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Male | 42

Почему у меня неопустившиеся яички и боли в суставах?

Мне 42 года, мужчина, у меня диагностировано неопущение яичек, и теперь у меня болят суставы и спина. Я пробовал лекарства, но боль никуда не уходит. Другие симптомы 1. Отсутствие волос на лице 2. Мужская грудь 3. Трудности с концентрацией внимания

Др прамод бхор

Хирург по замене суставов

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Судя по вашим симптомам, у вас может быть синдром Клайнфельтера, который может привести к неопусканию яичек и болям в суставах. Выполняется у мужчин, имеющих дополнительную Х-хромосому. Неспособность отрастить волосы на лице, развитие мужской груди и проблемы с концентрацией внимания также являются другими частыми состояниями. Поэтому крайне важно проконсультироваться сэндокринологдля правильного диагноза и лечения, которое может включать гормональную терапию и стратегии обезболивания при этом состоянии.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

Hi, I am 14 years old and I have had pain in my knee for months now and I am a gymnast and sometimes when I land there is a shot of pain that goes straight through my kneecap and it feels like it just breaks and then it will hurt for about 5 minutes and then I will be fine. I can’t lunge or squat without it hurting and we have tried a lot of things but nothing is working. Thanks!

Female | 14

Your knee pain could be due to ligament sprains or tears, tendonitis or a meniscal tear.. Its common cause of knee pain in young athletes often caused by overuse or repeated stress on the knee joint. It can cause pain around the kneecap that worsens with activities like jumping or squatting. Contact a specialist to get it checked thoruoghly. You need to rest your knee to avoid pain and activities that aggravate your symptoms. Try using ice packs or a cold compress for 10-15 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a injury on my left shoulder ligament and bone join.

Male | 19

You might have damaged the ligament and bone where your left shoulder connects. Therefore, it may result from a fall or a sudden impact. The symptoms may comprise pain, swelling, and inability to move your arm. It is important to stop using your injured shoulder, put some ice on it, and avoid any activities that might aggravate the hurt. Mild workouts and physiotherapy can be beneficial for recovery.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis on feb 2024 that time my ESR was 70 and now its down to 26 whats that mean

Female | 25

An ESR test me­asures inflammation levels in your body. A lowe­r ESR reading, like 26, indicates le­ss inflammation compared to a higher value like­ 70. This suggests the inflammatory condition is relative­ly better controlled. Ankylosing spondylitis cause­s back pain and stiffness due to inflammation in the spine­. Effective manageme­nt involves staying physically active through exe­rcise routines, adhering to pre­scribed medications, maintaining a balanced die­t, and avoiding tobacco use. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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I m a 61 yr old female.i had a lower back nerve surgery in August but from September I m experiencing pain in lower back.what should I do??

Female | 61

The pain you are experiencing can be due to the inflammation or irritation of the nerves which are located in the back. It is vital that your doctor is aware of the pain so they can assess it and choose the most appropriate action. Treatment alternatives may contain physical therapy, medication, or further assessment in order to treat the primary issue of the pain. 

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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I’m 22 years and I’m having thigh ache and I used pain relief last month and it stopped but now it’s aching me again

Female | 22

Thigh pain can be due to various reasons such as muscle strain, overuse, or even bad posture. Sometimes, you're sitting for too long, and you'll feel your thighs are hurting. Alongside this issue is that you are sitting for a long time and your thighs hurt. Do some light stretching, and apply heat to the affected area. Be active and avoid long periods of sitting down to allow them to feel well.

Answered on 14th June '24

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I'm experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 months. Symptoms like numbness and sleepy some time. Medicine name which I am using now Repicort, gablin, viton, frendol p, acabel, prelin,rulling.

Male | 16

These signs might be due to a disorder with your lower back, maybe a pinched nerve. The medicines you are taking can help with the pain and nerve symptoms. Nevertheless, it is equally important to think about physical therapy and gentle exercises to make your back stronger and relieve the pressure on the nerve.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

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My back left side and hand one side like tumor

Male | 28

A lump on the back and hand could be related to various musculoskeletal or soft tissue issues. Talk to a doctor to assess your symptoms. You may need imaging studies if necessary, and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan based on the findings.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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