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Male | 29

What plant-based foods fulfill B12, iron needs as a vegan?

As a vegan, I'm concerned about getting enough vitamins and minerals, especially B12 and iron. What plant-based foods should I include in my diet to meet these needs?

Answered on 17th July '24

Are you considering becoming vegan? If so, it's important to ensure you're getting enough vitamin B12. Some plant-based sources of B12 include fortified cereals, nutritional yeast, and plant-based milk. To enhance your diet, include beans, lentils, tofu, spinach, and quinoa.

Remember, it's crucial to be mindful of your nutritional intake to maintain a healthy vegan diet.

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Questions & Answers on "Diet and Nutrition" (125)

Please give tips for hair care and diet after recovering from COVID.whst to eat for healthy hair growth?

Female | 45

After re­covering from COVID, it's vital to care for your overall he­alth - including your hair. Some individuals may face hair loss or changes in te­xture post-illness. To nurture he­althy growth, consume a nutrient-rich diet. Incorporate­ vitamins A, C, D, E, and minerals like zinc, iron. Foods like e­ggs, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, veggie­s promote growth, strength. Stay hydrated too; drink wate­r. Manage stress through relaxation, mild e­xercise. When you nourish yourse­lf, your hair will shine.

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hi! I have started taking a vitamin C/Zinc immune supplement for the winter. It has 270 mg of vitamin C, and 15 mg of zinc. I am also taking biotin. Does this interfere with Nexplanon?

Female | 37

The conceivable side effects of the implant include lessened bleeding, mood swings, or headaches, but those are not most often vitamins or nutritional supplements. Biotin intake, too, would not influence Nexplanon in all likelihood. Nevertheless, reactions may be different in different people. Should you have any specific concerns or feel some symptoms that are not common, it is better to see your healthcare professional. 

Answered on 31st Dec '24

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Tsh value -27.5 mg and Sugar leval 449 . Need diet plan and foods to regulate.

Female | 55

Your TSH leve­l is high at 27.5 mg. Sugar level's also ele­vated - 449. These numbe­rs suggest thyroid issues might exist. Uncontrolle­d blood sugar too. High TSH causes fatigue, and weight gain. Ele­vated sugars lead to exce­ssive thirst and frequent urination. Die­t changes can help regulate­ both conditions. Focus on veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Limit sugary foods and drinks. Wate­r, herbal teas are be­tter options. Regular physical activity aids manageme­nt too. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hi, I'm a 50-year-old female going through menopause and have gained weight. What dietary changes can I make to manage my weight and alleviate menopause symptoms?

Female | 50

It is not uncommon to gain some weight during menopause due to hormonal changes. To promote weight loss and lessen your symptoms, introduce a balanced diet. Incorporate as many fruits, greens, whole grains, and lean proteins as possible into your diet. And don't forget to refrain from drinking sugary drinks and eating foods high in saturated fats. In addition, water helps keep your body hydrated and exercise is a normal part of every day. This, in turn, can also contribute to keeping a healthy weight and stopping menopause symptoms.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I'm 21 year old & I have 76 kg weight . I want to burn all the fat of water fast is good idea ? & Give your suggestions & tips for diet.

Male | 21

Wanting to improve­ health by reducing fat is great. Wate­r fasting, where only water is consume­d and food is avoided, can be unsafe, particularly for e­xtended periods. This could le­ad to exhaustion, dizziness, and other he­alth concerns. A balanced approach with fruits, veggie­s, whole grains, and lean proteins is wise­r. Regular exercise­ like walking or swimming also helps. This enable­s healthy fat loss.

Answered on 8th July '24

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I've been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). What dietary strategies can help manage my symptoms and support my overall health?

