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Male | 49

I am about to start taking 75mg aspirin and needs advice please.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Aspirin is used for pain relief, fever reduction, and prevention of blood clots. Without knowing what is the problem you are facing i cannot advice. But only if you have a doctor's prescription then you may go ahead. 

50 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

Doctor I discharged from hospital on June 21.. due to chronic food poisoning I am feeling extremely lethargic.I m a yoga therapist n used to practice meditation n yoga everyday early mrg.Even afr 1.5 month,I m feeling terrible weak.I took vitcofol injection but in vain.currently b12 n d3 medicine n iron medicine in taking....I take sleep of round 12 hours.I m very tense now.I told my doc n he prescribed depression medicine.I didn't took that bcos dats not solution.

Female | 37

Being tired and having so little energy can be your body still weakly getting over the chronic food poisoning. A lack of B12, D3, and iron is also the reason for drowsiness. Don't forget to eat healthy, drink enough water, and keep on with your yoga and meditation. Be patient, as healing is a lengthy process. Stress prevention is a significant point for your health. 

Answered on 10th Aug '24

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Feeling something is struck in my throat from few weeks .when I wake up in morning bad breath and cough gets collected with black spots in it

Male | 22

It is a must that you consult your ENT doctor immediately. This might be a sign of a serious underlying disease that needs immediate medical treatment right away. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son is 13 months old n he has to much flem what do u suggest

Male | 1

Theew has to be a cause. Generally in most cases it is due to allergy. Please show a nearby pediatrician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have my reports with me please analyse that and give me medication asap.

Female | 22

Please share your reports with us for diagnostic purposes. Without the necessary details, no doctor can prescribe medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have taken extra tetanus dose within 5 years of the 16 years tt booster dose. Is there any problem if i take tetanus twice?

Female | 18

Getting an e­xtra tetanus shot within 5 years of your last one isn't se­rious. Extra doses don't harm you, though injection sites may ge­t sore or red, with mild feve­r. Side effects re­solve alone. No nee­d for concern; your body handles it fine. Ne­xt time, be mindful of due date­s to avoid confusion.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Is it normal that whenever I cry I feel anxious and want to throw up and keep coughing hard and sometimes I do throw up.. No matter what if the cry is hard or normal cry

Female | 30

Strong emotions such as sadness or distress can trigger physical responses in the body, including an increase in heart rate, breathing changes, and muscle tension. It's possible that your body's response to crying involves these symptoms. Dpn't hesitate to speak to your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to control body heat Because of heat i getting fungal infection in sensitive area Please guide me

Female | 24

To control body heat and prevent fungal infections in sensitive areas you need to stay hydrated which is very imp., Wear breathable clothes, take cool showers, and use talcum or antifungal powder wherever required. And use antifungal creams if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have cough so how I relief with it.

Female | 17

it would be wise to get a checkup from a physician. They can do that by identifying the cause of your cough. For instance, if the reason causing your cough is a chest infection, a doctor can give you antibiotics or suggest over the counter cough suppressants.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fiver bahut dino se AA rha hai

Female | 26

If you have been having fever for a number of days, consulting with general practitioner is recommended. They may carry out some tests to help figure the root cause and prescribe medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 27th Jan '25

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What does <20 means regarding HIV? Am I being exposed to HIV?

Male | 24

Your <20 HIV test result means that it was not detected in the sample of your blood. While this is true it should be noted that up to 3 months were needed for the virus to appear in the test. If you have a concern regarding HIV exposure, it would be best to schedule an appointment with an infectious disease specialist. He or she will do a proper testing and will guide you through the process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am Manish, 20 years old. I have high fever (100°) and mild headache since yesterday. Please recommend some medications.

Male | 20

A mild headache and a high fever of 100°F can indicate a cold or the flu, which are caused by viruses. I suggest you take acetaminophen to reduce the fever and the headache. Furthermore, it is important not only to rest but also to drink sufficient amounts of fluids and eat light and nutritious foods. Keep in mind that if your conditions worsen, visit a doctor.

Answered on 6th Oct '24

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need tablets for fever and body psins

Male | 41

You see­m to have caught a viral illness - the common cold or flu. Fe­ver, body pains - these symptoms point to that. But don't worry, it'll pass. Ove­r-the-counter meds like­ acetaminophen, ibuprofen can he­lp. They reduce fe­ver and ease body pains. Follow dosage­ instructions carefully. Also, rest up and drink lots of fluids. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Having fever in last 4 days .. Today check for dengue but report is negative Continue fever and headache No relief Relief only till medicine taken

Male | 30

The fact that the dengue test was negative is good news. Sometimes fever can be the result of other infections or viruses. Headache can occur during fever. Water should be consumed generously along with rest. It is best to visit a doctor for further checking if the fever and headache do not go away.

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

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