Female | 29
Chronic Lower Back Pain Treatment Consultation
Hello! I am Jelena from Belgrade. I have 29 years and pains started when I was 17 years. Pains from the beginning are the same, strong, and constant. I have pains while sitting, standing, walking, sleeping. I started swimming but can’t see any improvement. I have been at physiotherapist, hyperbaric therapy, and I had surgery 2 years ago in Belgrade. They told me they did a fusion surgery of the spine (L3, L4), and they decompressed vertebras and input disc but I don’t feel anything better from the surgery at all, not even 1% percent. Behalf of the same pain, I can feel one of the screws when touching its place, it causes pain while I sitting on a chair or even laying in bed. The main pain is in my lower back, from the middle of the spine down to the gluteus. Another issue I have is that I broke my coccyx and it was crookedly fused, which also makes me a pain. I have pictures of MRI and I would love to send you. I want to thank you again for your time and looking forward to your reply. I will send the MRI as soon as you say. Thanks, Best Regards, Jelena Rmus

Joint Replacement Surgeon
Answered on 27th Aug '24
The spine surgery (L3, L4 fusion) and fractured tailbone might be causing your persistent discomfort. Let's look closely at your MRI scans to figure out what's going on. I suggest consulting an expert spine doctor for a thorough check-up and tailored treatment plan.
29 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)
Diagnosis - Compound grade 3A(L) distalend radius fracture with ulnar shaft fracture with ulnar steyloid fracture After getting wrist surgery left median and left ulnar nurves CMAPs low amplitude response. & Continuous sensenation found between thumb & finger . Thumb movement is not properly. F waves absent
Male | 26
The fact that you cannot move your thumb properly and feel like your thumb and other fingers are being brought together all the time may imply that either the nerves were injured when the accident first occurred or when it was being operated upon. These findings need to be shared with the orthopedist or a neurologist.
Answered on 25th May '24
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I have pain at lower back and hips from last 2 to 3 months
Male | 32
Experiencing discomfort in your lower back and hips for a couple of months can stem from various factors, such as muscle strain, poor posture, or underlying conditions like arthritis. It’s essential to pay attention to your body’s signals. To help alleviate the pain, consider gentle stretching exercises, maintaining good posture, staying active, and applying heat or ice as needed. However, since the discomfort has persisted, I encourage you to consult an orthopedist for a thorough evaluation. They can provide tailored advice and treatment options based on your specific situation, ensuring you receive the best care possible.
Answered on 18th Jan '25
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Hello pain in hand fingers
Male | 66
Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or injury may lead to pain in hand fingers. It is advisable to consult an orthopedic physician for proper diagnosis and treatment. Failing to address the pain may make things worse and interfere with everyday life.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 18 years old and i am suffering from back pain headache at particular point anxiety problem in taking breathe
Female | 18
Back pain, headache, and anxiety may be the symptoms of some common issues. Sometimes stress and tension can make your body feel like this. Trouble with breathing could also be due to anxiety. Use deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and gentle stretches to your advantage. Besides these, it is also important to drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep. If the issues continue, talk to an orthopedist for more information.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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My mother is 62 years old and has had recently gone under ORIF for her elbow injury. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and also osteoporosis sue to her age. She takes hypertension medicine and controls pre-diabetes with diet. It's been 10 days since her surgery, she has a temporary plaster and we haven't got the x-ray yet. What are her chances of full recovery? Can there be any complications because of arthritis and how can we prevent those?
Female | 62
Considering your mother's age, medical history, and recent elbow procedure, her chances of complete healing are good. However, arthritis can sometimes slow down recovery. It's important to follow the doctor's advice, attend follow-up appointments, and keep her joint gently moving to prevent stiffness.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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Enlargement of heels bone as per previous dr your suggestion
Female | 32
Acupuncture offers relief from chronic heel spurs and has proven record in treating calcaneal spur.
Extra bone tissue known as heel spurs which develop due to over stress of the foot can cause pain in back of heel. Electro Acupuncture points, Moxibustion, Acupressure and seed therapy have shown great relief in heel pain and inflammation. Also correction in the enlargement of heel bone is observed as the acupuncture treatment is taken on regular basis. I.e. 2-3 sessions weekly continued for a period of 1-2 months."
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 20 year old female. I have recurring back pain in my lower back since last 3 months. Its gets triggered after I do cleaning work or lifting weights. The pain has shifted to the side of my hip since last 2 days. What should I do?
Female | 20
It's important to address your recurring lower back pain, especially since it's now affecting your hip area. These symptoms could indicate a musculoskeletal issue or a possible strain. I recommend consulting an orthopedic specialist or a physiotherapist. They can evaluate your condition, suggest appropriate exercises or treatments, and provide guidance on managing and preventing further discomfort.
Answered on 18th July '24
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I am a 43 year old female, I have been experiencing chronic lower back pain for the last 8 months, the pain feels like it is nerves, I have trouble walking and can only walk around 20 metres. I take lyrica and palexia, they do not seem to be working. This is having a huge impact in my life
Female | 43
Chronic lower back pain can have various causes, such as spinal herniation, muscle strain, or spinal stenosis. If the pain feels nerve-related and affects your ability to walk, it could indicate nerve compression or damage. If medications like Lyrica and Palexia aren't effective, consider discussing other options with an orthopedist, such as physical therapy, injections, or surgery.
Answered on 18th Oct '24
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Perineural cyst is painfull?
Female | 33
A perineural cyst can hurt sometimes. These fluid-filled sacs grow near lower back nerves. They cause back pain, leg pain, numbness. The exact reason is unclear, but old injuries or genes may cause them. Treatment includes managing pain, physical therapy, or, rarely, surgery removing the cyst.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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My father is 54 years old and he have Shoulder Arthritis. He is suffering a lot of pain . He daily apply hot water and pain reducing oilment but there is no improvement. .
