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Female | 32

how to heal a heel spur?

Enlargement of heels bone as per previous dr your suggestion

5 Answers
Dr. Deepak Aher


Answered on 4th July '24

Needs injection in heels.. silicone heel cups helps

2 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

Acupuncture offers relief from chronic heel spurs and has proven record in treating calcaneal spur.
Extra bone tissue known as heel spurs which develop due to over stress of the foot can cause pain in back of heel. Electro Acupuncture points, Moxibustion, Acupressure and seed therapy have shown great relief in heel pain and inflammation. Also correction in the enlargement of heel bone is observed as the acupuncture treatment is taken on regular basis. I.e. 2-3 sessions weekly continued for a period of 1-2 months."

32 people found this helpful

Dr. Dilip Mehta

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

For the treatment you can go for laser and stem cell therapy.

44 people found this helpful

Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Calcaneal spur can be initially treated with good foot wear modification, physiotherapy and medications. 

Injections can be tried as next level of treatment. Rarely surgery is needed

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

42 people found this helpful

Dr. velpula  sai sirish

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Specialist For Stroke

Answered on 23rd May '24


58 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

I'm describing for my mom.Her age is 43.she is suffering from nerve pulling after her second surgery.she can't move his both foot.she can't stand up.Now what should we do?

Female | 43

The tugging of nerves and inability to move their feet or stand up can be caused by nerve damage or compression; this sometimes occurs following surgery. It is important to get in touch with the surgeon who carried out the procedure so that they may assess what is happening. Additionally, physical therapy could help with regaining strength and movement. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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How to heal Achilles tendon?

Female | 20

Acupuncture, Acupressure can heal Achilles tendon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from spine tb. And my doctor advised to take medication for one year and it's going to end this month. But my back still pains and before the diagnosis it used to pain intolerablely. So what can be its reasons. Do I have to take more medication and did my situation improve or deteriorate. I just wanted the provable advice for this. Since there are no reports I feel that the suggestion or probability won't be sure.

Female | 21

Spine TB can le­ad to lasting discomfort due to spinal damage. Your ongoing pain could stem from infe­ction or harm before treatme­nt started. It's crucial to discuss these symptoms with your doctor for pote­ntial further evaluation or care. Additional the­rapy may help alleviate the­ issue, so don't fret - schedule­ a follow-up visit soon. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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I had shoulder pain 2 weeks back and I met the ortho who asked me to get MRI done as i could barely move my arm. I have been diagnosed with tendinosis in shoulder. I'm on medication and started physio. I want to know how long will it take to heal. I'm in pain since last evening.

Female | 35

When your shoulder tendons have tendinosis it means they're damaged. Doing too much with your arms or just getting older can cause it. The time it takes to get better is different for everybody. As long as you take the medicine and do the physio that should help. Pain can come and go while you're getting better, so don't worry if it starts hurting again. Feel better!

Answered on 28th May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Doctor, My joints and bones are paining and my leg is swelling that's why I have muscle weakness and so less immunity. I'm working and my job is sitting in the chair the whole day, please tell me what to do?

Female | 22

Muscles would be weakened consequently and immunity to illnesses would be lowered. Set a timer for an hour on your phone and get up to walk or stand each time it goes off. Move them and pump your muscles for better circulation. One of the tips to deal with swelling is to raise your legs while sitting. Besides that have healthy food and drink a lot of water.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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I have knee issues and when I want to sleep I don't want to get up is it a good idea to wear diapers to bed

Male | 31

Wearing diapers at night can cause you knee pain, so it's better to avoid it. When you are experiencing knee pain, your mobility is restricted which makes it hard for you to sleep. However, wearing diapers will not help. Knee issues arise either because of injury, arthritis, or muscle strain. To help, use pillows to support your knees while sleeping and also do gentle doctor-recommended exercises to strengthen your knee. Instead of only treating the pain, you should focus on the cause of the knee problem.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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