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What is the best treatment for chondromalacia patella

2 Answers

Answered on 23rd May '24

You need to take rest, Physiotherapy and medication in the initial stages. If it's stage 3/4 chondroplasty may be required. 

57 people found this helpful

Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

A high sex drive that is causing distress or affecting everyday life may be treated with professional support. It’s advisable to see a psychiatrist. The disorders can help to determine if the increase in libido is psychological, hormonal imbalances or any other health condition and also provide treatment of counseling where necessary. This concern can be managed in a healthy and effective way only by seeking professional help.

72 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

I am 20 year grand daughter who is taking care of my 70+age grandmother who has ankle fracture a month ago.We are not allowed to have surgery because operation won't be success.She has tight bandage in first week,after 15 days.What is the best steps to be taken now?And the second question is I am helping her with bedpan for excretion.But at night, She expects to use bedpan.But I suggest adult tape briefs.What should I use at night?

Female | 70

  • Older individuals are more prone to falls and fractures. The incidence of ankle fractures in older patients is high and severe in some cases. The treatment is difficult and complicated in nature due to presence of comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and poor bone quality.
  • Treatment goals include: Stability of the joint, ability of the patient to perform daily activities independently and minimizing complications associated with fracture and other comorbid conditions.

RICE is a part of the Non-operative management of ankle fracture in older patients which includes:

R: The importance of rest cannot be overstated. In order for the fracture to heal faster limit yourself from further pressure on the foot. 

A cast will most likely be worn to keep the foot and ankle immobile.  In case of severe soft tissue swelling, a cast may be required for the first three to five days. The brace must be worn for six weeks in order to allow the fracture to heal. Cast fixation with off-loading is advised for poor bone quality depending on the radiography report.  

Ice: For reducing the swelling and inflammation, apply ice to the region for 20 minutes at a time.

 And continue further for every 40 minutes.

Compression: Wrapping the area in a bandage helps to reduce swelling.

Elevation: To assist reduce inflammation, lift your foot and ankle slightly above the level of your heart.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have phase 2 ACL injury. Now I can climb stairs but sometimes feel pain slightly during downstairs. But there is slight swelling. Should I go for Physiotherapy? I supposed to journey by bus and auto. Sometimes feels slight buckles in my knee.

Male | 35

You better see an Orthopedic Specialist. ACL injuries necessitate accurate diagnosis and treatment to prevent additional damage. Sometimes physiotherapy may be beneficial, but it is more advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in order to get an adequate treatment regimen. Since the buckling can be a symptom of an unstable joint, you must address it immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 30th Oct '24

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My left arm is hurting really bad

Female | 17

For severe pain in your left arm, it's essential to seek medical attention promptly. Pain in the left arm can be caused by muscle strain, injury, nerve compression, or even heart related issues. Consult a doctor for proper evaluation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the total cost of knee replacement? Also, what is the success rate?

Male | 75

Hello. The success rate is 95-99%. The cost depends the kind of hospital you visit and the implant choosen. The range can vary from 1.4L to 3L for one knee. Can consult @8639947097. Thanks. Dr.Shivanshu Mittal

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What to take for gout when on warfarin

Male | 49

Colchicine is the best drug for those who are taking warfarin

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 17-year-old female who is recovering from a mild knee ligament stretch. I had a splint for 2 weeks and had been recovering for over a month. Yesterday, I played badminton because my knee felt good. However, I had an awkward fall and twisted my knee. It hurt at first, but I can walk and climb stairs relatively normally. It hurts when I fully straighten my knee or tighten it. There is no buckling of the knee. The pain is a little achey and a little dull. I don't know which one exactly. What should I do? Is it okay if I resume normal activities, but just be more careful and elevate my leg when I sit or lie down?

Female | 17

You might have twisted your knee again while playing badminton. Aching dull pain when you try to straighten or tighten your knee could mean the ligament has been pulled too hard. It’s great that you can still walk and go upstairs. To let it get better, you should rest as much as possible, put your leg up from time to time, and avoid doing anything too hard for a while. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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I am 54 years old I had my spine surgery in 2015 in PGi Chandigarh now from last few months facing the problem of scatica what will be the treatment for scatica

Female | 54

need the details of spine surgery , like weather only discectomy done or spine fixation done. Need to do repeat Mri , to look for any recurrent  disc or adjuscent segment patholgy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalamualaikum and hello everyone my name is Ali Hamza. I am 16 year old.sir I am experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 months. Symptoms like numbness and sleepy some time. Medication Gablin, viton, frendol p, acabel, prelin, Repicort, rulling already used and now only using Viton,prelin.

Male | 16

The symptoms of numbness and sleepiness are concerning. These symptoms may be due to a problem with your nerves or spine. You must see a doctor as soon as possible for a proper evaluation. The drugs you have listed are good for the relief of pain, but if we want to know the exact reason for your symptoms, we must treat the underlying cause. Please seek medical attention promptly to address your concerns.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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My mother have knee Pain and back Pain We think they have calcium issue

Female | 44

Your mom's knees and back might hurt because­ her body lacks calcium. Calcium deficiency can cause­ bone and muscle aches. It brings we­akness, knee/back pain, and bone­s that break easily. Eat dairy products like milk and che­ese which contain calcium. Also, leafy gre­en veggies have­ lots of calcium. Supplements provide e­xtra calcium too.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Here is one of the patient actually I did ACL surgery last 8 month ago and now my knee start paining and swelling. Here is my MRI report please once check and tell me is here serious issue.

Male | 21

Pain and swelling after ACL surgery are there for initial few months only. If it’s is persistent after 8 months of ACL reconstruction surgery, it’s always better for consult knee specialist orthopedic surgeon. 

Tips: use ice compression and regular Rehabilitation 
Not to do: Heat or gel application on ACL operated knee

Answered on 24th Aug '24

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my brother is 28 years old, and he just had ACL surgery a month ago. I'm curious about what activities he can safely resume at this point. Can you provide some guidance on what's generally acceptable 1 month post ACL surgery for someone his age?

Male | 28

Now, your brother can begin with light exercises such as walking and stationary cycling. He should refrain from high-impact activities such as running, jumping or twisting until he finishes his rehabilitation program. It would be wise to ask his orthopedic surgeon or a physical therapist for more information on the recovery process and advice about activities that he can engage in without risk.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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