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Male | 66

Why do my feet hurt after work day?

why do the bottom of my feet hurt actually painful aftera work day

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 1st July '24

After a long day at work, the foot soles that suffer the most are an issue for many people. One of the reasons could be having to stand or walk for a long time, wearing uncomfortable shoes, or not having time to rest your feet. It can be like hurting or having a sore. Some of the ways that may offer relief are: soaking your feet in warm water, massaging them, or using supportive shoes might be the solutions. Not only will it make your feet feel better, but it will also help with the pain.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

Im a 17 yo im male my hand hurts so much when i touch a precised place in it i can actually see the bone our comparing to the other hand. Thanks

Male | 17

It looks like you may have broken your hand. A specific point may be very tender and the area can appear different from the other side. It is crucial to have an orthopedist look at this. They will confirm the diagnosis and give you the right treatment which may involve putting on a cast or splint so that the bone can heal properly. Make sure that it is checked as soon as possible so you can begin the recovery process.

Answered on 7th June '24

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I had acl surgery 2 months ago , i started my rehab 1 month and 15 days a go , i relased that there is some lachman in my knee is it because my muscles are weak or because a failed surgery ?

Male | 23

I suggest that you see your orthopedic surgeon right away. Lachman is the presence of a failed surgery or weak muscles. Kindly do not waste time and contact the surgeon who operated you through ACL surgery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am facing joints pain issue doctor suggested to take tablet wyslone 5mg. Is it ok to use during breastfeeding

Female | 27

Joint pain is difficult to manage. It re­sults from arthritis or injuries. Wyslone 5mg tablets provide­ relief. Howeve­r, caution is necessary during breastfe­eding. The medication may pass into bre­ast milk, potentially affecting the infant. Consult your doctor about alte­rnative options safer for breastfe­eding before taking Wyslone­.

Answered on 17th July '24

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Can she walk without support

Female | 20


Answered on 4th July '24

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I am 30 yrs old girl suffering from knee pain from last few days unable to fold my leg it is kind of piercing pain .

Female | 30

The pain can be because of many reasons. Better to see you clinically once and diagnose 

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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No relief in pain at all in hand even after frozen shoulder process/operation

Male | 72

If the pain does not go away and is not responding to pain management techniques, you should see a doctor. An orthopedic surgeon could further evaluate the problem and suggest the most effective treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 6th Jan '25

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My mother is 62 years old and has had recently gone under ORIF for her elbow injury. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and also osteoporosis sue to her age. She takes hypertension medicine and controls pre-diabetes with diet. It's been 10 days since her surgery, she has a temporary plaster and we haven't got the x-ray yet. What are her chances of full recovery? Can there be any complications because of arthritis and how can we prevent those?

Female | 62

Considering your mother's age, medical history, and recent elbow procedure, her chances of complete healing are good. However, arthritis can sometimes slow down recovery. It's important to follow the doctor's advice, attend follow-up appointments, and keep her joint gently moving to prevent stiffness.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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i am suffering from bone problem

Male | 29

You may have an issue­ with your bones. This could stem from lacking calcium or Vitamin D. When bone­s don't receive e­nough of those nutrients, they we­aken. Pain sets in, making moveme­nt difficult. To combat this, consume calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt. Eat leafy gre­ens high in Vitamin D.

Answered on 31st July '24

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