Female | 24
كيف يمكنني التغلب على الضيق النفسي بعد الانفصال وقلة الحافز في العمل كطالبة حقوق عمرها 24 سنة؟
أنا طالب LB، وعمري 24 عامًا، ولا أشعر حتى بالرغبة في التحدث إلى أي شخص، لقد مرت 1.6 سنة منذ انفصالي، وأنا أتحدث عن ذلك، ولم أتحسن، وأستمر في البكاء. أظل أشعر بالغضب في الحمام أو لا أشعر بالرغبة في فعل أي شيء بعد الآن، لم أعد أشعر بأي شيء، أنا قلق للغاية عقليًا، أنا أعمل ولكن الآن لا أشعر حتى بالرغبة في القيام بالمهمة ذهب إلى المكتب
طبيب نفساني
Answered on 23rd May '24
ربما تكون قد اقتصرت على بعض أعراض القلق والاكتئاب. من الضروري استشارة أخصائي الصحة العقلية الذي سيساعدك في التعامل مع الأعراض ويعلمك المهارات التي من شأنها أن تساعدك على التعامل بشكل أفضل مع الحالة.
60 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)
My son does not want to understand anything about how he is waiting his life and what should do for himself to independent
Male | 25
It seems like your son is having difficulties taking over the control and decision-making process. I would suggest contacting a therapist or counselor who treat particularly young adults. A mental health professional can assist your son with the development of confidence necessary to regain control over his life.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Anxiety issue, dizzineaa, palpitation, depression
Female | 28
Anxiety, dizziness, palpitations, and depression can be tough to deal with. You often feel anxious, which makes you worry a lot. Dizziness may feel like you're about to collapse, and palpitations are when your heart beats faster than usual. Depression causes you to feel sad frequently. These feelings can be caused by stress, lack of sleep, or health issues. To get support, try to calm your mind, maintain a regular sleep schedule, share your feelings with someone you trust, and consider therapy or counseling. These steps can help you manage your emotions better.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have an issue where I stand up from getting out of a car outside and I get a like a pressure that starts in my throat and my heart rate increases pretty fast it only lasts a few seconds and it doesn’t happen Everytime mainly when I’m outside I suffer from extreme anxiety and have gas problems And heart related anxiety I have already had a doctor listen to my heart and he said it’s extremely healthy but I’m worried they miss something.
Male | 17
Perhaps you face panic attack signs due to anxiety and stress. When anxious, our bodies can have increased pulse, throat tightness, and gas issues. Take deep breaths, drink water, relax to handle it. Additionally, therapy may help you address your anxiety. Visit a psychiatrist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
मैं 21 साल की हूं लेकिन वजन 39 किलोग्राम है। मैं जब गुस्सा करती, ऊंची आवाज में बोलने पर, उदास या रोती हूं तब मेरी हृदय की धड़कन तेज,अनजान डर, बेचनी, घबराहट, शरीर में कंपकंपी, शरीर से नियंत्रण खोना आदि परेशानी होती है।
महिला | 21
It seems like you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, which can cause rapid heartbeats, shaking, restlessness, and a sense of losing control. These feelings are common during emotional stress. However, it’s important to visit a psychiatrist who can guide you with the right treatment and support.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I took some session from clinical psychologist, In that time some people were stalking me digitaly and chasing me physically at all places including workplaces and hostels were I lived. I started feeling anxious and panic, I once lost control on my hand and left side body for 10 minutes. I started feeling mentally inactive, I lost my concentration and interest in my work and life. I was just thinking on the issue and who were behind that, who was/is doing and why? could not feel real me , felt like robot. I was hearing voices of people which was another big trauma for me. I need to clear my mind from these trauma and want to start new fresh life
Male | 28
These symptoms are familiar to you, such as feelings of anxiety, lack of focus, and hearing noises, which could be the first signs of a mental health problem called psychosis. It can derive from stress, trauma, or other reasons. It's inevitable in such situations that you seek help from a mental health professional like a psychiatrist. They can help you with the mentioned meditation and cognitive behavior therapy schemes.
