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Female | 60

لماذا تؤلمني ركبتي عند صعود السلالم؟

مرحبًا دكتور، أنا سانتوش، عمري 60 عامًا. منذ بضع سنوات سقطت من CDO مع حفيدي. في وقت سابق لم أشعر بأي ألم على الإطلاق ولكن بعد 9 سنوات الآن أشعر بألم في ركبتي وعندما أتسلق من CDO تؤلمك ركبتي

1 Answer
الدكتور برامود بور

جراح استبدال المفاصل

Answered on 25th Sept '24

أنت تعاني من آلام في الركبة بسبب سقوطك من قرص مضغوط منذ فترة طويلة. ليس من غير المألوف أن تكون إصابات الركبة سببًا للألم في مراحل لاحقة. يمكن أن يكون ألم الركبة بسبب التهاب المفاصل أو تلف مفصل الركبة. الطريقة الصحيحة لتقوية ركبتيك هي ممارسة التمارين الرياضية والحفاظ على لياقة وزنك حتى لا تزعجهما كثيرًا. كما أن اللعبة الباردة ومسكنات الألم التي يمكن شراؤها بسهولة من الصيدلية مفيدة أيضًا. إذا استمر الألم فمن الأفضل زيارة أحدجراح العظاملفحص وعلاج أكثر شمولاً. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

This is Mohana, 36yrs old. I have severe lower back bone(bottom spinal cord) pain. I cannot even sit and get up, its paining a lot. I have gastric problem.My left leg knee is producing crackling sound and creating difficulty in climbing stairs

Female | 36


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the difference between polymyalgia rheumatica and rheumatoid arthritis?

Male | 78

The main difference between polymyalgia rheumatica and rheumatoid arthritis is that polymyalgia rheumatica is an inflammatory disorder that causes muscle pain and stiffness, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint pain and inflammation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My patient is having disc bulge at L4 L5 with sciatica pain. Size is 7.4 mm. Please advise

Male | 37

Disc bulge at L4 L5 with sciatica pain.. Size is 7.4 mm..
Here are some facts to keep in mind:
1. Rest and AVOid heavy lifting
2. PAIN medication CAN be taken as prescribed
3. Physiotherapy can help ALLEviate pain and improve flexibility
4. SURgery is an option if symptoms worsen or persist over time.
5. Good posture and regular EXERCISE can prevent recurrence..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 24 year old wants a pain relief from my neck/

Male | 24

The reasons behind neck pain may range from sitting too long and having a bad posture to being stressed out. If the pain is persistent, check in with yourself and take care of it accordingly.

Answered on 28th May '24

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मेरी बेटी ९ साल की हे उसको उठने बैठने और चलने में प्रॉब्लम आती हे क्योंकि उसके घुटने एक दूसरे से टच हो रहे हे। इंदौर में डॉक्टर को चेक कराया था उन्होंने प्लेट लगाने का बोला हे दोनों साइड। आप से कन्फर्म करना हे की ऑपरेशन करना पड़ेगा या फिर बेल्ट से भी सही हो जायेगा। यदि आप बोलेंगे तो में आप को scanogram x रे सेंड कर सकता हूं, ब्लड रिपोर्ट भी सेंड कर सकता हूं। आप ऑनलाइन चेक कर सकते हे क्या। में आपकी फीस दे दूंगा।

Female | 9

स्कॅनोग्रम send किजिये.. 7389676363

Answered on 4th July '24

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How to relieve achilles tendon pain?

Other | 40

pl take acupuncture for your tendon pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What if you have shoulder imbalance

Male | 21

It's not possible to say anything without examining. An orthopedic can evaluate your shoulder condition, diagnose any underlying problems, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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