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Female | 23

Experiencing Sleeplessness and Hallucinations: What Could Be the Cause?

Actually I am unable to sleep properly. Maybe after 4-5 sleepless nights, I can sleep a night properly. When I close my eyes, I listen to some noises which don’t have any source actually. Maybe I am facing hallucination

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms may result from different disease such as sleep apnea, anxiety disorders or schizophrenia. I suggest you see a sleep expert or a psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis and a treatment.

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Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (491)

Sans fulna, ghabrahat hona , haf badh Jana andar bechaini hona

Male | 75

It seems like­ anxiety may be the cause­. Feeling nervous or trouble­d happens. Your breathing gets tough. Anxie­ty arises from stress. Or it could stem from ge­nes. Some medical issue­s can lead to it too. But you can manage through technique­s like relaxation. Regular e­xercise helps. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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I have savere anxiety dipprestion can't go outside delusion of people are against me or they will harm me or they are making plans against me from a 1 year I spend my time in isolation in a room can't go outside everything is worse of life I checked to many psychiatrist and take many medicines but no relief what I do now

Male | 23

Delusions of people opposing you are­ troubling. Brain chemical imbalances or past trauma could cause the­se symptoms. Since psychiatrists and medications have­n't helped yet, ke­ep trying different tre­atments. Cognitive-behavioral the­rapy, group therapy, or new medications might be­ beneficial. Keep see­king help until you find what works best. Supportive, unde­rstanding individuals can make a difference­ too. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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Actually I am unable to sleep properly at night. Even I sleep a night properly after 4-5 sleepless nights.

Female | 23

It is critical to know the underpinning of your lack of sleep. Sleep loss can be caused by factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, and medical conditions. It is recommended you see a psychiatrist to identify and eliminate the sleeping problem's primary reason.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have suffered a lot with my mental health problems as well as physically disbalance it's like situation for me but I got horny and really hard it's been 2 years and got suffered after she denied me when I told her for sex because she seduced me but I didn't like her she got me in confusion somewhere because it's 2nd day she got to me in room with full preparation but I didn't want to get with her it's very not sure my friends pressure me and this situation as well I was really introvert and shy I didn't talk more to anyone now feeling less unworthy I am not capable that much hardness I used to feel for her I wanted sex for daily she called me sex addicted I got panic attacks after listened to her and a lot of things we abused together I expected a lot of sex with her I got excited much enough I didn't know anything but I got aroused so much when I watched anything about the education movies or porn but it's got worse my erection not well excitement disappear anxious not responding anymore mood always suffering exhausted I couldn't do anything regarding my future planning I feel sad always disabled mind like blown and confused mind in all that such things always questioning and want clear all doubts what was that why did it etc etc

Male | 25

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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I have a bed wetting problem I am very stressed for this problem nd after 2 months I am getting marrried I feel bad on this problem

Female | 23

Hi, you, it's pretty normal to feel bad when accidents happen in bed, especially when the big day is soon. Wetting the bed is medically referred to as nocturnal enuresis, which is when an individual pees during their sleep without consciously doing it. This condition might be caused by genetic factors, small bladder size, stress, or hormonal imbalances. The good thing is, that bed-wetting usually resolves itself with time as the child grows. To help manage it, you can, first and foremost, cut down the amount of water intake before going to bed. And besides that, you are not by yourself in this, which means make it a solvable problem. 

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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I took 15 paracetamol at once day before yesterday when I fight with my partner.. What should I do now?

Female | Dilna

Taking too much paracetamol can be harmful to your liver as a result. Paracetamol OVSD can have symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and stomach pains. You need to act promptly. Call the hospital immediately. Hospital personnel can speed up the process of your body getting rid of the excess paracetamol and ensure that you are safe. 

Answered on 24th July '24

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I am 22 years of age i have been feeling weak for the past 1week and i have visited the hospital for treatment and my doctors told me is stress and i have taken all the drugs but still am still feeling weak ?

Male | 21

The tension can lower energy levels leading to tiredness. Factors such as poor nutrition, dehydration, or lack of sleep, might also cause it. I suggest having a balanced diet filled with vitamins and minerals, drinking enough water, and making sure you sleep well with proper rest. Doing some light exercise can also give the energy you need. In the event of persistent fatigue, it is necessary to go back to the healthcare provider and say what evaluations or treatments may be made. 

Answered on 9th Dec '24

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So, i took a 30mg codeine tablet. Then 5 minutes later i forgot i had taken it. So took another. So iv taken 60mg in 1sitting. Will i be ok. Im 33 weigh about 10st4. Relatively mind strong. I was just curios

Male | 34

If you take 60mg of codeine all at once, it is more likely to cause some side effects. One of the side effects is that you may become very sleepy, feel dizzy, or have problems with breathing. Whenever a medicine reaction like the one described here happens, it is best to remain calm and save your life without increasing the doses further. In addition, it is recommended to stay hydrated, sit down, and be observant of the body's feelings for possible encounters. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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Hie I'm ishita I'm 19 yrs old idk why I'm feel anxious continuously nd I feel shivernesss and something in my abdomen nd my chest becomes heavy

Female | 19

It is anxiety that you are facing. This can lead to trembling, palpitation, shortness of breath, and stomach tightness.  Try taking deep breaths, talking to someone you trust, and doing activities you enjoy. Drinking water and receiving enough sleep may help, too. It's important to keep reminding yourself that the feelings you have are normal and that the situation may get better eventually.

Answered on 18th Nov '24

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Hi, my name is aiden i am 14 years old and I've been wondering if there something wrong with me when i lay down on my chest i find it a lil hard to breathe sometimes i wonder if its axizety or i might be overthinking but other then that ive been having axizety making it hard for me to sleep and i just feels like my eyes are close but im not getting any sleep what should i do

Male | 14

When you lay on your chest and it feels hard to get air in, that could be from anxiety. Anxiety also makes it difficult for people to sleep well at night.  You can learn how to control your breathing when talking about it with them and other ways of calming down too if they know about it. Try doing things before going to bed like making a routine so that every time before sleep you will make sure that you get into bed more easily also practice good habits around sleep like not watching any screens an hour before bedtime because they keep awake longer which means fewer hours spent resting. If these symptoms stay or get worse then maybe it's time to see the doctor and tell them what’s been happening.

Answered on 13th June '24

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I need a dermatologist and psychologist

Female | 22

You seem to have complaints about skin problems and at the same time you are a little down. Your skin could make you overwhelmed and that's the feeling that can backfire on your skin. One of the ways of discovery of the actual cause of the skin disorder is the dermatological examination, which could be identified as an allergy or an infection. Seeing a psychologist can help you control your stress and feel better too thus inducing favorable skin condition too. Trust me, getting both addressed can make a big difference.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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Can glutathione be taken with bipolar medications?

Female | 31

One should consult a psychiatrist or counsellor for proper diagnosis and further treatment, ie u have depression or bipolar disorder, as treatment and outcome is different for both disorders, however let the psychiatrist decide what medications to take as per u r psychological condition, and have never personally used glutathione in bipolar

Answered on 23rd May '24

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The doctor prescribed tranquillizer medicine to my sister, so I want to know what are its uses, what will be its side effects, and whether it can also cause memory loss. Please tell me

Female | 21

Tranquilizers are medicines used to relax the body and mind and calm them down. These are the best choices for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia and sometimes muscle relaxation. Some of the side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion. Memory loss is one of the side effects that could occur, particularly when using the drugs for a long period with high doses. Besides these, it is important to be careful with the doctor if you feel any adverse symptoms.

Answered on 10th Nov '24

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