Dr. Saksham Mittal
11 years of experience
Questions Answered By Dr. Saksham Mittal
Asked for Female, 34 YearsWhich movements cause dislocation after hip replacement
Answered on 23rd May '24
It depends upon the surgical approach used in hip replacement. If posterior approach- flexion, adduction, and internal rotation. Of anterior approach. Flexion , abdduction and external rotation
How to treat shoulder dislocation
Answered on 23rd May '24
By closed manipulation. If recurrent dislocation( more than thrice in a year) get an MRI done and consult an orthopedist. You may need surgery for shoulder replacement.
How to get rid of arthritis in fingers?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Need to diagnose what is the cause of joint pain. If rheumatoid arthritis, we need to start on medications
Can foot drop be treated without undergoing surgery?
Answered on 23rd May '24
You can wait for around 8-9 months for recovery. In the meantime do passive ankle movements and get a neurological opinion done. If no improvement then tendon transfers or other surgeries are the options.
What is the best treatment for a compression fracture
Answered on 23rd May '24
The best treatment for compression fracture is fixation and decompression.
I am abhishek yadav.my problem is Acl partial tear. I am Indian army.can I running as before after surgery.and how many cost of surgery and how many time after complete recovery
Answered on 23rd May '24
The cost of ACL surgery is around 60-65000. Yes, you can run as before. It takes around 3 months to start your training back.
My brother is 23 years old and he suffered from covid before 9 months and he had pain in hip joint and legs so we did mri and the reports said AVN in hip joint 2-3 stage so they suggested surgery to drill in bone to start the blood flow as before . I want to know the percentage of success and how operation will take place
Answered on 23rd May '24
Avn treatment depends upon its stage. If early ( before fracture) can be treated by core decompression. Else the results are poor and may need total hip replacement later on.
What causes thigh pain after hip replacement?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Thigh pain is often due to the stem position of the the prosthesis and often depends upon the type of surgical approach used. you need to show your x-ray to orthopedist and also start Physiotherapy
What to expect 5 months after knee replacement?
Answered on 23rd May '24
In normal case you will be walking independently without support and nobody will be able to tell you that you got operated. but if there are any complications then your orthopedist will guide you.
My mother is diagnosed with disc bulge with nerve compression l4 l5, Her right foot is getting numb when she walks. Pls suggest us what we should do?
Answered on 23rd May '24
While analyzing the problem it indicates nerve compression, If numbness is persistent If no relief from medications and Physiotherapy, surgery may be required. For the exact solution you need show the MRI report to the orthopedist.
I am Mayank Soni, recently I met with an accident and the femur bone of his right leg is broken. He went through surgery and the doctor recommended complete bed rest for 3-month. Need to consult with you as I am having pain in the surgery area and it is more than a month. Let me know the process to connect with you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Firstly I need to see you the reports so that I can diagnose the problem. You have to personally visit for the treatment.
How to stop arthritis from progressing
Answered on 23rd May '24
To stop arthritis from progressing, you need to avoid running, squatting, jumping, stairs, cross legged sitting. Do weight reduction and quadriceps and hamstring strengthening exercises.
What not to eat in arthritis
Answered on 23rd May '24
Arthritis is not related to food. You can eat anything.
How long does swelling last after arthroscopic knee surgery?
Answered on 23rd May '24
In normal circumstances swelling last for maximum 2-3 days, but in case of any complications if the swelling doesn't go you need to consult orthopedist for further treatment
How soon can i drive after arthroscopic shoulder surgery?
Answered on 23rd May '24
In normal condition You will need around 2 - 21/2 months to drive comfortably on your own. But if there is any complications post surgery, you need to consult orthopedist for advise.
What is the best treatment for chondromalacia patella
Answered on 23rd May '24
You need to take rest, Physiotherapy and medication in the initial stages. If it's stage 3/4 chondroplasty may be required.
How soon can you drive after arthroscopic knee surgery
Answered on 23rd May '24
If there are no complications post arthroscopic knee surgery then you can drive after 3 months.
How soon can you exercise after knee arthroscopy
Answered on 23rd May '24
You have to start exercises immediately after Arthroscopy surgery. Weight bearing with walker is started immediately as knee range of motion exercises and isometric quadriceps and hamstring strengthening exercises are started immediately
How long does it take to recover from muscle atrophy?
Answered on 23rd May '24
The duration varies depending upon your severity of atrophy. Need to do regular and gradually progressive weight training exercises.
What is the treatment for facet arthropathy?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Facet arthropathy is a degenerative condition of the spine. The treatment in the initial stages consist of medicines and Physiotherapy. If associated disc prolapse or any Listhesis , surgery may be required.
Hi, its rinku and I have spine disk slip problem. Last 2 days m not able to move forward.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Please do Physiotherapy. Share your MRI report with Orthopedist. He will start with the medications after seeing your report.
Stomach left side bone crack How solve the problem
Answered on 23rd May '24
I think you mean rib fracture by your specification. Usually rib fractures unite themselves. Do deep breathing exercises. If you still feel pain then you can get physical consultation from orthopedist
Hi, I have been waking in the early morning (usually between 4 and 5:30) with pain in my shoulders, back, chest or ribs. I am sure it is trapped wind because once I get up and walk around and release the gas by a lot of burping or going to the toilet, the pain goes away. I then try and get back to sleep though can find this difficult. A lot of the time the pain starts again usually 1-2 hours later. Once more, when I sit up it tends to go away, even without burping etc. I do have tenderness around my diaphragm sometimes or sensitivity when pressing to try and move the area. I seem to experience this nightly now regardless of dietary changes. I am a 45 year old male and in generally reasonable health. Thanks for your help. Paul
Answered on 23rd May '24
After going through the symptoms, it is likely due to Gerd or may be gastric ulcer. You need to consult a medicine doctor.
My mother is 72 years old. She has severe backpain and cannot sit. CT sacn report says - mild compression fracture in TV9 and TV10. Lytic lesions TV10, LV1 and LV5 - needs to R/O with metastatic. Diffuse annular disc with focal central disc causing thecal sac compression at L4-5 . Spondylotic changes. As suggested doctor took sample from back in thoracic and was sent twice for biopsy but result says insufficient sample . We are clueless , can you please direct us what could be done.
Answered on 23rd May '24
You need to repeat biopsy as it says insufficient sample and also some blood reports after consulting oncologist.
How to treat acute gout pain?
Answered on 23rd May '24
If it's confirmed gout , need to start anti inflammatory medications like brufen / indomethacin/ cholchicine and febuxostat 40 mg. Apply ice packs. If you don't feel better then dosage should increased or alternated after an Orthopedist consultation