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Female | 24

Why Am I Experiencing Right Side Muscle Strain?

Hi I’m nafisa 24 yrs old I have back pain at right side through the chest it’s light muscle stain when I try to move I’m feeling it I have last 4 days

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 29th Aug '24

You likely have­ a muscle strain on your back's right side. It's causing chest pain. Muscle­ strains happen when you move stre­ssfully. You'll feel pain while moving. Re­st up. Ice the area. Take­ over-the-counter pain me­ds if needed. Try ge­ntle stretches. Avoid activitie­s worsening the pain. If it doesn't improve­ or worsens, see an orthopedist

46 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1293)

I have a problem with my lower waist for years now

Male | 18

Back pain comes and goe­s. But hurting for years is very bad. It might mean you have­ muscles that are tight or weak. Poor posture­ or not exercising can cause this proble­m. Also, sit and stand up straight. Going to a physical the­rapist can give you exercise­s to make it better.

Answered on 30th July '24

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Hello sir, my mother is having severe knee joint pain. She can't walk properly, cant stand for long time. In x ray there is gap between bones. In bhopal mp dr told for surgery. Should I go for it Or it may cure by non surgical procedure

Female | 62

from scenario you mentioned it looks like your mother has osteoarthritis of knee and has been advised knee replacement.

difficult to comment without xray and patient.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Perineural cyst is painfull?

Female | 33

A perine­ural cyst can hurt sometimes. These­ fluid-filled sacs grow near lower back ne­rves. They cause back pain, le­g pain, numbness. The exact re­ason is unclear, but old injuries or gene­s may cause them. Treatme­nt includes managing pain, physical therapy, or, rarely, surge­ry removing the cyst.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Why does ac joint hurt?

Here are many things that can happen to the AC joint, but the most common conditions are arthritis, fractures and separations. Arthritis is a condition characterized by loss of cartilage in the joint, which is essentially wear and tear of the smooth cartilage that allows the bones to move smoothly. Like arthritis at other joints in the body, it is characterized by pain and swelling, especially with activity. Over time, the joint can wear out and get larger, with spurs forming around it. These spurs are a sign of the arthritis and not a cause of the pain. Reaching across the body toward the other arm aggravates arthritis at the AC joint. AC joint wear and tear is common in weight lifters, especially among those who bench press and to a lesser extent, military press. In weight lifters the arthritis at the AC joint has a special name — osteolysis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, today I had a deep massage session for my chest and stomach. The pain was horrible in my chest. Till now I can feel it in my bones when I move, so I’m just concerned about the pain. Is it normal? I tried to get up minutes before and I felt dizziness in my eyes and I couldn’t see clearly, I also felt coldness in my fingers and heard noises in my ears It was just for seconds

Female | 20

It's not normal to feel terrible chest pain after having a massage. Dizziness, blurred vision, cold hands and noises in the ears are not good signs following a massage. This could happen if certain areas were pressed during the massage or if blood circulation was affected. You should take a break, drink some water and use a warm cloth to calm your muscles down. Seek medical help if the symptoms continue or become worse.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I got injured while playing football above the ankle but the damage interfered with the ankle thus resulting to severe pains how can I control it

Male | 20

I suggest you consult with an orthopedic specialist right away. This injured ankle may have damaged the joint, which led to a throbbing pain. During this time, you may relieve the pain by applying ice to the affected area; taking antinflammatory medicine and keeping your leg elevated. But these are only short-term fixes, which would require an official diagnosis and treatment from a specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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मेरी नाक की हड्डी एक तरफ से बढ़ गई है क्योंकि सास नहीं ले पा रहा हूं अच्छे से 1 साल होने वाला है

Male | 18

नाक की एक तरफ का बढ़ना और सांस लेने में परेशानी कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे कि नाक का टेढ़ा होना, अलर्जीज, या साइनस इन्फेक्शन। अगर आपको लंबे समय से यह समस्या है, तो यह जरूरी है कि आप किसी विशेषज्ञ से मिलें। डॉक्टर जांच करके उचित निदान कर सकते हैं और उपचार के लिए सही कदम उठाएंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो उपचार में दवाइयाँ या सर्जरी शामिल हो सकती हैं। अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखें और जल्द से जल्द चिकित्सा सहायता लें। 

Answered on 8th Jan '25

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I got a punch on my hand nearer to shoulder.after 2 days a bluish red spot is seen. I put on balm and rubbed there is no pain but little when I touch swelling or no problem while moving.what should I do?

Male | 21

You hit your hand and now the­re's a blueish-red spot. That's normal afte­r being punched. The balm he­lped make it hurt less, which is good. It fe­eling sore when you touch it is normal too. But ke­ep watching it. You can ice it briefly if ne­eded. It'll get be­tter soon. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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My whole body is paining and I m not able to get up from bed since yesterday. And I have been having right side upper back pain. I took medication nothing is working what should I do

Female | 24

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Widespread discomfort and specific pain in your upper right back can stem from various causes, including muscle strain, stress, or inflammation. Since over-the-counter medication hasn’t alleviated your symptoms, it’s important to seek professional evaluation. I recommend resting, applying heat to the affected area, and staying hydrated. If your condition worsens or doesn’t improve, please consult a healthcare provider for a thorough assessment and tailored treatment plan. You're not alone in this, and getting proper medical attention is key to recovery.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

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I am 18 years old.Suffering from knee pain on right leg left side.i decreased my weight in 2 months upto 3 kgs.feeling neck pain and spinal cord pain

Female | 18

The knee pain on the outer side might be from some trauma or strain. The hurting of the neck and the spinal cord can be from bad posturing and muscle tension. You need to let that affected region recover, apply ice to the area, and do light stretching with the injured or painful part. Always keep your posture in the right way and make more decisions to reach out to a physiotherapist as a part of your strategy to get better quicker.

Answered on 23rd June '24

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