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Male | 39

Почему у меня возникает синовит после операции на мениске?

Мне 39 лет. 15 марта 2024 года мне сделали операцию по горизонтальному разрыву латерального мениска, и за 6 месяцев у меня дважды возникала проблема с синовитом, поэтому я хочу знать причину, по которой я столкнулся с синовитом.

Доктор Дип Чакраборти

Ортопедическая хирургия

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Вы столкнулись с синовитом после операции на мениске. Синовит – это состояние, при котором слизистая оболочка сустава опухает и болит. Операция может вызвать это из-за воспаления или раздражения сустава. Синовит можно лечить с помощью отдыха, льда и противовоспалительных препаратов, которые являются лучшими методами. Если проблема не исчезла, посетитеспециалист-ортопеддля получения дополнительных вариантов обследования и лечения.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)

How can i prevent degenerative disc disease from getting worse

Prevention of worsening of degenerative disc disease is by decreasing the stress on the degenerated discs. Weight loss and avoidance of weight lifting and high impact activities decrease the stress and pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What do metatarsal pads do?

Female | 67

it helps to keep toes properly positioned and avoid more pressure on the foot ball

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I felt a pop in my chest and it took my breath away and now I have swelling under my arm

Male | 32

You might have had a pneumothorax, which happens when air gets into the space between your lung and chest wall. This can occur with a sudden chest injury or the rupture of a tiny air sac. The swelling in your armpit could be connected to this. To receive appropriate care which may include releasing pressurized air by draining it out to facilitate lung expansion.

Answered on 10th June '24

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What can I give an elderly man of 86 years For arthritis.

Male | 86

Its advisable to get proper diagnosis and treatment from an orthopedic. General approaches can be used like medications/ pain relievers or anti inflammatory drugs, physical therapy to improve joint mobility, hot and cold therapy for pain relief etc. Also maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and a balanced diet may also be beneficial.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Knee pain from last 2 months and swelling since 7 days ,started after dance workout . No injury as such , took xray ,no fracture, difficulty in walking. Using knee support and crepe bandage , had Zerodol sp for pain and swelling

Female | 33


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from tail bone pain! I have pain because my tail bone has bent! Is there any doctor?

Female | 20

have sitz bath , use ring pillow , avoid sitting on hard surface 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have lower back pain, from past two years some time it increase more

Male | 30

It's essential to consult a professional for a proper evaluation. In the meantime try gentle exercises, proper posture, heat/ice packs, and pain relief medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 50 years old lady and suffering for heal pains, can you please advise.

Female | 50

Proven record to treat heel pain / calcaneal spur with acupuncture and acupressure.
Along with diet tips
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have got burn in my ankle and i got wound.How Can i heal this fast.

Male | 25

Burns occur when skin contacts hot items like­ fire or boiling water. The are­a might be red, swollen, and painful. To he­al faster, gently clean the­ wound, apply burn cream, and bandage it. Kee­p it clean and dry for a few days. If it doesn't improve­ or you notice pus or more pain, see­ a healthcare provider. But for now, ke­ep it clean and protecte­d. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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