Female | 39
Warum habe ich linksseitige Rückenschmerzen und Herzschmerzen?
Hallo, ich bin eine 39-jährige Frau und leide seit sechs Monaten unter Rückenschmerzen auf der linken Seite: unter den Rippen, gefolgt von Herzschmerzen und Atemnot. Ich habe Schmerzmittel und Paracetamol verwendet, aber es nützt derzeit nichts. Könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, was der Grund dafür sein könnte und wie man es behandelt?

Orthopädische Chirurgie
Answered on 31st Aug '24
Sie leiden unter Schmerzen im linken Rücken, Herzschmerz und Kurzatmigkeit, die herausfordernde Symptome sind. Die Ursache hierfür könnte ein Problem mit Ihrem Herzen oder Ihrer Lunge sein. Es ist wichtig, einen zu konsultierenOrthopädeso schnell wie möglich, um die richtige Diagnose und Behandlung zu erhalten.
3 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1042)
What is r22.43 known as Localized swelling, mass and lump, lower limb, bilateral
Female | 32
R22.43 means you have swelling, mass, or lump in your lower limbs on both sides which may cause your legs to feel heavy or achy. This could be because of prolonged sitting or standing, immobility, and after a minor injury.
Answered on 10th July '24
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There's been swelling in my legs after the treatment; what should I do about it?
Female | 60
If you notice any swelling in your legs after treatment, you must do so. Swelling can occur due to fluid build-up or blood flow changes. In some instances, medications may also be the culprits. While sitting, be sure to elevate your legs and avoid standing for too long. Going around can also aid. Should the swelling continue or the worsening of it be the case, be sure to inform an orthopedist immediately.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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I am having issues with my right knee. My current doctor always suggests cortisol shots, but I refuse them because they don't work for me. I am very active, but my right knee slows me down. I'm looking for a new doctor and considering a knee replacement, preferably with 3-D printing technology. My name is Martin Castro.
Male | 66
It sounds like your current treatment isn't working for you, and it's important to find a solution. You should consider consulting an orthopedic specialist who can offer alternative treatments, including advanced options like 3-D printed knee replacements. They can provide a personalized plan to help you stay active and manage your knee pain effectively.
Answered on 18th June '24
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Suffering from knee pain . need to orthopedic
Female | 60
Answered on 23rd May '24
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knees pain of legs last of 1 year
Female | 43
A whole year with pain in your knees must've been tough. Many factors could cause this issue - injury, overuse, or even arthritis. You might experience swelling, stiffness, trouble moving your knees. Try resting, icing the area, gentle exercises, and pain medication for relief. But don't hesitate to consult an orthopedist if the discomfort persists, as they can provide professional guidance tailored to your specific situation.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have been having this problem for a while, its pain in my index finger when I make high pressure against something like when I punch a pad for my boxing like all the time when I make a fist or punch my index finger hurts and clicks/pops and it hurts and when I make a tight fist it hurts for both index fingers on each hand any advice or help thanks
Male | 16
These symptoms could potentially be related to a condition called trigger finger. It occurs when the tendons in the finger become inflamed or irritated and it leads to difficulty in finger movement and causes the clicking or popping sensation. Consult with a hand specialist or orthopedic doctor. You can try some self-care measures to alleviate symptoms. Apply ice packs or do gentle finger exercises.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had acl surgery 2 months ago , i started my rehab 1 month and 15 days a go , i relased that there is some lachman in my knee is it because my muscles are weak or because a failed surgery ?
Male | 23
I suggest that you see your orthopedic surgeon right away. Lachman is the presence of a failed surgery or weak muscles. Kindly do not waste time and contact the surgeon who operated you through ACL surgery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 23 year old female having quadricep tendinitis from 3 months in both legs now my pain is moving knee to thighs and having extreme pain
Female | 23
You might be having a rough time with your quadricep tendinitis. The symptoms you're going through, like pain moving from your knees to your thighs, can be a challenge. This kind of injury can be caused by overusing your legs or not warming up properly before exercise. To help with this, try doing some gentle stretches and avoiding activities that worsen the pain. As well, applying ice packs and elevating your legs can provide some relief.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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I have an ingrown toenail on the big toes of my left and right leg, and two on the small toes of the left leg. Four in total. I have three questions regarding the same: 1) Will all four toes be operated on the same day? 2) Will it be done under General Anaesthesia? 3) Can I resume a Work from Home job two days after the surgery?I appreciate your time and response. Thank you.
