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Dr. Sunny   Dole undefined

Dr. Sunny Dole

Orthopaedic Surgery

26 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Sunny Dole

Questions Answered By Dr. Sunny Dole

Asked for Male, 83 Years

Extreme back pain all along the spine. Difficulty in walking.

Answered on 23rd May '24

get an x-ray done. and share.
Asked for Female, 70 Years

My mother has femur neck fracture, so plz tel me further advice and treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hemiarthroplasty or THR. Depending on acetabular involvement.
Asked for Male, 28 Years

I was suffering from lower back pain. X-ray report says Osteoporosis with visualized endplate sclerosis. Please suggest.

Answered on 23rd May '24

As per your profile you are 28. the cause of osteoporosis should be evaluated. And osteoporosis should be confirmed with dexa scan. also few relevant blood investigations like PTH. about sclerosis at end plate, start medications and physiotherapy as advised by your Orthopaedic Surgeon. get yourself evaluated.
Asked for Male, 23 Years

My brother is 23 years old and he suffered from covid before 9 months and he had pain in hip joint and legs so we did mri and the reports said AVN in hip joint 2-3 stage so they suggested surgery to drill in bone to start the blood flow as before . I want to know the percentage of success and how operation will take place

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your Brother is young in early 20s.  Core decompression can be done in stage 2. chances of success depending on involvement of Femoral head and collapse. but I would suggest go ahead with core decompression. 
Asked for Male, 44 Years

Can foot drop be treated without undergoing surgery?

Answered on 23rd May '24

most importantly one would like to know cause of foot drop. examination of your limb. there are supportive orthosis which can help you but can not be advised without knowing detail history, cause and examination. hope this helps.
Asked for Male, 26 Years

Both legs Foot drop problem since 2 years. I am very upset for this. So please tell me can you treat this? Please let me know.

Answered on 23rd May '24

What was the cause of foot drop? As it is 2 years mentioned by you, tendon transfer seems like plausible treatment. But clinical examination is must. Please visit Orthopaedic Surgeon near you.
Asked for Male, 21 Years

Dear Sir, My Brother name is Abu Bakar Siddique. His Left side hip is affected from many years (about 10) and he can not walk well. I want to treatment of it. I don't know what is the best solution of it. Please reply me at my email address: if possible. Thanks Tania Parvin from Bangladesh

Answered on 23rd May '24

It will more information to comment about further treatment. 
Asked for Female, 26 Years

I am suffering with lower back pain with disc bulge at l5-s1 level..every doctor is suggesti g for surgery. But i am confused with different procedures microdiscectomy endoscopic with matrex, key hole . In confusion with all these procedures . Plz guide me with the details of all these kinds and which one is best for me

Answered on 23rd May '24

trust the surgeon and go ahead. outcome will be good with any mentioned procedure.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Sir I have scoliosis for past 7years is scoliosis surgery safe to do it

Answered on 23rd May '24

depending on degree of curvature, yes it should be done to avoid future problems as you seem young to me

Asked for Female, 21 Years

I am having neck pain for 1 year 6 months now...i did every scans i did MRI , CT and even XRay found nothing....I did physiotherapy and even excercise for 3 months .... But still there is pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

ok. looks like there could be more to it. can you post your xray photo and MRI report photo.
Asked for Female, 62 Years

Hello sir, my mother is having severe knee joint pain. She can't walk properly, cant stand for long time. In x ray there is gap between bones. In bhopal mp dr told for surgery. Should I go for it Or it may cure by non surgical procedure

Answered on 23rd May '24

from scenario you mentioned it looks like your mother has osteoarthritis of knee and has been advised knee replacement.

difficult to comment without xray and patient.
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