Male | 22
هل يجب عليّ إزالة مسمار الأسلاك النحاسية في الفخذ؟
أقوم بعمل التسقيف. تعامل مع مسدسات المسامير باستخدام مسامير مثبتة معًا بواسطة سلك نحاسي صغير. عندما تطلق مسمارًا باستخدام مسدس المسامير الخاص بنا... دائمًا ما يكون بعض النحاس ملتصقًا بالمسمار (حوالي 3 مم) واليوم أطلقت النار على نفسي عن طريق الخطأ أعلى فخذي وعندما قمت بسحب المسمار، لم يأتي معه أي سلك. لقد تم الآن شفاء الجرح (لقد مرت حوالي 10 ساعات منذ إرسال هذا الاستفسار) إذن، ما مدى صعوبة إزالته بشكل احترافي؟ هل يمكنني التعامل معها هناك إلى الأبد؟ (الألم هو 0) هل يسممني مع مرور الوقت مثل الرصاص؟

جراحة العظام
Answered on 10th Sept '24
ربما لن تسبب قطعة النحاس الصغيرة المتبقية في فخذك أي مشاكل. بما أن الجرح مستقر ولا تشعرين بأي إزعاج، يمكنك تركه كما هو. النحاس ليس سامًا مثل الرصاص، لذلك لا داعي للقلق بشأن التسمم. فقط راقب أي احمرار أو تورم أو ألم حول المنطقة. إذا لاحظت أي شيء غير عادي، فمن الجيد استشارة أحدجراح العظام.
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)
What happens when your Achilles tendon snaps?
Male | 15
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 35 years old and I have knee pain as well as back pain since long time and I have had consulted many doctors but have not get relief yet.
Female | 35
you should visit an orthopedic specialist for your knee and back pain. For the moment, pain-relieving methods such as gentle exercises might bring some relief including stretching and hot/cold therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I feel pain near my groin area on my left. Sometimes, it's sharp. It started last week but one with pain during urination, but it stopped last week. Now I'm just experiencing a strain on my left groin area. How can I be assisted?
Male | 20
The pain you referred to before may have been due to an infection that caused the pain during urination. This may be a muscle strain or even a hernia. Getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, applying ice, and avoiding heavy work are things you can do to help yourself feel better. If the pain continues, you should see an orthopedist for a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 1st July '24
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Experiencing pain while sitting
Female | 35
You feel this kind of pain while sitting. This pain can be caused by different things. It can be due to a strained or tight muscle sometimes. Other times it could be from the spine or nerves having a problem. To ease the pain, try sitting with good posture, using pillows for support, and doing light stretches. If it persists, you should seek help from an orthopedist who may advise on what could serve as a relief.
Answered on 9th July '24
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Sir mere ghutno me Pani bhar gya h jiski vjh se sujan rhta h 1 sal se dwai bhi le rhi hu par thk nahi ho Raha aap please kuch esa btaiye jisse ye humesa k liye thk ho jaye
Female | 26
This condition is called knee effusion. Some Injury, arthritis, or other health issues often cause this. Take rest, elevate your legs, use ice packs, and do gentle exercises with a recommendation from a physiotherapist. Also, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding activities that worsen swelling is crucial in healing this condition. It is better to consult an orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Pain in buttock continuously, like irritation, sometime when I sit suddenly pain starts and also pain in poo.
Male | 19
You might be encountering something known as sciatica. The sciatic nerve becomes compressed and causes pain from your lower back down through your buttocks into one or both legs. Sometimes sitting for too long or sudden movements can trigger this. You can try doing some gentle stretches, not sitting down all day, and using heat packs on the area that hurts. If nothing changes after doing these things then it would be best to go see an orthopedic.