Male | 24
Each toe should be taken care of in separate appointments to prevent complications. The surgery is usually performed with local anesthesia and not general anesthesia. Depending on your pain and comfort levels, you can go back to working from home after 48 hours. Make sure that you follow your doctor's aftercare instructions for a quick recovery.
Answered on 10th June '24
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Dr, In 2014 I had a scooty accident and broke my left hand bone just above my elbow,at that time from the nearest hospital I had the surgery and got treated with metal plates supporting the bone and from then on I couldn't move my hand freely through the elbow. So, now can I here take out metal plate and treat my left hand bone with your help. Hope to get an answer. Thankyou!
Female | 42
If you have metal plates supporting your left hand bone just above your elbow due to a past accident, removing them should be considered carefully. Whether they can be removed depends on factors like how well your bone has healed and your range of motion. Pls consult your orthopedic surgeon if required.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a sprain in my finger for 2 weeks
Male | 23
Your finger has been sprained. This happens when the ligaments (bands connecting bones) stretch or tear. It leads to pain, swelling, and trouble moving your finger. To aid recovery, rest your finger. Ice it. Wrap it with a bandage. Keep it elevated. Don't move it excessively until the discomfort subsides.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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Lower back pain.Fenak plus taken.Pl suggest some pain killer as Fenak plus is strong
Male | 67
Tab. Fenak Plus is an anti-inflammatory medication that you have taken for your back pain. Lower back pain can be of two types mechanical (activity-related / mechanical pain) or an inflammatory low back pain seen in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Painkiller tablets will help in both, but what’s important to differentiate is the type of back pain present, which can be done on evaluation of the patients based on their history and physical examination. I would recommend you to visit an Orthopedic doctor near you
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello , its Sercan from turkey istanbul ,at april i will be move to New Delhi for work and live and i wanna ask that how much does it cost ?limb lengthening surgeries ?i wanna get surgery in 10 months
Erkek | 34
Answered on 3rd July '24
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I am 18 years old male and trigger finger problem for last 2 days and 10 hours in totally 58 hours, can please help me
Male | 18
When you have trigger finger, a tendon in your finger becomes inflamed, making it difficult to move your finger smoothly. Symptoms include finger stiffness, clicking, or locking in place. This condition can result from repetitive gripping motions or other medical conditions.
To help alleviate symptoms:
- Relax your finger.
- Perform gentle exercises.
- Apply warm compresses.
These techniques can help manage the condition, but if symptoms persist, consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment options.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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I have a pain in both legs and in backache after accident
Male | 42
You are suffering from pain in your legs as well as in your back as a result of some accident. Such pain may be the consequence of the muscles or ligaments getting hurt. This is when your body is suddenly pushed in a direction it is not used to. You can try resting, using ice packs, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers to help. If the pain persists it is recommended to visit an orthopedist.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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Hello Sir, My name is prithvi, I have a knee pain past so many months, know it I very much painful and I am getting back pai also, from morning I could not able to bend my leg properly, and I have a little bit of back pain also , pls suggest me what to do
Male | 20
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Regarding some medicine .... I m having osteoarthritis
Female | 49
Osteoarthritis is a condition that can cause pain and stiffness in your joints. The tissues that cushion your joints wear away, leading to this problem. Sometimes it may be due to old age, an injury, or obesity. You can do low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming to relieve the pain. Alternatively, apply ice packs or use heating pads on the affected area. Furthermore, purchasing footwear with proper arch support may also alleviate discomfort.
Answered on 27th May '24
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Hello my name is Katie Spencer and I have inflammation in my leg and I have changed my eating habits and I exercise at work and take fish oil and everything was getting better, but now my leg is so stiff when I walk. What could the problem?
Female | 35
Leg stiffness when walking despite improved eating habits, and exercise, could be due to worsened inflammation, muscle tightness, nerve irritation, or joint problems. I would advice you to consult with a orthopedic professional for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment for you..
Answered on 23rd May '24
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