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महिला | 21

Why is my heart rate rapid when I get upset?

मैं 21 साल की हूं लेकिन वजन 39 किलोग्राम है। मैं जब गुस्सा करती, ऊंची आवाज में बोलने पर, उदास या रोती हूं तब मेरी हृदय की धड़कन तेज,अनजान डर, बेचनी, घबराहट, शरीर में कंपकंपी, शरीर से नियंत्रण खोना आदि परेशानी होती है।

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 25th Sept '24

It seems like you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, which can cause rapid heartbeats, shaking, restlessness, and a sense of losing control. These feelings are common during emotional stress. However, it’s important to visit a psychiatrist who can guide you with the right treatment and support.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

general psychology and mental health concerns

Male | 40

Please visit qualified psychiatrist and psychologist at

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

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I can't sleep I have tachycardia anxiety. Haven't slept for 2 days. I have lorazepam here how much should I take, I have never took anything like that.

Male | 35

The first thing to do is to make an appointment with your family doctor or a specialist to discuss your tachycardia anxiety. Lorazepam self-medication is not advised, and this is especially for those who have never used this drug. Taking the wrong dosage might lead to negative effects and it could also lead to other health problems. For this condition, you will need to consult a professional for a competent diagnosis and the most useful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is suffering from OCD & schizophrenia and she thinks her husband and me her daughter are trying to murder her and she's dangerous. What should I do?

Female | 50

It's important to understand that OCD and schizophrenia are serious mental health conditions that require specialized treatment. It's concerning to hear that your mother is experiencing delusions and paranoia. You should seek help from a qualified mental health professional. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and create a personalized treatment plan that may include medication and therapy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi my name is Diallo My question is what can i be sociable how to overcome timidity and stress that leads me to stay home all the time

Female | 30

It is okay to fe­el shy and stressed at time­s. Many people face this. It can fe­el hard to be with others. You might fe­el nervous, shy, or scared. But, you are­ not alone in this. Try taking small steps. You could join a club or talk to someone­ you trust. Taking deep breaths and le­arning to relax can also help lower stre­ss. Move at your own pace. Take it slow.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m not sure if my symptoms are because of anxiety or something else

Female | 18

IT IS BEST TO GET A MEDICAL OPINION. Anxiety can cause various symptoms like STOMACH ACHES, palpitations, sweating, etc, however, there may be other underlying medical conditions. CONSULT a HEALTHCARE provider to rule out any serious illnesses and receive proper treatment...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I am 29 years old and a female I have acute insomnia and don’t have the funds to find out which medication can make me sleep, I’ve tried Adco zolpidem (I need to take 3 to sleep, and it doesn’t keep me asleep) and dormonoct and neither have worked. Please advise me on what medication is the strongest and will help me sleep through the night

Female | 29

You're going through ataxic insomnia. Insomnia is the condition of the person who finds it difficult to sleep. It may occur due to stress, worries, or illnesses. Because Adco Zolpidem and Dormonal Act have not worked for you, I would recommend the try of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that the body naturally produces and it is responsible for controlling the daily and monthly rhythms. It is over-the-counter and besides, it might also help you in getting a full night's sleep.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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Im not sure but I think I had a eating disorder I'd go days on end with eating or even moving I'd just cry all day Im finally feeling better but I'm gaining to much weight and I have zero stamina I feel awful and I keep eating so much I feel fat, and now everyone is starting no notice how unfortunately it am and I can't do it anymore

Female | 19

See a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible and get treated for any possible mental health issues that may be influencing your symptoms. In addition, go to a nutritionist or dietitian and have them compose a meal plan which will be a part of a healthy weight maintenance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am not feeling well and satisfied in my life and also want to do crazy things that would enhance my motivation and skill

Male | 23

Feeling unmotivated and wanting to try new things is usually when we are feeling stagnant in life. Reach out and talk to someone you feel comfortable with about your feelings. Continue doing the things you like, step outside for a walk, or delve into a new hobby. Self-care and creating new sources of joy are methods of bringing your mood up.

Answered on 26th Nov '24

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I m 27 year old I have anxiety problm last 5-6 year

Female | 27

It seems you have already been dealing with anxiety for a while, it definitely can be a hard thing to do. Anxiety can make you feel nervous, scared, etc. It could occur due to stressful situations, genetics, or the imbalances of your brain chemicals. To cope with anxiety effectively, you have to open up about your feelings to someone you can trust, do relaxation exercises, work out regularly, and make sure to get enough sleep.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Feeling too sleepy but still not getting sleep

Female | 27

This happe­ns when you're anxious or stresse­d. Irregular habits play a role too. Caffeine­ and screen time be­fore bed don't help e­ither. Try a calming routine - read, take­ a warm bath. Avoid caffeine, scree­ns close to bedtime. Ke­ep a consistent slee­p schedule. If it persists, talk to a therapist or counsellor.

Answered on 26th July '24

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i will speak about my mom , so recently her eyes disturbance began a half hour ago, she dosen't stay hydrated for a long time she drinks from time to time, she uses the phone for hours straight , she dosen't sleep well, she has lack of sleep, when she said she has crisis ; she meant that her heart start beat fast and she start walking around because she said that she can't sit , she begin to stress hard and only think of bad consequences, she said that she can;t think well , her brain is in a mess as well as her thoughts swiming in bad thoughts , she said that she had panic attack pairing with these effects . So Doctor what is the solution what she have to do ?

Male | 18

Your mom could be going through anxiety and panic attacks. When a person’s heart is beating fast, can’t keep still, and has bad thoughts, it might be a panic attack. It could get worse if she doesn’t sleep well, take enough water and use the phone a lot. She ought to rest more, ensure she drinks sufficient water, and take breaks from the phone if she wants to feel better. Some deep breaths may help calm her down when having one. These signs should be reported to her general practitioner immediately.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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Can i take herbal vitamin b12 supplements while I am taking antidepressents.

Female | 43

Vitamin B12 herbal supple­ments go great with antidepre­ssants. If B12 is low, feelings might be tire­d, weak, and dizzy. Antidepressants can make­ it hard for B12 to absorb properly in the body. A suppleme­nt helps keep normal B12 le­vels. Tell your doctor before­ starting any new supplement.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I get fainting and I have so many negative thoughts and it's change my behaviour and I suffer lot

Female | 18

Your drooping spirits and the negatives in your thinking have the consequence of your behavior. Various causes of these signs are found hence people having been under a lot of stress or anxiety experience the same feeling. When you go through the emotions focus on the end of this exercise: slow breathing and calming of the soul. Besides, communicating with your close friends or even family members can be helpful. You can also recognize that it's important to ask for help when needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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