Male | 26
Warum beeinflusst meine Handgelenksoperation die Nervenreaktionen?
Diagnose: Komplexer Radiusfraktur des distalen Endes Grad 3A(L) mit Ulnaschaftfraktur und Ulnasteyloidfraktur Nach einer Handgelenksoperation zeigt der linke Median und die linke Ulna eine CMAP-Reaktion mit geringer Amplitude. & Kontinuierliche Wahrnehmung zwischen Daumen und Finger. Die Bewegung des Daumens ist nicht richtig. F-Wellen fehlen

Answered on 25th May '24
Die Tatsache, dass Sie Ihren Daumen nicht richtig bewegen können und das Gefühl haben, dass Daumen und andere Finger ständig zusammengeführt werden, kann darauf hindeuten, dass entweder die Nerven beim ersten Unfall oder bei der Operation verletzt wurden. Diese Erkenntnisse müssen mit der geteilt werdenOrthopädeoder einNeurologe.
33 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1050)
I am sahil seth i suffered lateral ankle sprain 2 years ago i did physiotherapy but haven't got any relief doing the same.. i have flat foot on which my doctor recommended me to wear customized arch support but the problem is the same please help me out.. asap..
Male | 18
Your problem seems quite complex, so before getting to any conclusions we need to examine you clinically as well need to review your MRI . Get in touch with one of the best orthopedic surgeon near you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 19 years old , female . I have TMJ problem... I don't have pain till now .. but I just have a clicking sound when I try to open my mouth widely . Will this be curable without surgery?
Female | 19
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, can produce clicking sounds when you open your mouth. Nervous habits such as teeth grinding, stress or jaw misalignment may contribute to this. Many cases can be treated without surgery. Simple exercises for the jaw, hot/cold packs, and elderly eating are some of the treatments that might result in improvement. If your symptoms continue to worsen, you should get in contact with an orthopedist.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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I had an accident in 2005 August, I had a brachial plexus injury, I can't move my left hand. My left shoulder, wrist, elbow fused in CMC Vellore 10 Years ago. Any further treatment in India?
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am having issues with my right knee. My current doctor always suggests cortisol shots, but I refuse them because they don't work for me. I am very active, but my right knee slows me down. I'm looking for a new doctor and considering a knee replacement, preferably with 3-D printing technology. My name is Martin Castro.
Male | 66
It sounds like your current treatment isn't working for you, and it's important to find a solution. You should consider consulting an orthopedic specialist who can offer alternative treatments, including advanced options like 3-D printed knee replacements. They can provide a personalized plan to help you stay active and manage your knee pain effectively.
Answered on 18th June '24
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I am24 year old suffering with back pain
Male | 24
It may have been caused by lifting heavy objects and straining your muscles or having a bad posture. Once in a while, this pain is usually associated with problems in the spine or disks. To help relieve the pain, try doing some mild stretching exercises, using hot or cold packs, and avoiding activities that make it worse. If it doesn’t go away or get any better after a while then I think it would be wise if you consulted an orthopedist about it.
Answered on 28th May '24
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Total knee replacement..which knee replacement prosthesis is used & why is it the best?
Female | 69
Among various prostheses used in joint replacement, Total Knee Replacement is the most commonly used one. It is known as the best because it involves total replacement of knee joint and it relieves the pain and disables for long-term solution. For further information consult an orthopedic surgeon that deals with replacement surgeries involving joints.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Mera baya hath se takat nhi mil rhi hai
पुरुष | 26
Your left hand feels weak. This might be because the nerves in your hand aren’t working properly. One possible cause could be a pinched nerve in your neck or shoulder. It’s a good idea to see an orthopedist to find the exact cause and get the right treatment. Exercise with a physiotherapist or medication may help improve the strength and mobility of your hand.
Answered on 13th Aug '24
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I am a type 2 diabetic patient.four days before a rusted nail pierced my right foot.after that my foot started swelling and i am not able to eat and having nausea and I also have gastric trouble and constipation.i vomited thrice today and I didn’t have my antibiotics or any diabetic tablets.i also have headache and fever
Male | 56
Maybe there is an infection in your foot. When your skin is pierced, bacteria may enter and cause swelling. The symptoms you are having such as feeling sick to your stomach (nausea), throwing up, being unable to have a bowel movement (constipation), headache, and having a high temperature could be due to the infection moving around. Quick treatment with antibiotics and other drugs from a doctor is needed so that you can get well soon.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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For 3 months, the area around my right shoulder blade has been swollen and I sometimes have pain when moving my arm. The swollen area is soft and does not hurt to the touch.
