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Female | 23

Is acidity causing neck pain in 23-year-old?

I am 23 years old and have been experiencing acidity with pain extending up to my neck for the past day. Please consult

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 19th Nov '24

You might be suffering from acid reflux. It occurs in a situation where the acid from the stomach moves to the esophagus thus giving a burning sensation. Lying down after eating may worsen it. Eat small meals to avoid discomfort.  Stay upright after meals.

If the pain continues you should consult a gastroenterologist.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

Sharp pain under rib cage

Male | 35

If you happen to feel a sudden acute pain just under your rib cage it might be quite a stressful condition. It may be because of various reasons. If you have wounded or knocked down that place, that might be the reason it hurts. Sometimes, gas in your stomach might be also the reason you experience this. Visit a doctor to find out the cause and proper treatment.

Answered on 19th June '24

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25 year old female, suffering from boating, tingling in feet, weakness, shortness of breath.

Female | 25

Based on the symptoms described (bloating, tingling in feet, weakness, shortness of breath), you need to consult a gastroenterologist or a general physician immediately. These symptoms could indicate various underlying conditions such as gastrointestinal issues, neurological problems, or even cardiac issues. It's crucial to get a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment from a specialist.

Answered on 11th July '24

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I have been prescribed Famotidine and sucralfate for gerd And i have to take it twice a day can i take them at the same time in the morning and then at the same time in the afternoon or

Female | 27

GERD, an issue with stomach acid going up the­ food pipe, leads to heartburn and indige­stion. Your doctor ordered Famotidine and sucralfate­ to ease symptoms. Take the­m each morning and night. Famotidine reduce­s acid production, while sucralfate create­s a protective coating inside your stomach. Following instructions care­fully will help manage discomfort. Famotidine de­creases acid leve­ls. Sucralfate forms a barrier to shield against irritation. Toge­ther, they can provide re­lief for your condition.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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Hi my girlfriend is having periods since the day before yesterday today morning she felt pain in her stomach particularly on the left side also accompanied by swelling we are suspecting it to be stomach infection but aren't sure about it yet

Female | 20

Your girlfriend might be experiencing acute appendicitis. Symptoms of this are sudden stomach pain on the lower right side with swelling. Appendicitis is when the appendix gets inflamed. If you think this is the case, you need to go to the hospital straight away because surgery is usually the only way to get rid of the inflamed appendix and avoid complications.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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I was wondering what to do about my medical situation: I’ve been experiencing few weeks: -Anal discomfort from constipation -bowel leakage - anal itchiness for a due to Background: I had a loop colostomy put in the descending colon but what it seems To me is that some stool bypassed the colostomy and got to the area in the rectum that is damaged, and so its just staying inside the rectum, I can’t seem to have a bowel movement because of the damage in that area and I can’t seem to get it out. because of having the colostomy, I know there isn’t a serious problem like a blockage. but I’m feeling really uncomfortable due to the the leakages and itchiness at the anal area. From past experience Enemas and laxatives and suppositories haven’t been helpful with my constipation. What can I do?

Female | 27

It seems that you have encountered some abnormal complications related to your colostomy or you are constipated. Your anal discomfort and the smell and itchiness are occurring due to the feces that have collected in the damaged area in your rectum. That can occur when the stool makes an unplanned detour. In view of the fact that classical treatments such as enemas and laxatives are of no help; it is time to speak to your care provider for other possible options, like diet modification, stool softeners, or special procedures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I got into a fight and was suffocating under someone's weight when I coughed up blood. After which, I ingested some harpic and it hurts my chest and near my stomach to swallow anything at all. This was 2 days ago. I weigh 60 kgs. I also get blurry vision sometimes although I'm unsure if its the trauma to my head or harpic.

Female | 17

You might have serious internal injuries. If you cough up any blood, have chest pain or trouble swallowing, or cannot see clearly, you should be concerned. Ingesting Harpic might have hurt your esophagus and stomach even more. Internal bleeding or other complications could be why these symptoms are occurring; therefore it is vital that you seek immediate medical attention.

Answered on 30th May '24

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Water keeps coming out of the mouth

Male | Yaran

It may be that excessive drooling is what you have. Certain medications, and how the muscles of your mouth work can cause this. To help with it, try swallowing more often and sitting up straight. Have a cloth nearby to wipe away any saliva that bothers you. If this does not stop soon, try talking to a doctor about why they think it is happening. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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