Male | 27
Könnte sich eine Zwangsstörung oder Schizophrenie auf meinen Bruder auswirken?
Mein Bruder leidet an Zwangsstörungen oder Schizophernie, sagt sein Arzt
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Es besteht das Risiko, dass er eine Zwangsstörung oder Schizophrenie entwickelt. Zwangsstörungen beinhalten unerwünschte Gedanken und Ängste, die zu sich wiederholenden Handlungen wie übermäßigem Putzen oder Ordnen führen. Schizophrenie ist eine psychische Störung, die Gedanken, Gefühle und Verhalten verzerrt und zu Symptomen wie dem Hören von Stimmen oder Wahnvorstellungen führt. Beide Erkrankungen können durch Genetik und Umwelt beeinflusst werden. Zwangsstörungen werden in der Regel mit Therapie und Medikamenten behandelt, während die Behandlung von Schizophrenie häufig antipsychotische Medikamente und Therapien umfasst. Es ist wichtig, Ihren Bruder zu ermutigen, ihn zu sehenPsychiaterzu einer Kontrolluntersuchung und besprechen Sie die besten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für seine Symptome.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)
I am 24 years old. I can't stop thinking about something I don't want to think about. It comes into my mind by itself and I start to feel depressed, anxious, and low. Is this any mental disorder?
Female | 24
Are your thoughts repetitive & intrusive? Are these thoughts creating any distress? if they do, we can diagnose this condition as OCD.
To know more you can read about the causes of depression here.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Srikanth Goggi
Does Sri antidepressants cause dementia in the long term
Male | 27
No, it won't but it is important to consult with a psychiatrist for the proper diagnosis and treatment of depression as well as any related conditions.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Hi I’ve been waking up at the same time every day for two weeks and every day I wake up either crying moving things around my room or having sleep pralysis I’ve suffered with this before but haven’t had it in ages
Female | 18
Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder that makes you feel stuck. Your brain wakes up, but your body doesn't. This causes temporary paralysis which can be scary. You might feel afraid or confused. Seeing things move or crying are part of this experience. To reduce sleep paralysis, have a regular sleep routine. Go to bed at the same time each night. Avoid screens before bed. If it keeps happening, talk to a sleep specialist. They can guide you on what to do.
Answered on 16th Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have ADD / Inattentive ADHD. I’m having extreme problems with weight loss but my medication (Generic for Vyvanse), Suppresses my appetite and I can’t gain any weight. Are there any prescriptions I can try that won’t suppress my appetite and will help me gain weight?
Male | 18
It appears that you’re having trouble losing weight because of the medicine you’re taking for ADD/Inattentive ADHD. Your appetite is affected by this drug thus making it hard for you to gain weight. It may help if you talk to your doctor about trying another medication that doesn’t suppress appetite. Such a change could enable you to reach a healthy weight. Speak with your healthcare provider regarding your concerns so that they can find the right solution.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am patient of depression and anxiety. Dr suggested me qutipin and amitone 25. But feel very bad and strange feeling after taking this medicine. Once I take Tramadol 50 mg, I feel very relaxed and happy after taking Tramadol. Should I take Tramadol for anxiety and depression
Male | 45
Consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medication. For your information, you can go through our blog - Tramadol for Anxiety and Depression- Is it really Safe and effective?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Hi doctor my age is 20 I am female I have issues in breathing since my childhood mostly this occurs when I am in stress please provide me solutions how I overcome this
Female | 20
In this case, you might be experiencing asthma, which is the source of your breathing difficulties, especially when you are stressed out or under emotional pressure. Try yoga, stretching exercises, deep breathing techniques, or meditation as a form of relaxation when you notice stress building up. On the other hand, if you see no improvement, report the issue to a psychiatrist to further explore and personalize treatment.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and depression, i need to confirm and learn to live with it. I need help. Please do the needful.
Male | 52
Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression are mental illnesses.. But nothing to worry. Seek professional treatment. Learn coping skills and self-care practices. Surround yourself with supportive people. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Medication MAY be helpful. Recovery is possible with proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Looking for the best mental hospital in India.
Male | 24
Answered on 4th Sept '24
Dr. Sapna Zarwal
I have been suffering from music stuck in my head . As soon as I wake up that music starts to play in my head and it never end . I am very tensed about this because it affects my daily life activities like I can't even focus on my studies please help me
Female | 17
You might be dealing with "earworms," which is when a song gets stuck in your head. This can happen due to stress, fatigue, or simply hearing the song too often. To manage it, try switching to a different activity, listening to another song, or talking to a counselor to handle stress. Remember to take breaks from work and enjoy some downtime.
Answered on 14th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
She is suffering from mental disorder since last 6/7 years.