Male | 19
You have swelling near a joint. That's probably bursitis. The swollen areas contain fluid sacs. Moving your affected arm brings pain and discomfort. You should rest your arm and use cold packs. This can reduce inflammation. Also, try stretching exercises. These may offer relief. However, if the pain continues, visit an orthopedist.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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Female | 55
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 17 yr. Boy have a accident 11 days ago fortunately i just got scratches on my body the wounds of my upper body (hands, arms )get healed they just left with white scars and some gonna to take 2 or 3 days to heal. But I have concern about the wounds of my leg mainly i got 4 wounds in my leg one on elbow and left three on my feet those three are like a hole but they got tissues their but the wounds are still their. I know it gonna take time but everytime i or my nurse change the dressing it got bleed bec when i have to walk all wounds of my leg start bleeding maybe stretch of tissues i don't use that leg to walk. But even it bleed. I don't know what's to do. It's like whenever i do dressing the wound get damaged and bleed because the bandage gets to stick to it because of blood. I use megaheal or betadine for dressing but mostly bettadin because after doing dressing with megaheal it hey pus ( little bit ) in the wound it happens to wound on elbow and feet please tell how can I solve this. And lil bit sorry for the bad explanation. And thanks
Male | 17
The redness, bleeding, and pus are signs that your wounds might be infected. It's important to keep the wounds clean and dry. Use Betadine for dressing, as it helps prevent infection. Avoid putting too much pressure on your leg wounds to reduce bleeding. Your wounds will heal with time.
Answered on 10th June '24
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How long does swelling last after arthroscopic knee surgery?
In normal circumstances swelling last for maximum 2-3 days, but in case of any complications if the swelling doesn't go you need to consult orthopedist for further treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I nitesh 37 year suffering from avn hip stage ll and taking medicine osteofas 70 weekly but i am not feel better drilling is sucess in this condition
Male | 37
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What is r22.43 known as Localized swelling, mass and lump, lower limb, bilateral
Female | 32
R22.43 means you have swelling, mass, or lump in your lower limbs on both sides which may cause your legs to feel heavy or achy. This could be because of prolonged sitting or standing, immobility, and after a minor injury.
Answered on 10th July '24
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Hi, Stomach tightness and back pain due to which facing difficulty in breathe any suggestion?
Female | 54
You're feeling stomach tightness, back pain, breathing difficulties. Those symptoms could mean anxiety, indigestion, strained muscle. Try deep breaths, relax, use heat on back. If symptoms continue or worsen, consult an orthopedist.
Answered on 30th July '24
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My mother is 55 years old. A little obesity. She got her surgery for Haglund deformity causing Achilles tendonitis. After two weeks the suture was removed. Till that time she was on antibiotics and antimicrobial treatment alongwith calcium and pain killer. But now it's been 3-4 weeks post surgery . The post surgical site is black and I don't feel like it's healing. What to do?
Female | 55
It is recommended to go to the orthopedic surgeon who performed the operation and get the area examined. The black color could mean an infection or poor healing. It is necessary to have it diagnosed to take the treatment appropriately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have had a sharp, stabbing pain in my knee that comes every few months for the past few years. Could this be serious?
Female | 16
Stabbing pain in the knee can be due to many reasons. It could be ligament or meniscus injuries to inflammation or other medical conditions. Get it examined with an orthopedic for proper evaluation and treatment if required.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello! I am Jelena from Belgrade. I have 29 years and pains started when I was 17 years. Pains from the beginning are the same, strong, and constant. I have pains while sitting, standing, walking, sleeping. I started swimming but can’t see any improvement. I have been at physiotherapist, hyperbaric therapy, and I had surgery 2 years ago in Belgrade. They told me they did a fusion surgery of the spine (L3, L4), and they decompressed vertebras and input disc but I don’t feel anything better from the surgery at all, not even 1% percent. Behalf of the same pain, I can feel one of the screws when touching its place, it causes pain while I sitting on a chair or even laying in bed. The main pain is in my lower back, from the middle of the spine down to the gluteus. Another issue I have is that I broke my coccyx and it was crookedly fused, which also makes me a pain. I have pictures of MRI and I would love to send you. I want to thank you again for your time and looking forward to your reply. I will send the MRI as soon as you say. Thanks, Best Regards, Jelena Rmus
Female | 29
The spine surgery (L3, L4 fusion) and fractured tailbone might be causing your persistent discomfort. Let's look closely at your MRI scans to figure out what's going on. I suggest consulting an expert spine doctor for a thorough check-up and tailored treatment plan.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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There's been swelling in my legs after the treatment; what should I do about it?
Female | 60
If you notice any swelling in your legs after treatment, you must do so. Swelling can occur due to fluid build-up or blood flow changes. In some instances, medications may also be the culprits. While sitting, be sure to elevate your legs and avoid standing for too long. Going around can also aid. Should the swelling continue or the worsening of it be the case, be sure to inform an orthopedist immediately.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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Hi, I'm taking 1.5ml of Testosterone Ethanate 300mg/ml once per week but I'm due to get a cortisone injection in my hand for trigger finger in 2 weeks time. Will this be ok to have whilst I'm taking this?
Male | 40
Testosterone Ethanate (T.E.) is a hormone, while cortisone is a medication used to reduce inflammation. Getting a cortisone injection for the trigger finger shouldn't be an issue while on T.E., as they work differently in the body. However, always inform your orthopedist about all medications you're taking. Trigger finger occurs due to tendon inflammation, causing fingers to get stuck in a bent position. A corticosteroid injection can reduce the inflammation and relieve symptoms.
Answered on 23rd Oct '24
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