Female | 24
কেন আমার কোমর ব্যথা আমার উরু পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয়?
কোমর ব্যথা যা আমার উরু পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত

অর্থোপেডিক সার্জারি
Answered on 11th Sept '24
আপনার উরু পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত কোমর ব্যথা বাঁকানো বা উত্তোলনের মতো ক্রিয়াকলাপের কারণে এবং সায়াটিকার স্নায়ুর সমস্যাগুলির কারণে পেশীর চাপের কারণে হতে পারে। আপনি আপনার পায়ে খিঁচুনি বা অসাড়তা অনুভব করতে পারেন। ভাল বোধ করার জন্য, বিশ্রাম করার চেষ্টা করুন, বরফ প্রয়োগ করুন এবং মৃদু স্ট্রেচিং করুন। যদি এটি ভাল না হয়, তাহলে একটি দেখতে ভালঅর্থোপেডিকআরও পরামর্শের জন্য।
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1042)
I am a 17 year old female with a diagnosis of bertalottis syndrome which I take co-codamol 8/500 and an anti inflammatory for. For about 2 years I've been experiencing chronic pain in my wrists, knees, ankles and elbows. The pain is usually about a 3/4 usually and its an achey/strong pain but it often gets more intense like a flare up where it can go from a 6-10 where I am unable to move the affected body part.
Female | 17
You may face issues linked to Bertolotti's syndrome. Dealing with ongoing pain in various joints is not unusual with this condition. The achy, intense ache you describe, coupled with flare-ups, is a frequent symptom. Collaborating closely with an orthopedist to investigate diverse treatment choices that could enhance symptom management remains crucial. Exercising and physical therapy may prove advantageous too.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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i’m an 18 year old female i’ve had shoulder pain for 7-8 months ever since a truck hood fell on me it’s cause serious pain and otc medication doesn’t help. i’ve gotten scans but no results back yet.
Female | 18
This may occur due to torn muscles or because the tendons gained injuries. Unrelenting pain might require more therapeutic medications, such as physiotherapy, and it can also go to surgery if the scan shows the result. You took the right path first to have the scans done. Take breaks ask for help, and visit an orthopedist.
Answered on 18th June '24
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Which is the best implant for Hip Arthroplasty for a 50-year-old person. What is the cost of it?
As per my understanding you want to know which types of implant is best for hip arthroplasty. There are mainly two types of surgeries. Total hip replacement (also called total hip arthroplasty), in which the damaged bone and cartilage is removed and replaced with prosthetic components. The other type of surgery is hemiarthroplasty, which involves replacing half of the hip joint hip resurfacing and hip replacement. The choice of implant depends on the type of surgery. Consult an orthopedic - Best Orthopedic Doctor in India, who will help you to decide on the type of surgery required by the patient, and also the implant. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I've had pain in the sternum, top of left arm, left shoulder blade and ribs for months now. I'm 36. I'm seeing physio and noone really knows what it is! I had an ECG, fine. Bloods, pretty much ok. The back shoulder blade is now awful and constant!
Female | 36
You've been experiencing pain in the sternum, left arm, shoulder blade, and ribs. Such discomfort can have many sources, for instance, a muscle strain or inflammation. It is a happy occasion when the results, such as ECG and blood work, are in the normal range. Physiotherapy can be a solution for the everlasting pain in the shoulder blade. Visit an orthopedist suitable for treatment.
Answered on 15th July '24
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Muscle knots due to stress all over back and neck. Very healthy but slightly high lymphocyte count but doctors say its fine. I am so freaked out
Female | 15
Muscle knots are usually caused by stress. Stress & tension later develops in the form of muscle tightness and discomfort called muscle spasms.
Regarding your slightly high lymphocyte count, if your doctors have reassured you that it is not a cause for concern, it's generally best to trust their expertise. Minor variations in blood cell counts can occur without indicating a serious health issue.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother aged 59 years is suffering acute knee and due to this she can't move from bed this resulting bed sore also kindly help us so that she can move from bed and recover from this pain soon
Female | 59
Based on the stage , she can be treated operatively as well non operatively. Based on the stage , she can be treated operatively as well non operatively. For more detailed information please visit best Orthopedist in Delhi.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hey I’m getting a weird feeling in my right foot it comes a goes but it feels like a pulse movement it feels weird I’m not sure what it is
Female | 24
You might be feeling a throbbing sensation in your right foot. The constriction of blood vessels or the poor circulation of that area can be the cause. In rare instances, stress, anxiety, or the overconsumption of caffeine, may lead to the same feeling. Walk around and try to keep your foot upright for a while. Talking to an orthopedist is advisable if the feeling persists or gets worse.
