Male | 58
L4-L5 और L5-S1 पर लम्बर डिस्क उभार को कैसे प्रबंधित करें?
सर, मेरी उम्र 58 साल है और मैं एमआरआई स्कैन लम्बर स्पाइन द्वारा एल4-एल5 लेवल और एल5-एस1 लेवल पर डिस्क डिफ्यूज उभार के कारण पिछले कुछ वर्षों से बैक पैन की चोट से पीड़ित हूं। कृपया सलाह दें ?
ज्वाइंट रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जन
Answered on 26th Aug '24
L4-L5 और L5-S1 स्तर पर उभरी हुई डिस्क आस-पास की नसों के दबने का कारण हो सकती है जिससे दर्द होता होगा। कभी-कभी, आराम करने, शारीरिक उपचार और दर्द की दवाएं समस्या को प्रबंधित करने में मदद कर सकती हैं। ऐसे मामलों में जहां दर्द गंभीर है और अन्य उपचार काम नहीं करते हैं, सर्जरी एक विकल्प हो सकता है। आम तौर पर, आपको अपने शरीर को सुरक्षित रखना चाहिए और अपने पीठ दर्द के इलाज के लिए सबसे प्रभावी तरीका खोजने के लिए अपने डॉक्टर के आदेशों का पालन करना चाहिए।
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)
I have an injured knee and it hurts to walk and I believe its my LCL, do you think I need to see a docter?
Male | 18
When your knee hurts while walking and you suspect it's the LCL, it's best to rest and avoid activities that aggravate the knee. Ice packs will help relieve pain and swelling with ice. Besides, you may also consider using a knee support strap for additional help. If the pain persists or worsens, you should visit an orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
Sir meri beti ka hath tuta tha lekin wo haddi jut gaya aur hath band he rah gaya
Female | 3
The patient's bone may have healed misalignment, which forced her immobilized hand. I would recommend that you take her to an orthopedist who would evaluate her case and accordingly, administer the necessary treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
there is a lump on my calves i’d like to know what is that
Female | 16
This might be caused by a muscle knot or cyst developing whenever a muscle tightens or a sac fills with fluid. When you touch it, you may feel pain, tenderness, or no symptoms at all. It is important to use warm compresses, massage gently, and perform stretch exercises. If the situation doesn’t improve, seek medical advice for further assessment from an orthopedist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Deep Chakraborty
My mother is 48 years old shes suffering from arthritis from 12 years please help me She sometimes complain that her arm and nerves inside her stomach paining and she also complain that nerves inside her stomach getting to blossom
Female | 48
Your mother appears to be suffering from arthritis for a long time. The pain in her arm may be caused by joint inflammation which indicates that it’s a nerve problem if she experiences discomfort in the stomach too. When people have arthritis, sometimes they undergo a situation where nerves get affected hence feeling pain in different body parts apart from those with affected joints. To minimize the pain she is going through she should do gentle exercises, use warm towels if possible, and get drugs prescribed by a physician.
Answered on 4th June '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
Mild pain in left testis and left leg
Male | 23
The pain might come from a varicocele, like a varicose vein in your testicle. It slows blood flow and causes aching. To help, wear supportive underwear and avoid standing too long. But if pain worsens or you notice swelling or changes in your testis, see a doctor. This rules out serious problems.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Deep Chakraborty
Sir My mother is suffering from knee pain for a long time.Can I get him treated in your hospital in ex-serviceman panel ?
Female | 60
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Shivanshu Mittal
How to stop arthritis from progressing
To stop arthritis from progressing, you need to avoid running, squatting, jumping, stairs, cross legged sitting. Do weight reduction and quadriceps and hamstring strengthening exercises.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Saksham Mittal
I have pain in the middle of my chest and upper back in between my shoulder blades. What could this be from? I’ve had a bad cough over the last few days so I was told possibly a pulled muscle?
Male | 27
Sometimes, coughing causes muscle strain. A lot of coughing makes chest and back muscles work hard. This can hurt those areas. To help with the pain, try using heat and taking medicine. Rest and avoid things making the pain worse. However, if the pain continues or gets worse, talk to an orthopedist.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
Why does my achilles tendon hurt after running?