Answered on 17th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Sir/mem 1. नीद कम लेना 2. आस पड़ोस में गाली गलौच देना 3. हर बात को बार बार दोहराना 4. किसी को पैसे या कुछ वस्तु देकर भूल जाना 5. खाना किसी दिन खाना या ना खाना 6. हर बात पर झगड़ा करना
Male | 54
These signs could mean stress or anxiety. Relax by breathing deeply, doing yoga, or confiding in someone. Having a routine and proper sleep helps too. You can also get help from a psychiatrist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
How to come out from break up depression?
Female | 15
Breakups can leave one feeling blue. You might feel glum, alone, or unenthused with pastimes you formerly savored. Such emotions are normal after a split. To work through it, try confiding in someone you trust, pursuing beloved hobbies, and caring for yourself via nourishing meals and ample slumber. Healing takes time, so go easy on yourself. You can also visit a psychiatrist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
My friend suffering from following problem 1 if family member not talking politely or net & clean way then she crying too much 2. After that talking with herself ( I am positive, everyone talking with me polite, all is well, ok etc) 3.crying too much, closes her eye, sleeping on floor, pain in her left side chest, stomach sounding very fast like gad gad, plam light bluish
Female | 26
Your friend is having a hard time dealing with stress and experiencing emotional troubles, which in turn, are causing physical problems. She might be crying, talking to herself, and feeling a sharp pain in her chest, which is a clear indication of stress and anxiety. The noises in the stomach and blueish palms may be the first signs of a high pulse rate and lack of normal blood circulation. Advice her to speak to someone she trusts and make deep breathing a habit, and have her try relaxation techniques to minimize stress.
Answered on 24th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am a female, and mother of 2, My problem is. there is a constant feeling of lump or tightness in my throat. Like when you fight back tears. And I feel emotional for no reason, Most of the time in a day. But the tightness is always there. I suffer from depression and anxiety from past 7 years. And now on 150mg sertaline From past 2 years. Was on nexito 20mg for 5 years before that.
Female | 30
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Srikanth Goggi
I have not depression but it came into my mind 24hrs that I have depression
Female | 22
Depression brings exhaustion, loss of pleasure, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating. Factors like genetics, life challenges, and imbalances in brain chemistry can contribute to depression. Therapy offers tools, medication stabilizes brain chemistry, and lifestyle changes can help adjust your path. Confiding in trusted individuals and seeking guidance from a psychiatrist are essential steps toward recovery.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am only feeling lazy and sleepy. I am not even able to do any work. I am losing my concentration
Male | 19
You should see your doctor for a full examination and treatment options. I would suggest going to a general practitioner or even a psychiatrist, who can properly assess you and recommend what type of treatment or change in lifestyle will help with your energy levels and focus.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Cold sweats,cold feet ,heart ache ,fear of death,nausea,cough
Female | 22
The situation you describe may indicate that you are suffering from a panic attack. Cold sweats, cold feet, chest pain, fear of dying, nausea, and coughing can be the accompanying symptoms. Panic attacks may result from stress, anxiety, or even a medical condition. Among the ways of handling a panic attack are deep breathing, concentrating on relaxing thoughts, and talking to a trustworthy person.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have stuttering problem 24/7 in my mind is running and paining i think i am like dhurra dhurra in my mind stuck and 24/7 running in my mind i think i ddinot talk and cannot talk with anyone i talk look like a dhurra so my mind is very painfull 24/7 i am crying because this things donot remove in my mind
Male | 18
It may feel like you might be caught in a storm of emotional pain from your stammering-induced rapid and racing thoughts. This state, caused by genetics or anxiety, is a great relief; however, when one's thought process is a vast emptiness that only confuses one's speech. Mind overload can lead to stuttering. The assistance of a therapist in overcoming your stress and thoughts becomes crucial.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am a 17 year old female I’m concerned that I may have anxiety
Female | 16
Worry and fear are big parts of anxiety. It makes you feel very scared or uneasy a lot of the time. You might feel nervous, have trouble sleeping, or get tired easily when you have anxiety. Stress, genes, or changes in your brain can cause anxiety. Take deep breaths, work out, or talk to someone to help with anxiety. If anxiety is still hard, a psychiatrist can teach you ways to feel better.
