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Male | 23

avascular necrosis stage 3 treatment?

My brother is 23 years old and he suffered from covid before 9 months and he had pain in hip joint and legs so we did mri and the reports said AVN in hip joint 2-3 stage so they suggested surgery to drill in bone to start the blood flow as before . I want to know the percentage of success and how operation will take place

10 Answers
Dr. Deepak Aher


Answered on 3rd July '24

Hello sir, stage 2 needs drilling operation but stage 3 won't help with drilling . It needs replacement. Drilling has about 60 percent sucess rate and replacement more than 99 percent

2 people found this helpful

Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Core decompression is a common procedure done for AVN hip. It can be tried upto Stage 2A. There is nothing wrong in trying core decompression with BMAC. Success rate is pretty decent. If it fails we can always do a Total Hip Replacement any time. 

Current Total Hip Replacement prosthesis have a good longevity. So can keep it as a stable back up option. 

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj 

41 people found this helpful

Dr. Shivanshu Mittal

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

He definitely requires surgery. Stage 2 is still managed with core decompression and bone grafting. And 3 can either be delayed if painless or proceed ahead with Total hip replacement to avoid multiple surgeries.

89 people found this helpful

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

We are doing some thing new,,, it's called BMAC , stem cell injection in diseased part of the hip joint. It has huge success rate. Our advice is to try it before any joint replacement is thought of

21 people found this helpful

Dr. Jagadish Prabhu

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

management of AVN hip depends on many factors like stage of AVN, age of Pt , activity demand, medical comorbidity, weight of patient etc. He needs core decompression which is very simple procedure. n if no improvement even  after 1 Yr or so. or if disease advances he may need THR.

42 people found this helpful

Dr. Neetu Rathi


Answered on 23rd May '24

Greetings from Rid of Pain Physiotherapy
my first advice is don't go for surgery at first. go for Physiotherapy, get some best results.Because after surgery also u need physiotherapy. better u try it on priority basis.  u will get result definitely, but if don't get then choose surgical maneuver only

29 people found this helpful

Dr. Sunny Dole

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your Brother is young in early 20s.  Core decompression can be done in stage 2. chances of success depending on involvement of Femoral head and collapse. but I would suggest go ahead with core decompression. 

71 people found this helpful

Dr. Utsav Agrawal

Trauma Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

At stage 2-3 in young individuals, it is possible to save to original hip joint with the said procedure. percentage of success varies from patient to patient. certain procedures done along with drilling are known to increase the chances of success

feel free to contact for more info
Dr Utsav Agrawal
orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon

70 people found this helpful

Dr. velpula  sai sirish

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Specialist For Stroke

Answered on 23rd May '24

he is very young to get the joint replacement surgery so I would suggest to go with the Physiotherapy treatment to strengthen his hip joint muscles in course strengthening exercises to maintain the muscle strength and to relieve the stress from the bone

29 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

Acupuncture distal and local points along with Moxibustion and electro stimulation would help a patient dealing with AVN hip pain. Acupuncture helps in increasing the immunity and helps in reducing the after- effect covid symptoms.
Electro acupuncture can also help in increasing the blood flow. 
When the needles are inserted in the body, our body releases natural chemicals to fight the illness or symptom. Hence AVN can be treated with acupuncture combined with medical aid to control severe pain in the hip joint. 
Acupuncture is a boon in AVN to boost up the response and reduce the recovery time taken by patients. It helps in increasing the increases the overall positivity of the patient as the acupuncture sessions advances patients start feeling better and their overall condition improves to a large extent.

32 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

My back left side and hand one side like tumor

Male | 28

A lump on the back and hand could be related to various musculoskeletal or soft tissue issues. Talk to a doctor to assess your symptoms. You may need imaging studies if necessary, and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan based on the findings.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to relieve achilles tendon pain?

Other | 40

pl take acupuncture for your tendon pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have pain in the inside of my legs for a week and a half and it hurts whenever I put pressure on it.

