflamation and infection around my gall bladder my doctor stop the surgery , while surgery they fine severly distended gallbladder, dense omental adhesions, pericholecystic fluid, frozen callots triangle, features suggestive of acute calcolus cholecystitis . so my doctor suggest to do the surgery after 2 month , my question is that gall bladder get rupture or is there any any life threatening issue

Female | 31

Problems with the gallbladder can be difficult. If they’re left untreated, there is a slight chance that it may burst which could be very serious. When this happens you’ll have piercing pain all over your stomach area, fever and feel weak all the time. Dealing with the infection before anything else is vital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I’ve had constipation for six months and I have been using dulcolax every week to help, however this week when I used my dose, I felt nauseous and didn’t feel my normal budge in stool. I suspect I have impacted stool or some sort of blockage. I tried 2 enemas however after using them (lying on my left, inserting it for 5 minutes and staying still) it didn’t work. My main question is If I’m having impacted stool should I take miralax powder , dulcolax pills, or suppositaries, or a third enema Or book a colonic treatment? thank you

Male | 17

If you feel sick after taking Dulcolax you may need to try a different method. When stool is impacted it means that the poo has become stuck and will not come out very easily. Use Miralax powder which can help to soften it. You can mix it with a drink and take it according to the instructions on the packet. Make sure you also drink lots of water. If there is no change when using Miralax then you should speak to a healthcare professional for further advice.

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am a 51 year old woman, I was diagnosed with h.pylori bateria,. Abdominal scan diagnosed severe increase in abdominal gas in the middle of the abdomen and worsen the upper left quadrant. I'm having severe chest pain, pain under the left side of the breast that radiates to the shoulder blade, back and waist pain, upper belly pain with burning sensation and finding it discomfort to sit upright, severe pelvic pain that feels tender from the pubic region to the upper belly. I don't have a good bowel movement, and I don't empty my bowel properly after each bowel movement.

Female | 51

The bacteria might be causing inflammation leading to chest pain, back pain, or discomfort in the upper left part of your tummy. Additionally, pelvic and bellyache could also result from the accumulation of gas which causes bloating as well. To reduce these signs follow the doctor’s prescription on how to deal with H.pylori. In addition, take small meals more frequently; avoid foods that make you gassy, and keep drinking water. 

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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