Answered on 16th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Sans fulna, ghabrahat hona , haf badh Jana andar bechaini hona
Male | 75
It seems like anxiety may be the cause. Feeling nervous or troubled happens. Your breathing gets tough. Anxiety arises from stress. Or it could stem from genes. Some medical issues can lead to it too. But you can manage through techniques like relaxation. Regular exercise helps.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I'm 21 years old and I feel so low and sometimes I feel very stressed and after stressing about thing I fell difficulty in sleeping I did a online depression test and it shows like I have high depression
Female | 21
Being sad and stressed out at your age is a hard situation, but you're not the only one feeling that way. Being sad, nervous, tired, and having difficulty sleeping are among the indicators of depression. Tension can make these experiences even more burdensome. Possible reasons for this could be genes, stress, or life events. Things that can help you improve your mood are talking to a psychiatrist, playing sports, and spending your free time with activities that make you happy.
Answered on 15th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
If drink alcohol on dinner party and feel much anxious and feel cant breath and too agitated, what lindo medication can i take to help relax ? Or what should i do if it is intense?
Male | 33
If you get anxious and agitated after drinking alcohol, it is best to stay away from alcohol from now on. But once the symptoms start to be severe like hard breathing, it is important to go to a doctor immediately. Please follow the advice of a licensed therapist or a psychiatrist concerning medication to help with relaxation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Can i take warm milk at night as I am taking antidepredsants
Female | 43
Drinking warm milk before sleeping is usually okay for people taking antidepressant medicines. Milk has tryptophan, a substance that helps make serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that aids sleep. However, some individuals may get stomach problems or gas from warm milk. If you don't experience these issues, a glass of warm milk at night is generally fine. Ensure it doesn't interact badly with your medications.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Hi, my name is aiden i am 14 years old and I've been wondering if there something wrong with me when i lay down on my chest i find it a lil hard to breathe sometimes i wonder if its axizety or i might be overthinking but other then that ive been having axizety making it hard for me to sleep and i just feels like my eyes are close but im not getting any sleep what should i do
Male | 14
When you lay on your chest and it feels hard to get air in, that could be from anxiety. Anxiety also makes it difficult for people to sleep well at night. You can learn how to control your breathing when talking about it with them and other ways of calming down too if they know about it. Try doing things before going to bed like making a routine so that every time before sleep you will make sure that you get into bed more easily also practice good habits around sleep like not watching any screens an hour before bedtime because they keep awake longer which means fewer hours spent resting. If these symptoms stay or get worse then maybe it's time to see the doctor and tell them what’s been happening.
Answered on 13th June '24
Dr. Shweta Bansal
47yr w f severe depression in 20mg kexapro
Female | 47
You should not practice self-medication or change your prescribed doses of medication. The condition of severe depression should be treated by a professional, and people need to visit an expert mental health specialist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I prevent panic attacks after eating?
Can certain smells or flavors in food trigger a panic attack?
Can panic attacks after eating be a symptom of a thyroid disorder?
Can panic attacks after eating be triggered by social anxiety or phobias related to food?
Are panic attack after eating more common in individuals with a history of eating disorders?
Can panic attacks after eating be a sign of an underlying mental health condition?
Can changes in blood pressure or heart rate after eating trigger a panic attack?
Can certain eating habits or rituals contribute to panic attacks after eating?
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