Female | 14

If you're experiencing pain on the inside of your legs that worsens with pressure, it could be due to muscle strain, adductor tendinitis, groin hernia, or nerve impingement. It would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What if you have shoulder imbalance

Male | 21

It's not possible to say anything without examining. An orthopedic can evaluate your shoulder condition, diagnose any underlying problems, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 20 year grand daughter who is taking care of my 70+age grandmother who has ankle fracture a month ago.We are not allowed to have surgery because operation won't be success.She has tight bandage in first week,after 15 days.What is the best steps to be taken now?And the second question is I am helping her with bedpan for excretion.But at night, She expects to use bedpan.But I suggest adult tape briefs.What should I use at night?

Female | 70

  • Older individuals are more prone to falls and fractures. The incidence of ankle fractures in older patients is high and severe in some cases. The treatment is difficult and complicated in nature due to presence of comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and poor bone quality.
  • Treatment goals include: Stability of the joint, ability of the patient to perform daily activities independently and minimizing complications associated with fracture and other comorbid conditions.

RICE is a part of the Non-operative management of ankle fracture in older patients which includes:

R: The importance of rest cannot be overstated. In order for the fracture to heal faster limit yourself from further pressure on the foot. 

A cast will most likely be worn to keep the foot and ankle immobile.  In case of severe soft tissue swelling, a cast may be required for the first three to five days. The brace must be worn for six weeks in order to allow the fracture to heal. Cast fixation with off-loading is advised for poor bone quality depending on the radiography report.  

Ice: For reducing the swelling and inflammation, apply ice to the region for 20 minutes at a time.

 And continue further for every 40 minutes.

Compression: Wrapping the area in a bandage helps to reduce swelling.

Elevation: To assist reduce inflammation, lift your foot and ankle slightly above the level of your heart.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir/madam I am a student,my problem is my little finger joint dislocated it's nearly 20 days ago surgery was done successfully,but my finger is not folding

Male | 19

Your finger is likely struggling to be­nd properly after the surge­ry to fix its dislocated state. This issue arise­s due to swelling or stiffness, which can occur some­times. To enhance its be­nding ability, gently move it and follow the e­xercises suggeste­d by your physical therapist diligently. These­ exercises aim to stre­ngthen your finger and boost its flexibility gradually. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m suffering from a severe cold with a headache and particularly intense pain in the back of my neck. It’s causing me trouble when bending, getting up, and even eating. Could you recommend some medication for me? I took LCZ 5mg this morning, but it hasn’t provided relief.Also I have slight cough and a sensation in my nose.

Male | 39

Your symptoms suggest sinusitis. Inflame­d sinuses cause headache­s, neck pain, coughs, congestion, runny noses. Ove­r-the-counter ibuprofen re­duces pain, inflammation. Drinking fluids, using humidifiers ease­s discomfort. However, if symptoms persist or worse­n, see a doctor promptly.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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How do i strengthen my back after a compression fracture

First step would be pain management , the target points and local points, electro stimulation therapy would help to increase blood flow in the body and help quick repair of the disc fracture, moxibustion ( passing heat in the body) through specific points, diet tips to strengthen back would be recommended, Some exercises will also be given to patient. Everything mentioned above is tried and tested with excellent response in patients.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I fractured my humorous up next to my shoulder and now my wrist and hand are swollen and badly bruised. My concern to s blood poisoning

Male | 63

You might be seeking information on sepsis, which is also known as blood poisoning. The issue of swelling and contusions is not only at the site of the fracture but may also occur in the forearm and hand. Although it may be alarming, it's usually not a symptom of blood poisoning. In case your health condition is deteriorating and you're fighting such symptoms as fever, tachycardia, and disorientation, you should not waste time seeking a medical consultation. Please also remember to keep your arm above the level of your heart and put the ice on the place to keep the swelling down.

Answered on 18th June '24

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Sir meri age 26 years hai I have shoulder pain neck pain and back pain. Sir ye problems 7 to 8 years se ho rhi h. Eske liye mai altrasound and MRI jach bhi karwaya likin sb normal hi dikha hai Dard kuchh jyada kam karne se suru ho jata hai phir kuchh Dino tk jyada tej dard rhta hai phir dhire dhire automatic thik ho jata h

Female | 26

pl get alternative therapy - Acupuncture and acupressure done you will get permanent relief without medicine without surgery. 
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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