Answered on 18th June '24
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I have bad pain in both shoulders while sleeping, can I take stem cell treatment
Male | 36
You seem to have a Frozen Shoulder, a condition when the shoulder joint tissue becomes tight, causing pain. Stem cell treatment research is ongoing, making it an uncommon solution currently. The advisable step is to consult an orthopedist for appropriate exercises, physical therapy, or medications. These can alleviate pain and enhance shoulder mobility.
Answered on 20th July '24
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Looking for a acl reconstruction surgery for my right knee.., torn acl ligament while playing soccer.
Male | 33
The anterior cruciate ligament stabilizes your knee. When it rips, knee pain, swelling, and instability happen. To repair this injury, ACL reconstruction surgery fixes it. To know more about this procedure and to get your surgery, kindly visit an orthopedist.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
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Having pain in right hand wrist
Female | 17
This type of pain is usually due to things like over-use injury or even arthritis. The wrist is a complicated joint, so the discomfort can be caused by many reasons. To help, you can try resting your wrist, using ice packs, and doing gentle stretches. If the pain persists, it's wiser to consult an orthopedist.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
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Kamarama dukhavo L S spine
સ્ત્રી | 33
It could be a sign of a lower spinal cord problem. It is advisable to consult with a neurologist or an orthopedist who specializes in spinal problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm suffering from sever back pain in lumber
Male | 34
You're dealing with significant lower back pain, which can be caused by muscle strain, a bulging disc, or poor posture. This pain might feel sharp, dull, or achy, making it hard to move. To ease the discomfort, try gentle stretching, applying ice or heat, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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One point in back pains for 2yrs after a big sneezing
Male | 31
You may have a slipped disc, caused by extra pressure from sneezing. A pointy, lasting pain results. Symptoms include numbness and tingling legs. Rest, avoid heavy lifting, and try gentle exercises to strengthen back muscles. If pain persists, see an orthopedist.
Answered on 12th Sept '24
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I want to know how many can a person gain from limb lengthening and does it depends with the cost and expenses
Female | 25
The maximum lengthening achievable is around 8-10 cm for the femur bone and 6-8 cm for the tibia bone. The amount of limb lengthening a person can gain through surgery varies according to the individual's initial height, the type of surgery, desired lengthening etc.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I m 65 year old, I have pain in my leg very much. I have 3 wall in my veins because of blockage. But my leg pain is very heavy. what can i do
Female | 65
This could be the result of an insufficient blood flow. The symptoms may also include coughing, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, and chest pain, especially when exercising. Leg lifting, regular workouts, and wearing compression stockings may play a big role in the control of other health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Discuss with the orthopedist the most suitable alternatives to relieve your leg pain.
Answered on 4th Oct '24
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My left and is painful.i want to know the reason?
Male | 25
Left arm pain can have various sources, including injury or oversuse and underlying diseases like cardiovascular disorders or arthritis. You should rather seek a medial opinion of an orthopedist to diagnose the source and take care for your pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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High gread partial tare acl towards femur
Male | 24
You have a partial tear of the ACL, where it remains attached but has been significantly torn near the thigh bone. This can happen due to a knee ligament sprain or strain. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the knee. Immediate causes are sudden bending or excessive knee movement. Treatment options may involve resting the joint, doing physical therapy, or undergoing surgery to repair the tear. It's crucial to follow an orthopedist's advice for proper recovery.
Answered on 15th July '24
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I am 35 years old, was playing football and got injured in the knee and hand, some blood came out, I let it to dry 10 mins then went to wash with water and soap, unfortunately I didn't have plaster, I went home with the injury open to the air, I tried to minimize interactions with anything in the transportation and I am almost 100 sure, I didn't touch anything, once I went home I put beta din and sterilizer, my question shall I worry about anything in case I touched anything, what could i have done better, now I will always keep plaster and medical stuff with me
Male | 35
Keep the wound clean and monitor for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or increased pain. You did well by cleaning the wound and applying Betadine. It's good practice to carry a small first aid kit with plasters and antiseptics for such situations. If you notice any signs of infection or concerned, it's best to consult an orthopedic specialist to ensure proper healing and care.
Answered on 19th July '24
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Good Morning Sir, My mother is suffering from knee pain since 5/6 years and doctors are advising for knee replacement. So i want to know the how much cost to both knee replacement. Thanks & Regards Narinder Kumar 9780221919
Female | 55
Answered on 23rd May '24
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For over a year now I have had something that sicks out at the bottom of my ribcage on the left. It fells like the end of a rib sticking out and hurts when being pushed on. I did lose quite a lot of weight a year and a half ago and it's ever since then that I have noticed it. It is visibly sticking out when I am just standing normally.
Female | 20
You might have costochondritis. This is when the cartilage in your ribs gets inflamed, which usually causes pain and tenderness. It may be related to weight loss and sometimes comes on after an illness. To help relieve the pain, you can do some gentle stretching, use heat packs, or take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen.
Answered on 8th June '24
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