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Female | 17

Could taking i-pill prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex?

Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex but he didn't finished inside me and i took ipill so am i pregnant?haven't got my periods.

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 16th July '24

Pregnancy happens whe­n the sperm mee­ts the egg. You can worry when your pe­riods do not come, but other things like stre­ss, changes in your body, or the pills you take can make­ your periods late. If you are still worrie­d, you should take a pregnancy test to be­ sure. Talk to a gynecologist about other ways to not get pre­gnant in the future.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Every month 11th I get my menstrual period, this month 10th had unprotected sex, but I didn't get menstrual period on 11th , I took emergency Contraceptive pill on 12th afternoon, today is 16th but I didn't get menstrual period, is there any chances of pregnancy ? I don't want to get pregnant.

Female | 20

Commonly, a contraceptive called plan B can lead to some irregularity with your monthly cycle. A delayed period can be your pill or stress because you are scared of getting pregnant. You might face side effects such as bloating and breast tenderness. To be sure if you are pregnant, perform a pregnancy test 7 days after your missed period. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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Hello, I am here on behalf of my girlfriend. Story is: Her periods: (January) 18-20 (February) 18-20 (March) 18-20 Then we were physically intimate on 4th April and she took ipll on 6th April. Later, we were physically intimate again on 11th or 12th April and she took ipll again. Yes, she took ipll twice in one month, with a one-week gap. On 13th April, she experienced spotting, very light bleeding, which might have been withdrawal bleeding due to the ipll. It continued for 2-3 days. Then we waited for her next period, which was supposed to come by 13th May, but it was missed. On 16th May evening, we used a home urine test kit which was negative. On 17th May morning, we used another home urine test kit which was also negative. To be sure, we had an hCG test on 18th May, and it reported a level of 7.84/10, which was also negative. We waited, and on 21st May she had a period that was bright red but light, and it continued until 24-25th May. We did another urine pregnancy test on 26th May which was negative. We want to know your viewpoints on this.

Female | 26

Answered on 28th May '24

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Hi doctor jus a quick question I have birth in December and is currently breastfeeding is it safe to perm my hair and take metronidazole b500mg tablets

Female | 22

Its not recommended to undergo hair perming or coloring during pregnancy or while breastfeeding as the chemicals used in these treatments can be harmful to the baby. Moreover the safety of metronidazole while breastfeeding is not clear, as the medication can be excreted in breast milk and may cause side effects in the baby. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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3 month new born baby .mom was not breastfeeding because milk supply is low some times not coming .u tell me breast feeding is increasing milk supply.

Female | 25

Moms sometime­s experience­ low milk supply. Though it may seem concerning, the­re are simple ste­ps you can take. Nursing frequently se­nds a message to your body to produce more­ milk. Also, eating nutritious foods and drinking plenty of fluids aids production. Pay attention to your baby's hunge­r cues - these can stimulate­ increased supply. With time and commitme­nt, your milk should increase, so try to relax and be­ patient.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Meri shadi abhi hui h but shadi k baad period nahi aaye lekin jo kiya usme protection use kiya body pain or piche back pain hips pain h bahut jese period time hota h to ab kya kare jisse period aa jaye period date 12 thi pr aaj 17 tak nahi aaye h

महिला | 25

Your health is very important, that's why you have to take care of yourself. Do not worry, your situation is quite common. Stress, hormonal changes, or lifestyle factors can affect your monthly cycle. You are feeling body pain and back pain, which are not the worrying topic. First and foremost, relax and give your body some time to heal. If the period still doesn't come, then contact a doctor so that they can have a check on your health. Their guidance can make you better understand the situation. Your health is very important, so be sure to take care of yourself.

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Two days after periods, sperm dripped on the vagina. No penatration happened. Is there possibility for pregnancy?

Female | 25

No penetration equals a low chance of pregnancy. Early symptoms of pregnancy are missed periods and morning sickness. If you spot such signs, think about getting a pregnancy test. To prevent pregnancy, next time you should think about using protection.


Answered on 30th Sept '24

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