Answered on 11th June '24
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I am 18 years old and i am suffering from back pain headache at particular point anxiety problem in taking breathe
Female | 18
Back pain, headache, and anxiety may be the symptoms of some common issues. Sometimes stress and tension can make your body feel like this. Trouble with breathing could also be due to anxiety. Use deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and gentle stretches to your advantage. Besides these, it is also important to drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep. If the issues continue, talk to an orthopedist for more information.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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Muscle distop is genitck My genitck report is - Sir please help me
Male | 22
If your genetic report for muscular dystrophy is negative, its less likely that you have inherited the genetic mutations associated with the disorder. Not all genetic mutations are detected by genetic testing, and other factors like environmental and lifestyle can also contribute to muscle weakness or wasting. Consult an orthopedist for proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, Greetings. I had bike accident around 11 months ago. In that accident i had: -Head Injury. -Comminated Patella fractured. -Tibia Fractured. -Clavicle Bone Fractured. Around 45/50 days ago TBW & K-wire has been removed.. I have very limited ROM . So I would like to get expert advice as an second opinion to get back to the normal life again. Hope I will be connected ASAP. Thanks. Regards, Subhash Singh +977-9857058901 Butwal-Lumbini Province, Nepal.
Male | 33
I would advise you to consult with an orthopedic specialist or a physical therapist who can evaluate your current condition and provide you with a tailored treatment plan to regain your mobility and function.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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M ek Avn patient hu mare ko stem cell therapy krwani h both leg to kya avn cure ho sakta h kya or iska cost kitna hoga
Male | 33
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I feel a strong pain in my shoulder and it keeps cracking when I move it, and it is becoming harder and harder to use it.
Male | 15
The symptoms you've described, such as strong pain, cracking sounds, and limited movement in your shoulder, could be attributed to various causes like a frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement, arthritis, or other conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Iam sufferings from serious back pain l4 l5
Male | 45
For severe back pain over the counter pain medications can provide relief. Consult a orthopedic or physical therapist for exercises and stretches from well known hospitals is advisable. Maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes, such as weight management, can also be beneficial.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, its rinku and I have spine disk slip problem. Last 2 days m not able to move forward.
Male | 34
Please do Physiotherapy. Share your MRI report with Orthopedist. He will start with the medications after seeing your report.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Male | 23
Your median nerve is a principal nerve in your hand. When squeezed, it brings on carpal tunnel syndrome. That's a condition mostly occurring around the wrist area. Pain, numbness, or tingling in the hand and fingers are symptoms. Exercises and wrist splints can help ease it.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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I met a minor bike accident one year ago and the lower part of right older finger till now feels pain.The local doctor said that there is no breaking of bone .which doctor should I meet? I am now 48
Male | 48
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father has diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the right femoral head with joint capsulitis and moderate joint effusion and ischemic changes in the neck of the right femur
Male | 64
Avascular necrosis damages hip bone due to poor blood supply . Joint capsulitis causes inflammation of hip joint lining .. Moderate joint effusion is swelling of the joint. Ischemic changes in neck of femur are REDUCED blood flow. These conditions cause PAIN and limited movement. Treatment includes medication, stem cell therapy, physical therapy or surgery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I was having back pain since 1 year i visited orthopaedic i also did my MRI my reports were normal i completed the medication given by doctor.When i was on medication then i did not have pain and now the pain again has started once i was done with my medications. could it be nerve problem due to which i am facing pain?
Male | 27
Perhaps your backache is associated with nerve injury. I recommend that you see a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. They will perform further tests and establish what is causing your pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am dealing with pain, soreness, and stiffness in both my knees mostly in the inside portion after wearing orthotics for a week. I do not have swelling and I think I have full stability. Could I have caused structural damage? Or do I just need a few days of rest now that I removed the orthotics?
Male | 25
Orthotics can affect your knees. Pain, soreness, or stiffness inside your knees without swelling might indicate that orthotics are altering knee movement. It’s unlikely to cause structural damage, but giving your knees a rest can help. If pain persists, consult an orthopedist.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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Rheumatoid factor arthritis problem
Female | 25
Your immune system protects you, but sometimes it mistakes friend for foe. That's what happens in rheumatoid arthritis—immune cells attack your joints instead of defending them. Mornings can be stiff and painful as joints swell. Medications can ease the pain and slow joint damage, but staying active and eating well are just as important in managing this condition.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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SHE has paid in right hand knee , he suffer form 3 month ph no : 9064560550 mail id :
Female | 25
Knee pain can be happening due to some injury, overuse, arthritis, or other underlying conditions. It would be best for her to consult with an orthopedic specialist or a primary care physician who can evaluate her symptoms perform a physical examination, and potentially order tests to determine the cause of the pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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