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Male | 18

Könnte ich eine dissoziative Identitätsstörung (DID) haben?

Ich habe mich gefragt, ob ich vielleicht etwas wie DIS habe, da ich einige Symptome verspüre. 1: Ich habe von Zeit zu Zeit akustische Halluzinationen, als ob Leute reden oder meinen Namen flüstern. 2: An den Großteil meiner Kindheit kann ich mich überhaupt nicht erinnern. 3: Ich rede auch viel mit mir selbst, als wäre ich ein anderer Mensch. 4: Ich habe manchmal visuelle Halluzinationen, wie Schatten im Augenwinkel 5: Manchmal fällt es mir auch schwer, mich zu konzentrieren 6: Manchmal sehr impulsiv 7: Ich träume auch viel und meistens mehr als 30 Minuten Meine Schwester und ich wurden von 2016 bis 2022 beschimpft. Im Jahr 2022 hörte es auf, weil ich darauf hingewiesen habe. Meine „Alter“ sind nicht so kompliziert, sie sind eigentlich nur verschiedene Aspekte von mir. Meistens jedoch bis zum Äußersten. So wie ich bin, aber wütend, traurig usw. Einmal hatte ich eine Art dissoziative Fuge, als ich im Bus irgendwie in Ohnmacht fiel und im Bus, aber an einem anderen Punkt auf der Straße, zu mir kam, und ich hatte keine Erinnerung an das, was passiert war.

1 Answer
Vikas Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

Aufgrund der Symptome könnte es sich bei Ihrem Problem um eine Dissoziative Identitätsstörung (DID) handeln. Die Konsultation eines erfahrenen Psychiaters oder klinischen Psychologen, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der DIS, ist für die Diagnose und Planung einer personalisierten Behandlung von entscheidender Bedeutung. 

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)

mental health , depression , anti depressants

Female | 43

Depression is a mental health problem that can deeply affect a person and their life. Seeing a qualified therapist who is either a psychiatrist is essential. They are in a position to make a comprehensive assessment and to outline appropriate treatment approaches, including the prescribing of antidepressant drugs where necessary

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Cold sweats,cold feet ,heart ache ,fear of death,nausea,cough

Female | 22

The situation you describe may indicate that you are suffering from a panic attack. Cold sweats, cold feet, chest pain, fear of dying, nausea, and coughing can be the accompanying symptoms. Panic attacks may result from stress, anxiety, or even a medical condition. Among the ways of handling a panic attack are deep breathing, concentrating on relaxing thoughts, and talking to a trustworthy person. 

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

How to get gender identity disorder letter

Female | 21

If you need a letter for gender identity disorder diagnosis, make sure to see a mental health professional who is well experienced in gender identity disorder issues. It could be a psychologist, psychiatrist, or any licensed therapist. It is recommended that this matter should be discussed with qualified person, who can support you properly and guide you throughout this process. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I am 36 years old, doing night shift work tobearn money from last few years,pure veg,no egg ,no fish non drinker non smoker, unable to sleep properly and some time anxiety occurs.

Male | 36

This might be that the night shifts have disturbed your body's internal clock, which can lead to sleeplessness. The lack of sleep can also be a contributing factor to anxiety. Try to make a sleep schedule and stick to it, avoid caffeine and screens before bed, and relax your mind with deep breathing or gentle music before going to sleep.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I am 12 years old and i took valerian to sleep and ive been feeling anxious drowsy and been having insomnia ive lost my appetite too please tell me a way how to fix it at home

Male | 12

The use of valerian can lead to side effects such as anxiety, drowsiness, and insomnia. Also, a loss of appetite is a usual issue. To make it easier, drink a lot of water, eat light meals, and engage in calm activities like walking. Being careful not to take any more valerian is important. You will feel better shortly if you rest and take care of yourself. 

Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I am facing general depression issues , due to my stressed lifestyle at the moment. Do I need to speak with a psychiatrist?

Female | 50

One should consult a psychiatrist or counsellor for proper diagnosis and further treatment, i.e. you have depression or bipolar disorder, as treatment and outcome is different for both disorders, however let the psychiatrist decide what medications to take as per you r psychological condition, and have never personally used glutathione in bipolar. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ketan Parmar

Dr. Ketan Parmar

I have time phobia.Sir I cannot study

Male | 17

The fear or anxiety related to time or the passage of time can make it challenging to focus on studying and other tasks. To cope up., break your study sessions into smaller, clear goals, set a regular study schedule, and use time management techniques. Practice relaxation and limit distractions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Hi, I am 26 years old and struggled my whole life with anxiety and stammering. I usually don't stammer when I am not nervous or when I am in position of power. Help me reduce my anxiety please.

Male | 26

you can be helped through hypnotherapy and CBT.Reach me by

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

I also do not want to talk anyone which effect my relationships

Female | 24

You sound depressed. Stress can spin up in many ways which include but are not limited to headaches, insomnia, or upset stomach. A potential cause of this health hazard could also be the compulsion of life or extreme pressure at school. Get relaxed by trying different relaxation techniques such as calming, breathing, going around your building, and hanging out with a friend. Unessential as it may seem, these facts with such relevance as eating good food, doing exercise, and sleeping enough are also quite important.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Can I take my xanax and drink orange juice?

Female | 71

To get the Xanax to work effectively, don't take it with orange juice. Xanax is in a class of medications called benzodiazepines. Mixing it with orange juice makes your body absorb Xanax less well because the juice's acidity interferes with this process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Will do treat sizoprenia patients...???

Female | 20

DOCTORS prescribe antipsychotic medications for SCHIZOPHRENIA treatment... Treatment includes medication, therapy, and support... some medications help alleviate symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions... Treatment is ongoing and personalized... It's vital to follow the treatment plan and attend every appointments...pLease remeber any of the session missing can be harmful for the success of the treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I wanted to know that what is amphetamine and methamphetamine

Female | 21

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are powerful stimulants that can produce feelings of alertness and increased energy. They may manifest as such signs as rapid pulse, sweating, and nervousness. These substances are usually manufactured illegally and can be highly habit-forming. If an individual is on either amphetamine or methamphetamine, it is crucial for them to consult with a healthcare provider on how to quit using the drugs safely.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I can't sleep I have tachycardia anxiety. Haven't slept for 2 days. I have lorazepam here how much should I take, I have never took anything like that.

Male | 35

The first thing to do is to make an appointment with your family doctor or a specialist to discuss your tachycardia anxiety. Lorazepam self-medication is not advised, and this is especially for those who have never used this drug. Taking the wrong dosage might lead to negative effects and it could also lead to other health problems. For this condition, you will need to consult a professional for a competent diagnosis and the most useful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

i want to know if i'm actually depressed or something else . i feel anxious all the time . i hyperventilate and my lips start shaking. i am not able to reply anyone in an argument and my lips just seal shut. i cant sleep at night but feel fatigues all through the day . many things are going on and i just feel lost

Female | 16

I suggest making an appointment with either a psychiatrist that specializes in anxiety and mood disorders. They can assist you in the creation of a plan to control symptoms and maintain positive mental health.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

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Are panic attack after eating more common in individuals with a history of eating disorders?

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