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Male | 16

I have been having this problem for a while, its pain in my index finger when I make high pressure against something like when I punch a pad for my boxing like all the time when I make a fist or punch my index finger hurts and clicks/pops and it hurts and when I make a tight fist it hurts for both index fingers on each hand any advice or help thanks

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms could potentially be related to a condition called trigger finger. It occurs when the tendons in the finger become inflamed or irritated and it leads to difficulty in finger movement and causes the clicking or popping sensation. Consult with a hand specialist or orthopedic doctor. You can try some self-care measures to alleviate symptoms. Apply ice packs or do gentle finger exercises.

64 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1257)

Enlargement of heels bone as per previous dr your suggestion

Female | 32

Acupuncture offers relief from chronic heel spurs and has proven record in treating calcaneal spur.
Extra bone tissue known as heel spurs which develop due to over stress of the foot can cause pain in back of heel. Electro Acupuncture points, Moxibustion, Acupressure and seed therapy have shown great relief in heel pain and inflammation. Also correction in the enlargement of heel bone is observed as the acupuncture treatment is taken on regular basis. I.e. 2-3 sessions weekly continued for a period of 1-2 months."

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

I m 30 yrs old I have back pain for last 2yrs I took MRI scan 2 months back and treatment but still I have back pain

Male | 30

There are many different reasons why people get back pain. It could be because of a muscle strain or problems with your discs. Also, if you still have the pain even after getting an MRI done and treated for it then more tests need to be carried out. Make sure you talk about what’s been happening with your doctor because they’ll need this information to help figure out what would work best for you.

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

How to treat shoulder dislocation

Male | 26

Shoulder dislocation requires quick medical attention so that the dislocation can be assessed and joint space is reduced.
Shoulder dislocation causes damage to soft tissues, 
Acupuncture helps in reducing the inflammation and pain caused due to dislocation and it plays an important role in promoting soft tissue healing.
Acupuncture anaesthetic points, Local and general body points together help to heal the dislocated shoulder. Electro Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Acupressure and Seed therapy combined with medical aid helps to quicken the total recovery time.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist I'm suppose to have surgery on in the morning, the cyst disappeared 3 days ago. Should I still have the surgery or will they do the surgery still

Male | 37

Your ganglion cysts aren't often painful, though sometime­s annoying or movement-limiting. Since yours vanishe­d naturally, surgery might not be require­d anymore. However, inform your doctor about this de­velopment so they can re­assess if the operation is still ne­cessary or not.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

How safe is a spinal fusion? And is surgery the only way to fix the lower back pain caused by a vertebrae trapping a nerve?

Male | 36

Spinal fusion is a surgical operation used to stabilize the spine and reduce pain. While it carries certain risks, advancements have improved its safety. Surgery may be recommended if non-surgical treatments fail or if there is a risk of further nerve damage

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

السلام علیکم ہمارے بچے کے سیدھے کندھے کے اوپر کان کے نیچے نا گردن پر گلٹیاں بنی ہوئی ہیں اس کی رپورٹ کروائی ہے

Male | 2

وعلیکم السلام۔ جو گلٹیاں آپ کے بچے کی گردن کے قریب ہیں، وہ مختلف وجوہات کی بنا پر ہو سکتی ہیں، جیسے کہ انفییکشن، لیمف نوڈز کا سوجنا یا دیگر جلدی مسائل۔ اگر رپورٹ کروا لی ہے تو یہ ایک اچھا قدم ہے۔ ڈاکٹر سے مشورہ کریں تاکہ وہ مزید جانچ کر کے درست تشخیص کر سکیں۔ عموماً، ایسی صورتوں میں رہنمائی اور موزوں علاج کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ فوراً طبی مدد لینا ہمیشہ موزوں ہوتا ہے تاکہ آپ کے بچے کی صحیح مدد کی جا سکے۔ اپنے بچے کا خیال رکھیں، اور مثبت رہیں۔

Answered on 12th Feb '25

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Why do i have tendonitis everywhere?

Male | 25

need to evaluate underlying rheumatological prob, meet rheumatologist 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dr.Narendra Medagam

I nitesh 37 year suffering from avn hip stage ll and taking medicine osteofas 70 weekly but i am not feel better drilling is sucess in this condition

Male | 37

Pl try alternative therapy for your condition.
you may feel the difference and experience fast recovery from your current condition.
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

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