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Female | 65

لماذا أشعر بالألم بعد جراحة استبدال مفصل الورك؟

أنا مامتا ديفي. قبل 4 أشهر أجريت لي عملية جراحية لاستبدال مفصل الورك، وفي ذلك الوقت كانت عظامي متشققة. الآن أشعر بألم في مكان الجراحة. ماذا أفعل؟

1 Answer

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

إحدى المشكلات المهمة التي يجب عليك التعرف عليها والعناية بها هي الألم الذي تعاني منه في الورك بعد الجراحة. يمكن أن يكون الألم في موقع الجراحة أحد أعراض مشاكل مختلفة مثل العدوى أو ارتخاء الزرعة أو الكسر. لا تزال فرضية الألم الناجم عن كسر العظم سابقًا ممكنة. قم بزيارة الخاص بكجراح العظاملتقييم ومناقشة خيارات العلاج. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

What is the best pain relief for degenerative disc disease

Female | 61

For pain relief in degenerative disc disease, 
As per alternative medicine therapy, pain is due to imbalance in the body I.e. acid/ alkali imbalance or yin or yang imbalance
So first step is to give balancing acupuncture points and then target points, when 50% pain reduction is achieved, moxibustion, cupping, electro stimulation and seed therapy, diet tips and physical exercise is given

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Having pain on fracture area I have kept my finger straight for one month.

Male | 15

You are going through a lot of pain in the area where you had a fracture and kept your finger straight for one month. This pain may be due to stiffness or weakness in the muscles around the fracture site. To help with this, you can gently do some simple finger exercises to improve movement and strength. Remember to go slowly and stop if you feel any sharp pain. 

Answered on 27th Sept '24

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Leg swelling after sitting an hrs

Female | 26

Sitting for a while can make­ your legs swell. This happens whe­n your blood gets stuck in your lower legs. You'll notice­ puffy, heavy, tight legs. It's caused by bad blood flow. To he­lp with the swelling, get your le­gs higher than your heart. Move around e­very hour. Put on compression socks. These­ things will get your blood moving again and stop the swelling.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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How long does it take to recover from muscle atrophy?

The duration varies depending upon your severity of atrophy. Need to do regular and gradually progressive weight training exercises. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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why do the bottom of my feet hurt actually painful aftera work day

Male | 66

After a long day at work, the foot soles that suffer the most are an issue for many people. One of the reasons could be having to stand or walk for a long time, wearing uncomfortable shoes, or not having time to rest your feet. It can be like hurting or having a sore. Some of the ways that may offer relief are: soaking your feet in warm water, massaging them, or using supportive shoes might be the solutions. Not only will it make your feet feel better, but it will also help with the pain.

Answered on 1st July '24

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I had shoulder pain 2 weeks back and I met the ortho who asked me to get MRI done as i could barely move my arm. I have been diagnosed with tendinosis in shoulder. I'm on medication and started physio. I want to know how long will it take to heal. I'm in pain since last evening.

Female | 35

When your shoulder tendons have tendinosis it means they're damaged. Doing too much with your arms or just getting older can cause it. The time it takes to get better is different for everybody. As long as you take the medicine and do the physio that should help. Pain can come and go while you're getting better, so don't worry if it starts hurting again. Feel better!

Answered on 28th May '24

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Sir my mother is 70 year old . she cant walk. i want knee replacement of my mother. please give me best sugessaion for me.

Female | 70

Need to first see your mom clinically and take Standing Xrays to assess the stage of arthritis

Depending on the stage of arthritis, management will be planned

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi doctor. I had complete tear of ACL on September 2022 and underwent ACL reconstruction and lateral meniscus repair on October 2022 It was almost 6 months post op.. but i slightly neglected my rehabilitation and i used to do the exercises only once in a day when I used to meet my physiotherapist. Due to this i couldn't achieve complete extension and flexion. On one day my physiotherapist asked me lie down on my stomach and forceful ly pushed my knee to achieve beyond my comfort (i was able to achieve around 100 degree flexion ). From then i am having severe pain and i am unable to straighten my leg and also i am unable to stand straight. On consulting my surgeon.. without a much of physical examination he said it os just muscles spasm .. saying if any other complications were there my legs would have swollen.. since there was no swelling he concluded that it is spasm and adviced me to take Hifenac and take complete rest along with icing. The pain as subsidied alot but not completely. I am worried a lot..

Male | 20

Communicating your persistent symptoms to your healthcare team is important. In the meantime, stick to your rehabilitation plan, consider a second opinion if needed, and remain patient during your recovery as it can contribute to a better outcome for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father is diabetic and takes insulin every day. For the past few months, he has been unable to walk for more than a few minutes. He has no problem standing for long while traveling in buses or walking up and down stairs. He has no knee pain but feels cramps in his calf muscles whenever he starts walking for more than 2 minutes. Around 3 years ago, he also lost a lot of weight and has never gained it back. He is 5.7ft and weighs less than 50 kgs. Is an orthopedic the right specialist to visit for treatment? What could be the causes behind his symptoms and how can they be treated? Does he need physiotherapy?

Male | 57

Your dad's walking problems and le­g pains could signal restricted blood flow. This condition, periphe­ral artery disease, make­s walking hard. Your dad losing weight and unable to walk well is worrying. He­ may need a vascular doctor to check his le­g circulation and treat the issue. Physical the­rapy could help build leg strength and improve­ blood flow too.

Answered on 18th June '24

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My uric acid is 10.7 ....I have severe pain on my right feet

Male | 39

Your uric acid level of 10.7 is quite high and can cause severe pain, especially in the feet, which is often a sign of gout. It’s important to avoid foods high in purines like red meat and seafood and drink plenty of water. Visit a rheumatologist, who specializes in treating gout and joint-related conditions, for proper treatment and guidance.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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