Male | 54
Your father is feeling pain due to Shoulder Arthritis; it’s a common affliction. Symptoms may include pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving the shoulder. The main causes are wear and tear on the joint and aging. Just applying hot water or ointments for pain relief is not adequate. For more effective treatments like physical therapy or medication, seek help from an orthopedist.
Answered on 8th July '24
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मैं 22वर्षीय लड़की हूं मुझे पिछले 4 सालों से कमर दर्द और 2 सालों से गर्दन दर्द है मुझे एस बताया गया है क्या मेरा इलाज कर सकते हैं मैं इस दर्द से बहुत दिक्कत है मेरी पढ़ाई छूट गईं है दर्द के वजह से
महिला | 22
आपकी स्थिति को समझते हुए, कमर और गर्दन में दर्द कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे मांसपेशियों की खिंचाव या हड्डियों की समस्याएं। उपचार के लिए, फिजियोथेरेपी, एक्सरसाइज, और आराम शामिल हो सकते हैं। चिकित्सक द्वारा उचित निदान और इलाज बेहद जरूरी है। आप अपने दैनिक जीवन में छोटे-छोटे बदलाव कर सकती हैं, जैसे सही आसन बनाए रखना और नियमित हल्की गतिविधियाँ करना। कृपया किसी स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ से मिलें, ताकि आपकी स्थिति का सही उपचार हो सके।
Answered on 9th Feb '25
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Good morning. I was doing high jump in a school,and my leg ankle removed and got my leg a little short. Can it be resolved be straighten it and make it balanced with the other one
Male | 34
You seem to have dislocated your ankle, which can give your leg a longer impression. Such occurrences are observed when the bones in your ankle are misplaced. To correct this, you should go to an orthopedist who can put the bones back into the right place. A splint or a brace may be used by them to enable your ankle to recover properly. Adhering to their recommendations is critical if you want your leg to be straightened and aligned with your other leg. Rest, elevate your leg, and stay away from putting weight on it until you see a doctor.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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I am suffering from frozen shoulder issue.
Male | 39
Frozen shoulder is characterised by stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. Visit an orthopedist for treatment, they will suggest physical therapy and prescribe medications for pain management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello my name is pradeep and my age is 24. Actually I am 130 kg with no medical history. But few weeks back I got back pain suddenly I started talking one pain killer it's better now but I just want to ask can I go to water theme park with little back pain or i should avoid it?
Male | 24
If you've had sudden back pain and have been taking pain medication, it might be best to consult a doctor before going to a water theme park. Certain activities there could worsen your back pain. If you decide to go, opt for gentler attractions and listen to your body to avoid discomfort.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I"ve back bone problem please guide me what will i do
Male | 30
Back pain may be caused by a host of different factors such as poor posture, moving heavy objects the wrong way, or not being physically active. Symptoms may include pain, stiffness, or mobility difficulties. Relieve your back with some gentle exercises such as stretching or walking. Ensure that you are not only standing but also sitting straight. If the pain persists, get a consultation with an orthopedist for further directions.
Answered on 11th Nov '24
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मेरी नाक की हड्डी एक तरफ से बढ़ गई है क्योंकि सास नहीं ले पा रहा हूं अच्छे से 1 साल होने वाला है
Male | 18
नाक की एक तरफ का बढ़ना और सांस लेने में परेशानी कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे कि नाक का टेढ़ा होना, अलर्जीज, या साइनस इन्फेक्शन। अगर आपको लंबे समय से यह समस्या है, तो यह जरूरी है कि आप किसी विशेषज्ञ से मिलें। डॉक्टर जांच करके उचित निदान कर सकते हैं और उपचार के लिए सही कदम उठाएंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो उपचार में दवाइयाँ या सर्जरी शामिल हो सकती हैं। अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखें और जल्द से जल्द चिकित्सा सहायता लें।
Answered on 8th Jan '25
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I am 49 years old .i have lot of pain in hip joilnt i done mri xray .i want opinion regarding surgery or replacement of ball By specialist doctor
Male | 49
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I Got MRI done Of spine for some back pain puropse Can I get to know About my growth plates from that. As I can absorb I have a thin black line between vertibrals and white Between space between each vertribals.... I will be glad for you help doctor..
Male | 18
An MRI focuses on soft tissues and bones, including the condition of your spine, but it isn't specifically designed to assess growth plates, which are typically evaluated through X-rays. The thin black line you observed likely represents the intervertebral disc space, which contains fluid and can indicate health in that area. Back pain can arise from various factors, including muscle strain, posture issues, or disc problems. I recommend discussing your MRI results with your orthopedist, who can offer tailored advice and treatment options based on your specific situation.
Answered on 16th Mar '25
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R. Sir My daughter, Age 14, is having one normal foot and second one is broad by birth. We had consulted to your goodself in (Dr.Vakhariya Orthopedic Hospital), Jamnagar, Gujarat when she was of 4-5 month of age. At that time your good self asked to take advice after the age of 13/14. I request to guide further in the mette please.
Male | 14
You must follow up with an orthopedist again to determine if further evaluation is necessary.They may recommend further imaging X-rays or MRI, and may suggest certain treatment or surgery depending on the severity of the condition and any associated symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 17 yrs old girl having problem about my height increasing and my bone problem pain i am normal but i suffered bone pain i have been no diagonesed with any disease
Female | 17
Bone pain may be a consequence of various factors such as growth spurts or poor posture which may be the reason for this. For now, think of your bones as if they are naturally adjusting themselves as you grow taller. Measure your intake of calcium and vitamin D as a way of ensuring you get enough of these minerals for healthy bones. Even if the pain persists, it's best to talk with an orthopedist.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
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