Female | 28

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome also known as PCOS is a condition that is characterized by irregular periods, acne, and weight gain. The collective of wrongfully harmonized hormone levels that cause many health problems like diabetes or heart disease is the reason for it. Proper nutritional patterns which include the food groups of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats can serve as an effective way by which a person can keep the symptoms of this problem under control. Eliminating sugar can be effective in preventing the affliction and speeding up the process of treating the condition. However, regular physical exercises are crucial in the process of PCOS and they also play the main role in maintaining the health of your body. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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I am underweight and have low iron i wanna improve it as due to it i frequently get sick easily like 2 or 3 in month I did reports for iron and hemoglobin Iron level is 74.4 and hemoglobin is 10.7 ( it droped it was nearly 14 ) And for my weight I am 38.60 and height is 5'2 feet

Female | 16

It's concerning to hear about your low iron levels and weight. Symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and frequent illness often arise from these issues. Causes may include inadequate nutrition, absorption problems, or underlying health conditions. To improve your situation, focus on a balanced diet rich in iron sources like lean meats, beans, and leafy greens, along with vitamin C for better absorption. Consider eating more calorie-dense foods to support weight gain. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and possible iron supplements. They can help create a tailored plan to enhance your health effectively.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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My 70-year-old mother has osteoporosis. What dietary changes can she make to improve her bone health and prevent further bone loss?

Female | 70

To help your mom's osteoporosis, eat foods with calcium and Vitamin D, such as milk products, leafy vegetables, and fish. The consumption of such nutrients strengthens bones. Steer clear of caffeinated drinks and alcoholic drinks, as they will harm your bones. Consistent exercise, for example, walking and lifting light weights, can keep a good level of bone health. A healthy diet and sufficient activity are not possible without which our bones will be much weaker.

Answered on 17th July '24

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Hi, I struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome. Are there any specific dietary adjustments or supplements that might help improve my energy levels?

Male | 35

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that causes severe tiredness that lasts for a long time. It is characterized by unexplained weakness. In addition, a healthy eating plan comprising a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains could be the perfect strategy to cope with it. Alternatively, you can try supplements like Vitamin D or Vitamin B12 is a source of good energy. To maintain optimal functioning of the body, also drink enough water and get enough sleep. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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Hi good day. I would to ask if aspartame is really safe? Thank you

Female | 25

Aspartame is a sweetener used in foods and drinks. It is safe for people ten. Some may have mild symptoms from aspartame like headaches or digestive issues. If you have these and think they are from aspartame try to avoid it to see if you feel better. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Diet plan for kidney stone patient

Male | 55

Kidney stones are very sharp and inflict on the back and belly, causing nausea and even containing bloody pee. You should drink plenty of water, reduce the intake of salty and sugary foods, and incorporate a good amount of fruits and vegetables into your diet to avoid the formation of kidney stones. Avoid consuming foods which are rich in oxalates, for example, spinach and nuts as they might lead to complications with your stones.

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hi, I've been experiencing frequent headaches and someone suggested it might be related to my diet. Are there certain foods that could be triggering my headaches?

Female | 27

There is no doubt that the food can be the trigger of headaches. Some usual suspects are processed meats, aged cheeses, beer, and foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG). These substances may have adverse effects on the blood vessels in the brain, which eventually lead to headaches. If you start to experience a headache you can add it to the diary. Once you identify a particular food item, you might want to eliminate it from your diet to see if the headaches get better.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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My 8-year-old son is a very picky eater and refuses to eat vegetables. How can I ensure he's getting all the necessary nutrients?

Female | 36

Frequently, kids are selective eaters, but they need to satisfy the proper nutrition to grow up healthy and strong. If your son avoids vegetables, you can attempt to mix them with his favorite meals such as smoothies or pasta sauce. The choice of some fruits, grains, and various types of proteins like meat, eggs, and beans as opposed to only one product will be given to kids. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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I need gestational diebetic diet plan...

Female | 31

Gestational diabe­tes occurs when your body struggles to proce­ss sugar during pregnancy. You might feel unusually thirsty, e­xhausted, or need fre­quent bathroom breaks. These­ signs happen because your ce­lls can't use sugar efficiently. Eating nutritious foods like­ vegetables, fruits, whole­ grains, and lean proteins helps re­gulate blood glucose leve­ls. Additionally, routinely monitoring your blood sugar provides valuable data for manage­ment.

Answered on 8th July '24

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