Achilles tendinitis is caused by repetitive or intense strain on the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. This tendon is used when you walk, run, jump or push up on your toes.
The structure of the Achilles tendon weakens with age, which can make it more susceptible to injury — particularly in people who may participate in sports only on the weekends or who have suddenly increased the intensity of their running programs.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dev Padia
Hi, Im a 40 year old female. i have alot of pain in my heels, which is almost unbearable now and im seeking help in regards to that. i dont know if this is related to the pain , but i have Psoriasis and got treated for it around 5 years ago, and get checkups once in a year. i think the pain might be somewhat related to Psoriasis as it is right over my heels. hope someone understands the root cause of this and helps me.
Female | 40
Your heel discomfort troubles me. Heel agony may stem from Psoriatic Arthritis, a Psoriasis-linked disorder. This condition inflames joints, causing aches and swells. Neglecting it risks permanent harm. Thus, consulting a Rheumatologist is crucial for proper assessment and therapy. They'll prescribe medicines and suggest exercises to alleviate your suffering.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
Dr. Deep Chakraborty
I had an acl tear operation which was quite heavy on my pocket. Now the doctor had advised me to take Denoclast injection the cost of which is 15000. Just want to know is necessary to take the injection?
Male | 37
Answered on 4th July '24
Dr. Deepak Aher
What is post-operation care for Knee Replacement Surgery?
For details you can read the article "Speedy Recovery after Knee Replacement"
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Rajat Jangir
Hello, I have A.V.N. of the left hip joint since 2 years. I did the core decompression operation a year ago but it did not work. Is it possible to recover my joint by Stem cell therapy and what is the cost of the same?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. velpula sai sirish
I had an accident in 2005 August, I had a brachial plexus injury, I can't move my left hand. My left shoulder, wrist, elbow fused in CMC Vellore 10 Years ago. Any further treatment in India?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. velpula sai sirish
How to treat acute lower back pain
You need to visit orthopedist for correct diagnosis and treatment, as he will do some tests and accordingly prescribe you the medicine.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dilip Mehta
What can be the case of back pain on my spinal cord
Male | 29
Experiencing back issues along your spine? It could be due to muscle strain, injury, poor posture, or disc problems. Feeling achy, stiff, or sharp pain? Try gentle stretching, maintain good posture, and lift properly. If the problem persists, consult an orthopedist for a proper diagnosis and treatment guidance.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
Hi, I am 14 years old and I have had pain in my knee for months now and I am a gymnast and sometimes when I land there is a shot of pain that goes straight through my kneecap and it feels like it just breaks and then it will hurt for about 5 minutes and then I will be fine. I can’t lunge or squat without it hurting and we have tried a lot of things but nothing is working. Thanks!
Female | 14
Your knee pain could be due to ligament sprains or tears, tendonitis or a meniscal tear.. Its common cause of knee pain in young athletes often caused by overuse or repeated stress on the knee joint. It can cause pain around the kneecap that worsens with activities like jumping or squatting. Contact a specialist to get it checked thoruoghly. You need to rest your knee to avoid pain and activities that aggravate your symptoms. Try using ice packs or a cold compress for 10-15 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
I feel pain near my groin area on my left. Sometimes, it's sharp. It started last week but one with pain during urination, but it stopped last week. Now I'm just experiencing a strain on my left groin area. How can I be assisted?
Male | 20
The pain you referred to before may have been due to an infection that caused the pain during urination. This may be a muscle strain or even a hernia. Getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, applying ice, and avoiding heavy work are things you can do to help yourself feel better. If the pain continues, you should see an orthopedist for a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 1st July '24
Dr. Pramod Bhor
I have hip joint pain from 15 days. I am taking antibiotics after MRI report says infection in my hip joint and esr report says 42 after taking 15 days of antibiotics not getting any relief what should I have to do
Male | 32
Please take opinion from another orthopedic surgeon as this may require urgent surgery as well !
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Rajat Jangir
What is the best treatment for degenerative disc disease
Degenerative disc disease is a common age related low back problem. It can be a significant cause of low back pain. The best treatment for it is non-operative. Back strengthening to stabilize the spine and application of topical pain measures should be tried first.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Prasad Gourneni
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