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Female | 19

هل يمكن علاج المفصل الفكي الصدغي بالنقر بدون جراحة؟

عمري 19 سنة، أنثى. أعاني من مشكلة في المفصل الصدغي الفكي... لا أشعر بألم حتى الآن.. لكن فقط أسمع صوت طقطقة عندما أحاول فتح فمي بشكل واسع. هل يمكن علاج هذا بدون جراحة؟

1 Answer

Answered on 21st Aug '24

اضطراب المفصل الصدغي الفكي (TMJ)، يمكن أن يُصدر أصوات نقر عند فتح فمك. قد تساهم العادات العصبية مثل طحن الأسنان أو التوتر أو اختلال الفك في حدوث ذلك. يمكن علاج العديد من الحالات بدون جراحة. التمارين البسيطة للفك، والكمادات الساخنة والباردة، وتناول الطعام لكبار السن هي بعض من العلاجات التي قد تؤدي إلى التحسن. إذا استمرت الأعراض في التفاقم، فيجب عليك الاتصال بأحدجراح العظام.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

How to relax Achilles tendon?

Female | 60

Acupuncture Acupressure is the most relaxing therapies, they are druglesa snd without any side effects. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m 50 yrs old and have been suffering with planters fasciitis for years. It started after working at Home Depot. I seen an orthopedic back in 2002 ish, got an injection and was fine. I then left HD and came back yrs later. Now it’s back and I believe I’m also dealing with Achilles tendonitis. My mother who drove a bus for 30 yrs has also dealt with this for a very long time. She can barely walk and I’ve started limping. I don’t want this to slow me down but the doctors here in Wichita Falls are not much help and my mother hasn’t been able to get any relief in California or now in Arizona. My question is is there anything we can do. I have 6 kids, 3 of which are still in school. I can’t just slow down. And I hate seeing how miserably mother is. We are both taking Duloxitine, which helps sometimes. Besides surgery is there anything we can do?

Female | 50

Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis can be quite bothersome, but there are several ways to ease the pain. Try stretching exercises for your calves and feet, wear supportive shoes, use orthotic inserts, apply ice to reduce inflammation, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. It's also important to avoid activities that make the pain worse. 

Answered on 6th Sept '24

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Pain in spinal cord from 7 years

Male | 51

Experiencing spinal cord pain for 7 years requires urgent medical evaluation. Consult a spine specialist or orthopedic doctor to diagnose the cause. They can recommend treatments, and pain management strategies, and monitor your progress.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why allopurinol is contraindicated in acute gout

Female | 46

Allopurinol cause urate lowering resulting in urate crystals being shed from articular cartilage into the joint space, resulting in acute inflammation ,hence it should not be used.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When to stop febuxostat

Male | 50

Febuxostat is a medicine for gouty arthritis and loke drugs for hypertension, Diabetes and thyroid the medicine for gout also should not be stopped. Yes it's dose can be manipulated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pain in left arm im a female 25 years old

Female | 25

Visit physiotherapy clinic

Answered on 19th June '24

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17 - suspected broken ankle after a fall from dismounting a horse. Landed on an already weak ankle and heard an audibe crack (mum heard it from 4m away. It is swollen, isolated bruising on the ankle bone and sore to touch this part. Am abke to bear small amounts of weight into the joint however flexing and twisting the ankle is very painful

Female | 17

This could indicate a serious ankle injury, possibly a fracture. It's crucial to seek immediate medical attention to determine the extent of the damage and receive proper treatment. Rest, elevate your leg, and apply ice in the meantime, but prioritize getting medical help as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Take medicine for leg pain 10 days. After that 3 or 4 days when eat food feeling nausea and fatigue.. don't know after effect medicine or not when eat lunch rice feel fatigue and nausea

Male | 65

If your belly fe­els upset after taking me­dicine for leg pain, that's normal. Nausea and tire­dness can occur due to certain drugs. Whe­n you consume lunch and feel ill, your body re­acts to the medication. Ensure hydrating we­ll and eating smaller, lighter me­als until you feel better. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How soon can you drive after arthroscopic knee surgery

If there are no complications post arthroscopic knee surgery then you can drive after 3 months.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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  3. I am 19 years old , female . I have TMJ problem... I don't h...