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Male | 17

चलते समय मेरे टखने में दर्द क्यों होता है?

कुछ घंटे पहले मेरा टखना मुड़ गया था, जब ऐसा हुआ तो बहुत दर्द हुआ, लेकिन मैं कुछ मिनट बाद उठकर घर जाने में कामयाब रही। मैंने कुछ घंटों तक आराम किया, और जब मैंने फिर से चलने की कोशिश की, तो बहुत बुरा दर्द हुआ। जब मैं कोशिश करता हूं तो मैं अपने पैर पर कदम नहीं रख सकता या उसे हिला भी नहीं सकता। यह वास्तव में बहुत बुरा दर्द होता है लेकिन जब मैं इसे नहीं हिलाता या इस पर कदम नहीं रखता, तो यह बिल्कुल भी दर्द नहीं होता। दर्द टखने के चारों ओर है, ऐसा महसूस होता है जैसे कोई तनाव हो या कोई चीज़ मेरी गति को रोक रही हो।

डॉ दीप चक्रवर्ती

आर्थोपेडिक सर्जरी

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

संभवतः आपके टखने में मोच आ गई है. जब आप अपने टखने को बहुत अधिक मोड़ते हैं तो स्नायुबंधन खिंच सकते हैं या फट सकते हैं, और परिणामस्वरूप, आपको दर्द और सूजन का अनुभव हो सकता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, इससे आपको अपने टखने को ठीक से हिलाने में कठिनाई हो सकती है। अपने टखने को आराम दें, बर्फ लगाएं, इसे ऊपर उठाएं, संपीड़न का उपयोग करें और दर्द और सूजन से राहत के लिए दवा लें। इस पर भार डालने से बचें और इसे ठीक होने दें। यदि दर्द बना रहता है या बिगड़ जाता है, तो देखेंओर्थपेडीस्टआगे के मूल्यांकन के लिए.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

How to heal Achilles tendon?

Female | 20

Acupuncture, Acupressure can heal Achilles tendon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a type 2 diabetic patient.four days before a rusted nail pierced my right foot.after that my foot started swelling and i am not able to eat and having nausea and I also have gastric trouble and constipation.i vomited thrice today and I didn’t have my antibiotics or any diabetic tablets.i also have headache and fever

Male | 56

Maybe there is an infection in your foot. When your skin is pierced, bacteria may enter and cause swelling. The symptoms you are having such as feeling sick to your stomach (nausea), throwing up, being unable to have a bowel movement (constipation), headache, and having a high temperature could be due to the infection moving around. Quick treatment with antibiotics and other drugs from a doctor is needed so that you can get well soon. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Good morning sir, my daughter is 17 months old, yesterday I have observed both knee swelling with out any injury and that swelling area got skin also redness & temperature. Can you please suggest? What is causing of issue this snytoms?

Female | 17 months

Much details is needed like does she has fever? or does that swell area is painful or not? It is better to contact a child specialist or call our clinic at 08100254153

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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Hi, about a week ago, I had pain in my left neck to the shoulder and arm. The pain lasted about a day and then the next day was on and off.

Female | 26

The injury that you have described might be a muscle strain or a cervical nerve compression. You should consult an orthopedic doctor or a neurologist for proper diagnosis and therapy. If the pain lasts or increases, do not ignore it.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son has had a snowmobile accident that removed his bicep and the other small muscle on the front of his dominant hand. The ulnar and radial nerve are functional after the initial surgery. He is in the anchorage hospital. But wants the best care and treatment to gain as much use back from his arm as possible. Would he benefit from being moved to a level 1 trauma center from where he is at. Also he wants as rapid of treatment in the healing as possible.

Male | 39

The­ functioning nerves following the proce­dure are promising. Relocating him to a trauma facility could bene­fit recovery, as they focus on tre­ating severe injurie­s. Immediate care is crucial for optimal he­aling. The trauma center offe­rs specialized treatme­nt, therapies, and resource­s for the best possible outcome­. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Hi I met with an major accident last 2 months back and my right leg was opened and after surgery doctor had put k wire but today while gng to washroom I fell down and my kwire is bit moved and it bleeding what to so

Male | 30

you should get medical help immediately. Contact your orthopedic surgeon and follow medical advice given. Indeed, delaying treatment causes only more problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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PATIENT MRS LIAQAT REGISTRATION # NAME 28/05/2024 AGE: GENDER: 52 Years Female DATE: ADVISED BY: DR.AHMED SHAFAQAT MRI LUMBAR SPINE CLINICAL INFO: Backache. Right sciatica. TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar and multisequential non contrast MRI lumbar spinewas performed according to departmental protocol. REPORT: There is normal alignment of lumbar vertebrae. Straightening of normal lumbar curve is noted. No dislocation, compression or collapse of vertebral body noted. No focal area of abnormal signal intensity seen in the lumbo-sacral vertebrae / visible spinal cord. Conus medullaris is at L1 level. Paravertebral soft tissues show normal signal intensity. LI-L2 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L2-L3 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L3-L4 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L4-L5 level:moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis &severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. Spinal myopathy seen at this level. LS-S1 level: mildcircumferential disc bulge, causing mild central canal stenosis &mild narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, abutting transiting and exiting nerve roots. IMPRESSION: • At L4-L5 level,moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis & severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. • Lumbar myospasm.

Female | 52

Answered on 31st May '24

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I've been having severe back pains for the past 3 days and its getting worse by the day.

Female | 18

It is advisable to see an orthopedist for severe long term back pain. The diagnosis and choosing the correct treatment is only possible by a doctor after the tests and examination are conducted.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 30th July '24

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