Female | 36
Your friend seems to have been struggling with a mental illness for a few years now. Mental illnesses manifest in different ways such as extreme sadness, anxiety, or difficulty concentrating. A person may experience this due to genetic makeup, brain chemicals, and life events. She should consider seeing a therapist or taking medicine, who will help her cope with the symptoms and feel better.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am 19 years old, I have suicidal thoughts, difficulty in breathing or anxiety.
Female | 19
Self-harm thoughts, breathing difficulties, or very rapid heartbeat rate are severe. These can be indicators of a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. Some therapists and psychiatrist are willing to listen to you and help you to feel better.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
sir har baat baat pe gussa aana tor phor karna kisi bhi baat pe pressar lena
Female | 23
Being uneasy or disturbed over minor issues can be detrimental to both our mental and physical wellness is of great importance. It would be prudent to go for help from a professional psychiatrist to solve any prevalent anger or stress management questions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Depression problem I want the cure of this disease it's so important and i am very disturbed
Male | 17
Coping with the down mood that you do feels like a deep abyss, you are dealing with severe depression. It can be both emotional and physical parts of you, feel like you have lost hope, you are so exhausted that don't want to move, and you don't care about anything anymore. Visiting a psychiatrist and venting can help you feel consoled. It may be suggested that a combination of counseling and drugs would be the right course of action to treat the condition.
Answered on 19th June '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
It feels like i am not in present meanwhile i am doing my all works , sometimes confusion overstress , anxiety tensed , and brain fog
Male | 20
It's your brain's way of dealing with too much strain. But don't worry – some things help. Take deep breaths. Try yoga poses or go for walks. Talk with friends or family you can trust. See a psychiatrist if symptoms linger.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have an issue where I stand up from getting out of a car outside and I get a like a pressure that starts in my throat and my heart rate increases pretty fast it only lasts a few seconds and it doesn’t happen Everytime mainly when I’m outside I suffer from extreme anxiety and have gas problems And heart related anxiety I have already had a doctor listen to my heart and he said it’s extremely healthy but I’m worried they miss something.
Male | 17
Perhaps you face panic attack signs due to anxiety and stress. When anxious, our bodies can have increased pulse, throat tightness, and gas issues. Take deep breaths, drink water, relax to handle it. Additionally, therapy may help you address your anxiety. Visit a psychiatrist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have been diagnosed with insomnia when I was 12 but I think I have a more severe case of insomnia, I’ve been awake for more then 29 hours and I can not sleep I have tried to Wind down but nothing is working and this goes on for days till my body finally gives out
Female | 16
You have a severe case of insomnia. Insomnia is a health problem where a person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Some common symptoms are difficulty concentrating, tiredness, and excessive irritability. Causes such as stress, anxiety, or an unhealthy sleep schedule can produce insomnia. Practicing a bedtime routine, not drinking coffee near bedtime, and relaxation will greatly influence your sleep. If you continue to experience sleeplessness, you need to consult a psychiatrist for additional advice.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
mental health , depression , anti depressants
Female | 43
Depression is a mental health problem that can deeply affect a person and their life. Seeing a qualified therapist who is either a psychiatrist is essential. They are in a position to make a comprehensive assessment and to outline appropriate treatment approaches, including the prescribing of antidepressant drugs where necessary
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Can taking zertec and flounase cause depression
Female | 16
Zertec and Flonase are antihistamines used for the treatment of allergies. And nasal congestion, but no direct evidence supports their association with depression On the other hand, if one is showing signs of depression it is necessary to visit a psychiatrist for accurate diagnosis and therapy, not self medication recommended
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have been hearing some voices recently, I was sure about someone was stalking me. My thoughts are always into who is following me and spreading many things about me . This made me insecure, anxious and mentally ill.
Male | 28
Hey, Welcome to ClinicSpots!
I understand that experiencing auditory hallucinations and paranoid thoughts about being stalked has been unsettling for you. These symptoms can be distressing and may indicate underlying mental health concerns such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, or other conditions. It's crucial to address these symptoms promptly to ensure you receive the appropriate support and treatment.
Next Steps to Follow:
1. Schedule a Psychiatric Assessment: Arrange an appointment with a psychiatrist for a comprehensive evaluation.
2. Discuss Treatment Options: Explore treatment options tailored to your needs, which may include medication and psychotherapy.
3. Engage in Supportive Therapy: Consider joining a support group or attending therapy sessions to learn coping strategies and connect with others facing similar challenges.
4. Prioritize Self-Care: Practice self-care activities like mindfulness exercises, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy sleep routine.
We're here to support you on your journey to improved mental health.
For more medical queries, visit again at ClinicSpots.
Answered on 17th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I can't sleep all night. But I sleep all day. It's been going on for 16 years. Why is this happening and what can I do to get rid of it?
Male | 36
Your symptoms might be due to a condition called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. This happens when your body clock gets out of sync, causing you to feel sleepy during the day and awake at night. Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep at night and feeling tired during the day. To improve this, follow a regular sleep schedule, avoid bright screens before bed, and try to spend time outdoors in sunlight.
Answered on 31st Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
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